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Kingsview Middle School. Incoming 6 th Grade Student Articulation Meeting. Administrators. Mr. Jimmy D’Andrea – Principal Mrs. Shelia Harrison – Assistant Principal Mrs. Ericka Singleton – Assistant Principal Counseling Department Mrs. Heather Cohen – Resource Counselor
Kingsview Middle School Incoming 6th Grade StudentArticulation Meeting
Administrators Mr. Jimmy D’Andrea – Principal Mrs. Shelia Harrison – Assistant Principal Mrs. Ericka Singleton – Assistant Principal Counseling Department Mrs. Heather Cohen – Resource Counselor Mrs. Jan Moore – 6th Grade Counselor (2013-2014) Mrs. Kelli Shelhorse – 7th Grade Counselor (2013-2014) Mrs. Katie Mendelson – 8th Grade Counselor (2013-2014) Mrs. Cathy Hocker- Secretary, Registrar, SSL Coordinator
Kingsview Staff • Mr. Doug Ackler, PE/ Arts IRT • Mrs. Barbara Escobar, World Language IRT(maternity leave) • Mr. Dan Goldsamt, 6thGrade Math/Team Leader • Ms. Eve Janney, Special Education IRT • Mrs. Janet Kilcoyne, Math IRT • Mr. Wymon Lee, Science IRT • Mrs. Vicki Rotker, Arts (Study Skills) Teacher • Mrs. Kristen Sullivan, English/Reading IRT • Mr. Michael Tucci, Social Studies IRT
The Kingsview Vision Safe environment, physically and emotionally, where students and staff feel valued and respected and where students’ intellectual, social and emotional growth are fostered
The Kingsview Vision Outstanding teaching and learning where all students are engaged and challenged in every class, every day and where students are gaining the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century
OUR PBIS CORE VALUES • Responsibility • Outstanding Attitude • Respect R.O.A.R.
Brochures were sent home describing Curriculum 2.0 • Incoming 6th Grade Students will not be affected by changes caused by the implementation of the MCPS Curriculum 2.0 • Algebra I is the only course that will be implemented from the C2.0 during the 2013-2014 School Year.
How Course Recommendation Decisions are made… Current Math 6 Students Current Math 5 Students Math 6 Student who is not showing proficiency with Math 6 Curricula. D/E (I/N)for the first half of the year Math 7 Student who is showing proficiency with Math 6 Curricula with an A, B, or C (ES/P) for the first half of the year. Math 6 PROFICIENT/ADVANCED on the MSA
Current Math 7 Students Math 7 Student who is not showing proficiency with Math 7 Curricula. D/E (I/N) for the first half of the year Investigations IN Mathematics Student who is showing proficiency with Math 7 Curricula with an A, B, or C (ES/P)for the first half of the year. Only students who have successfully completed the IM curriculum should take Algebra I
KMS Decision Tree Questions? Resource Teacher Contact: Janet_Kilcoyne@mcpsmd.org
Sixth Grade English and Reading Questions? Contact Kristen_M_Sullivan@mcpsmd.org
Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labeled: This can change your life!–Helen Exley Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him. Maya Angelou How do I help my child to be successful in Middle School?
Advanced English 6 • Students are expected to: • Read novels, short stories, poetry, navigate visual • literacy • Independently write in response to reading • Independently write creative narratives • Use Course and Literary Terms and MCPS designed • assessments. Teachers expect students to: • Show initiative and be able to work independently • Do homework regularly and read nightly to build vocabulary skills • Be able to navigate on-grade level texts • Write a paragraph and 3 paragraph essays
What is Reading 6? * It is not a reading intervention course * It is differentiated within the classroom for the different leveled reader * This is the student's last chance to take a non- intervention reading course to gain strategies necessary to navigate multi-structured texts * It is interdisciplinary within the grade level Please note: If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s reading skills, they should take reading.
Reading or World Languages • Reading 6 offers our incoming students an excellent elementary-to-secondary academic bridge to help them meet the significant challenges that the wide array of required reading in middle school presents. • We teach them to utilize text features within their textbooks as well as research and critical thinking as they read. • It is important for everyone to understand that 6th grade reading no longer teaches word attack and decoding • We focus on the comprehension and problem solving skills of reading, skills that will help make them more independent students.
World Languages • 6th Grade Options • Spanish 1A • French 1A • 7th Grade Options • Spanish 1A • French 1A • Spanish 1B • French 1B • 8th Grade Options • Spanish 1B • French 1B • Spanish 2A/2B • French 2A/2B • Awareness of Spanish Language and Culture
Indicators of Success in World Languages Gr4 MSA Advanced (437 and up) Gr 5 Fall MAP-R Advanced (215 and up) Gr5 Winter MAP-R Advanced (219 and up) These scores are guidelines not gates.
