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Learn the basics of Microsoft Excel 2010 and how to use it as a powerful spreadsheet program for managing data, making calculations, and creating presentations.
Introduction To ComputingBBA & MBA Lecture 161718 Introduction To MS Excel Course Lecturer: Farhan Mir
What is a Spreadsheet? A program that allows you to use data to forecast, manage, predict, and present information.
Spreadsheet Uses School: Student grades, payroll Sports: individual and team statistics Personal: checkbook, household expenses Business: payroll, investments
Introduction to Spreadsheets • Microsoft Excel 2010 is the spreadsheet program in Microsoft Office 2010. • A spreadsheet is a grid of rows and columns in which you enter text, numbers, and the results of calculations. • In Excel, a computerized spreadsheet is called a worksheet. The file used to store worksheets is called a workbook. 4 4
Starting Excel • You start Excel from the Start menu in Windows. Click the Start button, click All Programs, click Microsoft Office, and then click Microsoft Excel 2010. • The Excel program window has the same basic parts as all Office programs: the title bar, the Quick Access Toolbar, the Ribbon, Backstage view, and the status bar. 5 5
Starting Excel (continued) • Excel program window
Each workbook contains three worksheets by default. The worksheet displayed in the work area is the active worksheet. Columns appear vertically and are identified by letters. Rows appear horizontally and are identified by numbers. A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. Each cell is identified by a unique cell reference. Exploring the Parts of the Workbook 7 7
The cell in the worksheet in which you can type data is called the active cell. The Name Box, or cell reference area, displays the cell reference of the active cell. The Formula Bar displays a formula when a worksheet cell contains a calculated value. A formula is an equation that calculates a new value from values currently in a worksheet. Exploring the Parts of the Workbook (continued) 8 8
Opening a workbook means loading an existing workbook file from a drive into the program window. To open an existing workbook, you click the File tab on the Ribbon to display Backstage view, and then click Open in the navigation bar. The Open dialog box appears. Opening an Existing Workbook 10 10
Opening an Existing Workbook (continued) • Frogs workbook open in Excel
Saving a Workbook • The Save command saves an existing workbook, using its current name and save location. • The Save As command lets you save a workbook with a new name or to a new location. 12 12
Moving the Active Cell in a Worksheet • The easiest way to change the active cell in a worksheet is to move the pointer to the cell you want to make active and click. • You can also move the active cell to different parts of the worksheet using the keyboard or the Go To command. 13 13
Moving the Active Cell in a Worksheet • Keys for moving the active cell in a worksheet
Selecting a Group of Cells • A group of selected cells is called a range. The range is identified by its range reference, for example, A3:C5. • In an adjacent range, all cells touch each other and form a rectangle. • To select an adjacent range, click the cell in a corner of the range, drag the pointer to the cell in the opposite corner of the range, and release the mouse button.
Selecting a Group of Cells (continued) • A nonadjacent range includes two or more adjacent ranges and selected cells. • To select a nonadjacent range, select the first adjacent range or cell, press the Ctrl key as you select the other cells or ranges you want to include, and then release the Ctrl key and the mouse button.
Entering Data in a Cell • Worksheet cells can contain text, numbers, or formulas. • Text is any combination of letters and numbers and symbols. • Numbers are values, dates, or times. • Formulas are equations that calculate a value. • You enter data in the active cell.
