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Process Flow diagrams

Reference www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab. Process Flow diagrams. horizontal gluedot is attached to the end of this arrow. vertical gluedot is attached to the end of this arrow. Customers will be able to register. After registration they will be asked to login.

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Process Flow diagrams

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reference www.jjg.net/ia/visvocab Process Flow diagrams

  2. horizontal gluedot is attached to the end of this arrow vertical gluedot is attached to the end of this arrow

  3. Customers will be able to register. After registration they will be asked to login. If the login information is incorrect (username and password don’t match) they will be directed to the login page. If the login information is correct, it will be confirmed and the user will be directed to the personalized page. invalid submit valid User Homepage Registration Process Registration Confirmed Register Login Entry point Home Login Confirmed

  4. submit submit Buyer Processes Entry point User Homepage View Posted Leads Post Trade Leads Edit Posted Lists Update Confirmation Email Sent to all Sellers List all Sellers Customer posts a trade lead. Customer views the trade lead. Once confirmed email sent to all registered manufacturers. Buyer can edit the lead and update the lead. After the update B can logout. Customer can list all the manufacturers by category and by name. If the B wants to contact the manufacturer, B can send them an email LOGOUT List Manu By Name List by Manu category Send message to Seller

  5. submit invalid valid search results refine query content pages Search Process From the search query page, the user can submit a query. The system checks to see if the query is valid; if it is not, the system returns the user to the query page. If the query is valid, the user is presented with a sequence of search results pages. From these pages, the user can navigate to one or more content pages matching the query, or return to the query page to refine the query. search query

  6. Conditional elements Represent basic concepts used in conditional logic Can be combined to create arbitrarily complex navigational structures

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