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IVF and Infertility Treatment in Pune

"We offer the most appropriate ivf and infertility treatment in pune following internationally accepted protocols of ivf and infertility treatment."

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IVF and Infertility Treatment in Pune

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  1. Sahyadri Hospital Ivf and infertility treatment in pune

  2. What is IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)? • It is the treatment of choice for a woman with blocked, severely damaged fallopian tube. • The entire process of fertilization takes place outside a woman’s body. • During the IVF process: • Women’s eggs are removed from the ovaries & fertilized with husband’s sperms in a laboratory. • The fertilized egg (embryo) is later placed in the woman’s womb.

  3. When is IVF needed? • IVF was originally developed for women with blocked tubes. • It is also used when other conditions are present such as: • Endometriosis • Male factor infertility • Unexplained infertility in which no medical cause for infertility can be found. Our physicians will review your history and guide you to treatment that is most appropriate for you.

  4. How much time does treatment require for IVF? • Most treatment cycles will require about 8-10 visits to the clinic for blood work. • Ultrasound starting on day 2 of your cycle. • This may be every day, every other day or as requested by your physician. • The pregnancy test is done 14 days following your embryo transfer or insemination. We recommend minimizing stress and keeping a positive outlook during this time.

  5. What are the common causes for Infertility? • Ovulation problems • Tubal Block • Male associated infertility • Age-related factors • Uterine problems • Previous tubal ligation • Previous vasectomy • Unexplained infertility Common Causes of Infertility

  6. Who should visit us? • Couples less than 35 years not being able to conceive within one year of trying. • Couples more than 35 years not being able to conceive within 6 months of trying. • Women diagnosed with Poly cystic ovarian Syndrome, endometriosis, and tubal problems. • Women with irregular cycles and hormonal problems. • Men diagnosed with abnormal sperm count. • Couples on fertility treatment wanting second opinion.

  7. Why Us • State of the art fertility center providing end to end fertility solutions. • Personalized fertility treatment with warmth and compassion. • Experienced highly accomplished team of IVF specialist, embryologist and support staff. • Following internationally accepted IVF protocols & global practices. • Sahyadri Hospitals have a rich experience in providing Infertility treatment • The IVF Centre in Sahyadri Hospital has treated more than 4000 patients to date with a success rate of 60%.

  8. What is the success rate with each treatment cycle? • Success rates at our Centre are on par the best in the world. • Expected success rate per cycle of treatment: • 8-10% with IUI • 30-40% with IVF and ICSI • 50- 60% with oocyte donation

  9. What to do when the treatment fails? • If the pregnancy test is still negative 15 to 17 days post-transfer: • Your doctor will ask you to stop taking the progesterone and you’ll wait for your period to start. • The next step will be decided among you, your partner and your doctor. • Having a treatment cycle fail is never easy. It’s heartbreaking. Keep in mind that having one cycle fail doesn’t mean you won’t be successful if you try again. You will have to discuss with your doctor what will be the best option.

  10. IVF and Infertility Treatment in Pune at Sahyadri Hospital makes Motherhood….a Possibility Read IVF and Infertility Treatment Success Stories. Click Here Have any questions? Click Here

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