Changing Data in a Cell • You can edit, replace, or clear data. • You can edit cell data in the Formula Bar or in the cell. The contents of the active cell always appear in the Formula Bar. • To replace cell data, select the cell, type new data, and press the Enter button on the Formula Bar or the Enter key or the Tab key. • To clear the active cell, you can use the Ribbon, the keyboard, or the mouse. 20 20
Worksheet Data New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010
Visual Overview New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010
Working with Cells and Ranges • Range reference indicates location and size of a cell range • Adjacent (A1:G5) • Nonadjacent (A1:A5;F1:G5) • Selecting a range • Work with all cells in the range as a group • Moving and copying a range • Drag and drop • Cut and paste
Working with Cells and Ranges • Inserting and deleting a range • Existing cells shift to accommodate the change
Working with Formulas • Formula • An expression that returns a value • Written using operators that combine different values, resulting in a single displayed value New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010
Working with Formulas • Order of precedence • Set of predefined rules used to determine sequence in which operators are applied in a calculation
Working with Formulas • Copying and pasting formulas • Cell references adjust to reflect new location of the formula in the worksheet
Introducing Functions • Function • Named operation that returns a value • Simplifies a formula, reducing a long formula into a compact statement; for example, to add values in the range A1:A10: • Enter the long formula: =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7+A8+A9+A10 - or - • Use the SUM function to accomplish the same thing: =SUM(A1:A10)
Entering Functions with AutoSum • Fast, convenient way to enter commonly used functions • Includes buttons to quickly insert/generate: • Sum of values in column or row (SUM) • Average value in column or row (AVERAGE) • Total count of numeric values in column or row (COUNT) • Minimum value in column or row (MIN) • Maximum value in column or row (MAX)
Calculating Pearson’s r • Correlations are described using the Pearson Product-Moment correlation statistic, or r value. • In Excel, there are many functions that can calculate a correlation statistic, however, we will only use =PEARSON in this class. Let’s say we want to determine if there is a relationship between number of hours spent per week studying for Psych 209 and GPA earned in the class at the end of the quarter. To do so, we can calculate Pearson’s r for our two variables.
Enter the following data into Excel: StudyHrs = average number of hours spent per week studying for 209 GPA = grade-point average earned in 209 at the end of the quarter
Step 1: Select the cell where you want your r value to appear (you might want to label it). Step 2: Click on the function wizard button. Step 3: Search for and select PEARSON.
Step 4: For Array1, select all the values under StudyHrs. For Array2, select all the values under GPA.
Step 5: That’s it! Once you have your r value, don’t forget to round to 2 decimal places. Knowledge check: What does the r value of 0.88 tell you about the strength and direction of the correlation between StudyHrs and GPA?
Scatterplots • A scatterplot is an excellent way to visually display the relationship (correlation) between two variables. • Each point on the scatterplot represents an individual’s data on the two variables. • We will now create a scatterplot for StudyHrs and GPA.
Step 1: Select both columns of variables you wish to plot (StudyHrs and GPA). Step 2: Click on the tab labeled ‘Insert’, and then select ‘Scatter’ in the ‘Charts’ menu.
Step 4: Remove the legend by clicking on it and pressing Delete.
Step 5: Add axis titles by selecting the ‘Layout’ tab and clicking on ‘Axis Titles.’ For the horizontal title, you want it below the x-axis. For the vertical title, you want the ‘Rotated Title’ option. NOTE: Your chart must be highlighted for the ‘Layout’ tab to appear under ‘Chart Tools.’
A note about x- and y-axes: • For scatterplots, it does not matter which variable goes on each axis (this is NOT true for other types of charts). • However, you need to make sure you label your axes with the proper variable name. • In this example, GPA is on the y-axis and Study Hours is on the x-axis (we can tell this based on their different ranges of values). • As a helpful hint, Excel will automatically put the first variable (left-hand column) on the x-axis, and the second variable (right-hand column) on the y-axis.
Step 6: Change the chart title by selecting it, typing a new one, and pressing Enter. Chart and axis titles may be altered by right-clicking on them.
Your scatterplot is now finished! Remember: Each point in the scatterplot represents an individual’s data. Knowledge check: Identify Student 8 in the scatterplot.
The Find command locates data in a worksheet, which is particularly helpful when a worksheet contains a large amount of data. You can use the Find command to locate words or parts of words. The Replace command is an extension of the Find command. Replacing data substitutes new data for the data that the Find command locates. Searching for Data 47 47
Searching for Data (continued) • Find and Replace options
You can print a worksheet by clicking the File tab on the Ribbon, and then clicking Print in the navigation bar to display the Print tab. The Print tab enables you to choose print settings. The Print tab also allows you to preview your pages before printing. Previewing and Printing a Worksheet 49 49