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ASTR 2010 Cosmology. Week 14: Lecture 38 (30 Nov. 2012) The Big Bang - 2. Quantum Mechanics:. Relativistic Quantum Field Theory : All matter & energy are waves: E= h = hc / = mc 2
ASTR 2010 Cosmology • Week 14: • Lecture 38 (30 Nov. 2012) • The Big Bang - 2
Quantum Mechanics: Relativistic Quantum Field Theory : All matter & energy are waves: E= h = hc / = mc2 = h / mv non-relativistic (V <<c) = h / mv relativistic: V ~ c; = 1 / (1 - v2 / c2)0.5 Energy <=> mass Symmetries:matter <=> anti-matter: Charge symmetry neutral neutral charge <=> opposite charge For h511keV:hhe-+e+ 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-12 erg For h1 GeV:hhp++p- Super-Symmetry:bosons <=> fermions (at > 1013 eV) Bosons (force carriers):photons (h, W+, W-, Z0, gluons, gravitons || | || | EMweak forcestrong gravity Fermions (“matter”):electrons, quarks (neutrons, protons), neutrinos Dark matter ? - photinos, neutralinos, selectons, squarks …. ?
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Geneva, Switzerland
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) vacuum tubes in tunnel
Large Hadron Collider: TeV (1012 eV) proton - proton collision [u+2/3 u+2/3 d-1/3] <=> [u+2/3u+2/3 d-1/3] => u+2/3, d-1/3, s+2/3, c-1/3, t+2/3, b-1/3 =>short-lived particles => p+, n, e-, h,
Large Hadron Collider: TeV (1012 eV) proton - proton collision Example: top, bottom quarks => decay to p+, n, e-, h,
The “Big Bang” Cosmology: Theory: - Friedmann Equation: Cosmic Evolution depends on density ofmatter + energy Space expands (gravitationally unbound systems only!) Emergence from a compact (dense) state: A singularity as in a black hole? - The “Lambda Cold-Dark-Matter” (-CDM) cosmology Ultra-hot energy emerges from singularity 10-33 sec Inflation 10-26 sec Matter-antimatter asymmetry (matter dominates!) 10-3 sec Quark-gluon condensate 10-1 sec neutrons, protons 1 sec nucleosynthesis 300 sec Atomic Hydrogen + CMB 3.8 x 105 years Stars + galaxies ~3 x 108 years
Omega ordinary matter = 0.04 Omega darkmatter = 0.23 Omega matter = 0.27 Omega = [density] / [critical density]
ASTR 2010 Cosmology • Week 15: • Lecture 39 (3 Dec. 2012) • The Young Universe
Cosmology topics to be covered: - Black holes, worm holes, & Singularities: non-rotating, rotating - White holes, enthropy, & the arrow of time. Time reversal in singularities? - Inflation: Higgs field: false vacua, origins of mass, Higgs mechanism - Matter-antimatter asymmetry - Quark-gluon plasma => P, n, => H, He => stars & stellar nucleosynthsis - Acoustic oscillations, radiation pressure vs. gravity, “BAO” - CMB formation: Harmonics in the CMB: Roles of dark matter - Dark ages - Galaxy formation, evolution, cosmic structure formation - Fate of the Cosmos - String theory: Cosmic dimensionality - Multiverses: Type I, II, III, OIV (Tegmark classification) - Cosmic “Natural Selection & Reproduction” (Smolin & Darwinian evolution) - Black holes and cosmic reproduction: Roles of dark energy - Origin and fate of life. - The Anthropic principle: Why is the Universe friendly to life? - Engineering the next Universes: The Smolin-Harrison cosmology
… a black hole Escape speed = speed of light R = ~ 3 km/s x Mass [Solar masses]
Connected black holes? “Worm holes” ?
Planck Scale: - Singularity in Black holes, worm holes, Big Bang E = h c / = h c / 2 r Quantum mechanics ( = 2 r) E = mc2 Relativity => m c = h / 2 r m = h / 2 c r r = 2Gm / c2 Black holes => m = rc2 / 2G h / 2 c r = rc2 / 2G=>r2 = h G / c3=>r = (h G / c3 )1/2 r = ([6.626x10-27][6.67x10-8] / [3.14 ][2.998x1010]3 ) 0.5 = 2.3 x 10-33 cm Planck Length Planck mass ~ 10-5grams Planck time ~ 10-43sec
ASTR 2010 Cosmology • Week 15: • Lecture 40 (5 Dec. 2012) • The Young Universe
Paul Gaugain “Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?”
Cosmic Inflation • How does 1 side of the CMB know the temperature and • density on the other side of the sky ? • They have never been in contact ….. Or maybe they have! • Inflation (circa 1980) Driven by the decay of the `Inflaton’ or `Higgs’ field? Alan Guth
Standard Model of particle physics: Interactions: Electromagnetic, weak,strong
ASTR 2010 Cosmology • Week 15: • Lecture 40 (7 Dec. 2012) • Quantum Gravity: • - String theory (Witten +) • - Loop quantum gravity (Smolin +) • …. Cubism .. Picasso …
String Theory: 6 compact + 3 large space dimensions (D) + time Solution to Einstein Vacuum equations: Ed Witten 10-33 cm 10-33 cm
Kalabi-Yau manifold: Vibrating string 6 compact + 3 large space dimensions + time Solution to Einstein Vacuum equations: Shing-Tung Yau
10-33 cm Planck Length Curled-up dimension Flat space Compactification: 6 compact + 3 large space dimensions (D) + time Solution to Einstein Vacuum equations: Kalabi-Yau spaces (6 D) Spheres (2 D) Donuts (2 D) 10-33 cm
Knots “Super-Strings”: Space-time Knots in 6 Compact Dimensions
Loop Quantum Gravity Space & time are discrete at the Planck scale: A spin network Lee Smolin spin Space-time (spin foam)
Loop Quantum Gravity Smallest length: ~10-33 cm “ area: ~10-66 cm2 “ volume: ~10-99 cm3 Shortest time ~ 10-33 cm/ 1010 cm/s = 10-43 sec Heisenberg Uncertainty principle => Zero point energy in a Planck length / c2 ~ 10-5 grams
Loop Quantum Gravity Space & time are discrete at the Planck scale: A spin network Lee Smolin spin Space-time (spin foam)
Artists view of The world at the Planck scale Loop Quantum Gravity “spin foam” String Theory “Planck-scale Quantum fluctuations in Space-time”
A loop quantum gravity (LQG) physicist Looking at a Picasso painting: Jerzy Lendowski in the Manhattan Museum of Modern Art
Rockwell Picasso
As you approach the Planck Scale: …. Space-time becomes highly structured and dynamic (John Archibald Wheeler) also as you approach the singularity in a black hole ….
Probing the Planck length with Gamma-rays bursters: High energy gamma-ray photons may travel slower than X-ray photons. Doubly special Relativity: In all frames of motion …. Speed of light = constant Planck-length = constant (Lee Smolin)