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Development and Energy in Africa (DEA) - Achievements

Development and Energy in Africa (DEA) - Achievements. Most energy projects monitor and evaluate only the immediate outputs DEA attempts to extend M&E downstream to assess outcomes and contributions to MDGs

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Development and Energy in Africa (DEA) - Achievements

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Development and Energy in Africa (DEA) - Achievements • Most energy projects monitor and evaluate only the immediate outputs • DEA attempts to extend M&E downstream to assess outcomes and contributions to MDGs • We have developed an assessment framework (AF) for outcomes and impacts of energy interventions • Catalogue of energy interventions in the 6 countries • Stakeholder consultations – needs and expectations • 7 case studies in 6 countries – spread of types • Quantitative and qualitative documentation of outcomes and development impacts • Successful testing of the AF, demonstration as a useful tool

  2. DEA – The way forward • An assessment methodology developed in collaboration between the EU and African partners, guided by stakeholder needs, national realities and real energy projects • Strong links to the international M&EED group • AF Guidelines Manual under preparation • Training/Dissemination seminars in the 6 countries + region • Engagement with Stakeholders – incorporation of M&E in mainstream of energy planning and implementation • How can M&E assessing outcomes and impacts be encouraged and incorporated more in African energy projects, and to what benefit? • How can we link the DEA approach to other COOPENER projects and other EU energy sector assistance?

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