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Camera Composition (Shots, Angles, & Movement)

Learn the essential techniques of camera composition with this comprehensive guide. Understand the various shot types, angles, and movement principles used in filmmaking and photography to create impactful visuals. From long shots to extreme close-ups, discover how different framing choices can convey emotions, reveal details, and guide the viewer's focus. Explore the importance of screen direction, composition rules like the rule of thirds, and tips for achieving seamless transitions between shots. Enhance your storytelling skills by mastering the art of capturing compelling visual narratives.

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Camera Composition (Shots, Angles, & Movement)

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  1. Camera Composition(Shots, Angles, & Movement)

  2. Long Shot • It establishes the scene • Shows subjects in their surroundings • Tells the viewer where the action is taking place

  3. Medium Shot • Used to introduce a character for the first time • Framing is usually set so that the top of the frame is just above the head and the bottom of the fame is just below the waist

  4. Medium Close-up • Tighter than a medium shot • The top of the frame is just above the character’s head and the bottom of the frame is just below the chest

  5. Close-up • Used to reveal a character’s feelings. • Restrict how much of a scene and/or action the audience sees. • The top of the frame is just above the character’s head and the bottom of the frame is just below the chin.

  6. Extreme Close Up Often used to reveal feelings WITHOUT using dialogue or to provide the audience with a view of a specific detail Examples include a person’s eyes, mouth, or hands, or an inanimate object such as the contents of a letter

  7. Long Shot Medium Shot Close-Up Shot Medium Close-up Extreme Close-up

  8. Two-Shot • Shows two persons in a shot

  9. Three-shot • Shows three persons in a shot

  10. Over the Shoulder • Shooting over-the-shoulder of one subject to reveal another subject. • The speaker’s full face is shown while the camera is aimed over the shoulder of the listener • Used in interview situations.

  11. Straight Angle • The camera is placed directly in front of the talent at eye-level and is used to involve the audience with the action • Example would be the shot used during the anchors delivery of the news

  12. Eye Level Most commonly used angle • Whether the subject is standing or seated and regardless of how small or tall your subject may be.

  13. Eye Level

  14. Side Angle The camera is placed at eye level, but usually at a 45 degree angle from the subject. The audience views the action but is not directly involved in the action.

  15. Low Angle • The camera is placed below the subject and is aimed up (shoots upward). • This angle exaggerates height and can give the impression that the subject is larger and more powerful.

  16. Low Angle

  17. High Angle • The camera is above the subject matter and is aimed down (shoots downward). • This angle has the effect of reducing the apparent height of the subject & gives the impression that the subject is smaller and less powerful.

  18. High Angle

  19. Camera Movements

  20. Dollying • Placing the camera on a tripod with wheels • Allows camera to follow the action while maintaining a steady, non-shaky shot

  21. Pan • The camera is moved horizontally from left to right or right to left (much like a head shaking from left to right to say “no”). • Used to follow the action

  22. Tilt • The camera is moved vertically up or down (much like a head nodding “yes”) • Can be used to follow something as it falls, or rises

  23. Zoom • Accomplished by pressing the W or the T on the zoom control. • Brings the viewer closer to or further away from the action

  24. Tricky Shots • Match Cut - Changing camera angles without breaking the continuity of motion from scene to scene • Imagine a Long Shot, Side Angle scene of someone walking, then dropping something; then, in the next scene you have a Close-Up Shot, Straight Angle of the person’s face showing his/her reaction to the dropping of the item. Although the scene may actually have been filmed using two cameras or the action may have been stopped in order for the one and only camera to change positions, the audience never notices any disruption in the action.

  25. Screen Direction

  26. What is screen direction? • Screen direction is the direction people and objects face when viewed through the camera. When shooting a scene, place the center of interests on an imaginary line. This line should not be crossed by the cameraperson to avoid reversal of screen direction.

  27. Example of Screen Direction In this example, the elephant did NOT change directions; instead, the photographer is simply on the other side of the elephant in each separate picture (thus, making it appear that the elephant is walking in two different directions. Reversing the screen direction (crossing that imaginary line) confuses the audience and makes them think the subject is going in the opposite direction from which they came

  28. Composition • The arranging or placing of elements in a shot.

  29. Rule of Thirds • The viewfinder screen is divided into thirds horizontally and vertically (like a tic-tac-toe board). When framing a shot, the cameraperson should consider these imaginary lines by preferably placing the center of interest at one of the four intersecting points or on one of the lines.

  30. Bad Example of Headroom Good Example of Headroom Head Room • A person’s head should be appropriately placed in the shot. Don’t cut off the top of their head, but don’t leave so much space above their head that it distracts from their face.

  31. Leading Looks • When shooting a person or object in profile, leave space in front of the person or object.

  32. Leading Lines • Lines that are in the environment may be used to lead to the center of interest.

  33. Level Horizon • Keep the horizon level. • A sloping horizon – or a floor that doesn’t appear horizontal is distracting to viewers.

  34. Framing • Elements in the environment, such as trees and arches, etc., may be used to create a border or frame around the shot.

  35. Background • Elements in the environment may distract the viewer from the center of interest. Be aware of bright colors, moving objects, and any objects that appear to grow out of peoples’ heads or blend with a person.

  36. Other things to consider…

  37. Objects that are closest to camera will appear larger than those that are far away

  38. Arrange Groups Naturally • Avoid widely separated subjects positioned at either edge of the frame. • Avoid large height differences between two people in a scene Bad examples of arranging groups

  39. Good examples of how to arrange groups

  40. Silhouette Shot • Background will be bright causing the subject to appear as a dark image • A dark image outlined against a lighter background

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