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Increasing interaction between students for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) and Local students (LS) Ongoing Research in the English Language classroom . Candy Gray Department of Education and Children’s Services South Australia Esleducators Professional Development
Increasing interaction between students for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) and Local students (LS)Ongoing Research in the English Language classroom. Candy Gray Department of Education and Children’s Services South Australia Esleducators Professional Development Adelaide, South Australia June 3rd 2010
What are we doing here? • Purpose = looking at how to increase participation by EAL students (in my case international EAL students (IS)) • Role = colleagues, sharing knowledge and expertise [!!!] • Connection = educators motivated to improve learning outcomes of EAL students • Key concepts of the session= EAL students, local students, interpersonal interaction
familiarisation with key concepts and terms connection with other participants clarificationof purpose performance in roles
Showing incorporation of academic influences familiarisation with key concepts and terms (Inclusive activities) connection with other participants (Community of Practice; Pedagogy of Connection) clarificationof purpose (Illustration of need; building on prior knowledge) performance in roles (Language as a social semiotic; knowledge creation; social practices; ZPD; scaffolding)
Context • Male and female students • Average age 15 years • 10 International students (IS) from ESL class from 7 different countries • 10 Local students from mainstream English class (selected because classes on same line on school timetable)
Preparation for interaction [small group problem solving] • Familiarise key terms and concepts • Connect with other participants (1) :IS–IS • Clarify purpose (1): IS • Perform in role (1): IS • Connect with other participants (2): IS–LS • Clarify purpose (2): IS + LS • Perform in role (2): IS + LS
Familiarisation with key terms and conceptsTopic for research = Interaction between international students (IS) and local students (LS). Research: [small group brainstorm and discuss definition –recorder, facilitator, checker; Research skills handout students highlight known vocabulary (all terms to be dealt with as they arise); paragraphing activity on text of a research method] Interaction: [concept map on where students speak English and with whom] Students (LS and IS): [defined and ‘issues’ dealt with; quiz on numbers of language groups in school population; lists given post-quiz for analysis of numbers in different language groups; results of same quiz done by LS provided post-quiz for analysis]
IS IS Connection with other participants (1) • class work in pairs and groups over one or two terms (this particular group) • pair/re-pair shouting activity to find voice (names, subjects, teachers, + spelling of) • find points in common (pairs competitive groups) • selection of partner for particular research focus related to interest in the focus
Clarification of purpose (1)[elicited from / co-built with the EAL students] • to identify an issue from the topic • to formulate a research question • ultimately, to discuss possible answers to the question with local students (in small groups) with all students acting as ‘experts’
Performance in Role (1): Researcher Secondary source data: • Internet search for statistics on numbers of IS in South Australia • Internet search for existence of interaction between IS and LS Primary source data: • brainstorm survey questions • conduct survey, collate responses, draw graphs of results, discuss graphs; identify a Research Question • brainstorm evidence of interaction from own experience • categorise the evidence • transfer categories of evidence to different sheets for small groups of LS and IS to work together on implementation of ideas from one chosen category
IS LS Connection with other participants (2) • IS + LS quiz results shared (all as ignorant as each other of school statistics) • IS survey LS • find points in common (pairs group game) • selection of category of interest by individuals • student group according to chosen category (one IS + two LS) and exchange of names
Clarification of purpose (2) • aim to collect data to help answer the Research Question • operate as a collaborative group with a facilitator, a recorder, a spell and grammar checker
Performance in Role (2): collaborative experts (IS + LS) • read the evidence for the chosen category and add more ideas • brainstorm how to implement the ideas • discuss implementation ideas • list the best ideas according to your group decision • evaluate the interaction activity
Results: • High quality content • High level of participation • Effect on teacher (me)
Do you think communication with ESL international students is made easier if you experience organised classroom interaction? LS 100% definitely yes
Do you think you have a more positive attitude towards students from a different cultural background than yourself in general because of this kind of classroom interaction? LS 100% definitely yes
Conclusion: • Thorough preparation meant the interaction could be 2-way. • The nature of the task meant there was no predetermined answer and no expectation of a dominant cultural view. • The task and roles were real. • The small group discussion allowed for scaffolding from “more capable peers” in how to contribute but not what to contribute, made possible by students feeling connected.