Welcome to Science! What school are you from? How much science did you do in a week at your school? http://gorillaartfare.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/mad_scientist.gif
Guess Who? Guess Why? “15-year-old students in the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average in math. Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math.” - USA Today 12/7/2010 “American students' average scores on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in math were above the international average in both fourth and eighth grade.” - USA Today 12/10/2012 http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/0922-duncan-arne-breakfast/8680686-1-eng-US/0922-duncan-arne-breakfast_full_600.jpg
Engineering and Design Process http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/183836main_edc_flow_5-12_540.jpg
Are you Hungry to Know More? All advanced science courses feature… • Problem/project based curriculum • Instruction revolves around relevant everyday problems • Students engage in inquiry based explorations • Higher level discussion and purposeful reading and writing http://www.tillhecomes.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/feast.jpg
Welcome to Science Investigations in Science 6 Outdoor Education • Create bumpers that withstand the rigors of a • simulated car crash! • Design a Habitat for the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly. • Defend your research on the best form of alternative energy. • Create your own solar cooker!
What are skills the student in your life can work on NOW to prepare for next year? http://rxoutcomesadviser.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/confused-baby.jpg • Answer questions fully with examples, • data, and explanations • Read, create, and interpret graphs, • charts, and tables http://www.racemath.info/motionandenergy/velocity_time_graph_a.htm
I Study the World Too!! 6th Grade Advanced World Studies Resource Teacher: Michael Tucci Michael_R_Tucci@mcpsmd.org
Unit 1: Patterns of Settlement in the Ancient and Modern World Unit 2: Citizenship and Governance in Classical and Modern Times Unit 3: The Impact of Economics in Ancient and Modern China Unit 4: Cultural Systems in the First Millennium and Today Units of Study
Advanced Skills • Analyzing Images, Artifacts and Primary Source Documents for…. Point of View Perspective Bias Patterns Corroboration
Writing Skills • Use evidence to support a generalization • Use multiple sources of evidence to support a thesis statement • Support a point of view with evidence to present a reasoned argument
Physical Education & Health • Improved Physical Fitness • Skill Development • Regular, healthful physical activity • Support of other subject areas • Self Discipline • Stress reduction • Strengthened peer relationships • Improved self-confidence and self-esteem • Experience Setting Goals • Mental and Emotional Health • Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs • Safety and Injury Prevention • Nutrition and Fitness • Personal and Consumer Health • Family Life and Human Sexuality • Disease Prevention and Control
Provides direct instruction and resource support to students identified as having special needs, according to state and federal guidelines. • This team consists of general education teachers, special education teachers, related services personnel (speech language pathologist,occupationaltherapist, etc…) as well as paraeducators. • Kingsview Middle School is a full inclusion program with both direct and indirect special education services provided in the classroom. • Students are assigned a case manger who oversees their program and meets with these students on a regular basis to support their needs. Special Education @ KMS
What is Student Service Learning? • MCPS students must complete a minimum of 75 SSL hours for graduation. • MCPS students may begin to work on this graduation requirement the summer after completing grade 5. They continue to accrue hours throughout high school. 37
How can students earn SSL hours? • Specific academic courses. • grade 6 Science (10 hours) • grade 7 English (10 hours) • grade 8 US History (10 hours) 2. School-sponsored clubs and organizations with service activities. • Ex. – Green Team 3. Pre-approved community organizations. • Ex. – Manna Food Center
How do we record SSL hours? • Every time you complete an SSL activity, you must fill out a verification form. • The forms are located in the counseling office. • Take the form to your activity and have a supervisor sign it. • Once completed, return the form to the counseling office or to Mrs. Hocker.
Registration begins in Mid-September • Forms will be passed out in class • Activities Fair – Back to School Night • Activities begin in October, end in May • Intramural Sports: Basketball, Flag Football • Activities: SGA, Yearbook, Green Team, Chess Club, Environmental Club, Art Club, Engineering Club, etc…. After School Activities
Kingsview offers an optional summer seminar called:“Introduction to Middle School”This course is designed for students who may be very anxious about coming to Middle School, or students who may benefit from a smaller class size transition and the availability of one-on-one instruction.This class is a comprehensive orientation provided over a 4 day period for 1 hour each day.Topics include: Building Tour, Middle School Schedule, Changing Classes, Lockers, and Strategies for Success.There is a fee associated with this program. Registration forms will be sent home with your 5th grader when all of the details are confirmed.This is our 9th year offering this program!
Kingsview Middle School 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 • School Structure • Eight Period Day – every class everyday • 7:55-2:40 • Lunch • 3 Lunch periods of 30 minutes • DEAR/DEAL time everyday • No Recess • Regular Lunch
SCHOOL VISITS • MatsunagaES – February 1 • Fox Chapel ES – February 1 • McNair ES- February 4 • Great Seneca Creek ES – February 5
Kingsview Middle School Registration Procedures • Registration forms due to 5th grade teacher by Monday, February 11. • We use your teacher’s recommendation, data, and your requests to decide your schedule. • Make good academic decisions about: • Reading or World Language • Elective choice or choices
Course Choices • If students are recommended for Reading, they MUST take Reading and one elective choice. • If students are recommended for World Language, they can select French or Spanish, and one elective choice. • If students are recommended for World Language, they can opt NOT to begin in 6th grade and select two elective options. ** Students and parents should consider this decision carefully as changes will not be possible after registration is complete.**