Conclusion continued: A valuable experience for all students due to their participation in an authentic interactive activity A valuable experience for LS due to their participation in interaction with IS and their expressed improvement of attitude IS are presented with a view of a future in which they can be equal participants in classroom talk In activities of the types described both IS and LS are presented with a view of a future in which they can play a part in knowledge creation
Recommendations • authentic interactive practices of high-school subjects need to be identified by subject and EAL teachers in collaboration and used as mainstream class activities • thorough (inclusive) preparation pre-activity is essential • true internationalisation of curricula would support the described method [or vice versa]
My Paper can be found online: http://www.tesol.org.au/files/files/89_Gray.pdfThe conference website can be found @www.tesol.org.au/conference/ APPENDICES on this ppt: Task for PD session 2. Reference List 3. Comments by participating students
Choose one of the three scenario tasks:Task: Investigative analysis of _________ in the subject _________.Task: Write an exposition/argument for __________________.Task: Understanding assessment criteria / performance standards for a given task. PD Group activity: Choose one of the scenario tasks above and imagine you are engaged in teaching it. With your group suggest some relevant interpersonal activities that would involve interaction with native speakers in your context. In dot points, explain how these activities will increase student understanding of the task terminology, purpose and / or requirements and the necessary preparation for these to succeed.
Reference List Cadman, K. (2008) From Correcting to Connecting: A personal story of changing priorities in teaching English as an Additional Language in TESOL in Context Vol. 17 No.2 February Derewianka, B. (1990) Rocks in the Head: Children and the language of Geology in Carter, R. Knowledge about Language and the Curriculum Hodder and Stoughton UK Doria, C. (2005) The Truth about being an International Student Globally United Melbourne Douglas, A. (2000) Learning as Participation in Social Practices: interpreting student perspectives on learning in Changing English, Vol. 7, No. 2: 153-165 Hammond, J. (ed.) (2001) Scaffolding – teaching and learning in language and literacy education PETA NSW Kalantzis, M. and Cope, B. (eds.) (1993) The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing The Falmer Press UK
Reference List continued Lave, J.(1991) Situating Learning in Communities of Practice in Resnick et al (eds) Perspectives on Socially Shared Cognition Mickan, P., Petrescu, I & Timoney, J. (eds)(2006) Social Practices, pedagogy and language use: studies in socialisation Lythrum Press Adelaide Rogoff, B. (1994) Developing Understanding of the Idea of Communities of Learners in Mind, Culture, and Activity Vol.1, No. 4 Fall pp 209-229 Sit, M., Mickan, P., Gray, C. (2005) Building Academic Discourse Skills in Chat Rooms in Poedjosoedarmo, G. (Ed) Innovative Approaches to Reading and Writing Instruction Anthology Series 46 SEAMEO Regional Language Centre RELC Singapore Takeda, K (2005) Report on Interaction between Local and International Students Adelaide University Overseas Students’ Association Teramoto, H. (forthcoming) Exploring new arrival-ness: How new arrivals are turned into “New Arrivals”. A Doctoral Thesis manuscript. The Advertiser (2008) The 2020 Summit. Monday April 21st page 4 Wenger, E. (n.d.) www.ewenger.com/theory/communities_of_practice_intro.htm accessed on 28th April 2006
Comments on interaction by IS (Year 10ESL on collaborative task with Year 10English) re “Did you enjoy it?”: “.. it was fun time for everybody I think” .. “..we can practise our English .. can know a lot of culture ..” .. “ I like spoke (sic) to the local students. They are fun.” .. “I like this activity. It can make more and more friends.” .. “I want to talk with them again.” .. “I was pleased to have such an opportunity to communicate with a local student. It’s good for the growth of your English.” .. “we can practise our English and improve it.”
Comments on interaction by LS (Year 8 audience to 11ESL presentations): “.. a lot of fun .. enjoyed it a lot” .. “.. felt extremely comfortable ..” .. “I enjoyed the facts and felt like I extended my information of [ ] ..” .. “nice to know a bit about there (sic) culture ..” .. “.. we didn’t have to do any work ..” .. “.. I would like to learn more about there (sic) culture ..” .. “.. I’d like to learn more ..” .. “.. get to know more people ..” ..