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10 Survival Phrases Survival Answers 5/6. With Mr Angry Potato Head and Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face. Hello I am the angry potato-head. I have already taught you ten survival phrases. Here are some answers.
10 Survival PhrasesSurvival Answers 5/6 With Mr Angry Potato Head and Mrs. Mildly-Angry Carrot-Face
Hello I am the angry potato-head. I have already taught you ten survival phrases. Here are some answers.
Hello. I am the mildly angry carrot-face. I am going to teach you answers to the survival phrases.
Did a guided tour come this way? I seem to have lost it… Ist die Stadtführunghierentlanggekommen? Ichhabesieausden Augenverloren…
I haven’t seen it. Ichhabesienichtgesehen.
Did a guided tour come this way? I seem to have lost it… Ist die Stadtführunghierentlanggekommen? Ichhabesieausden Augenverloren…
It went that way. Die Führungistdortentlang.
Did a guided tour come this way? I seem to have lost it… Ist die Stadtführunghierentlanggekommen? Ichhabesieausden Augenverloren…
I have no idea. IchhabekeineAhnung.
Did a guided tour come this way? I seem to have lost it… Ist die Stadtführunghierentlanggekommen? Ichhabesieausden Augenverloren…
It might have gone down this street. VielleichtistsiedieseStraßehinuntergegangen.
Ichplatzegleich – Woist die Toilette? I’m going to burst – where’s the toilet?
Es gibteine in diesemGeschäft in derdrittenEtage. There is one in this shop on the third floor.
Ichplatzegleich – Woist die Toilette? I’m going to burst – where’s the toilet?
VersuchenSieesbeim Restaurant an derEcke. Try the restaurant on the corner.
Ichplatzegleich – Woist die Toilette? I’m going to burst – where’s the toilet?
Es gibteineöffentliche Toilette in dernächstenStraße. There’s a public toilet on the next street.
Ichplatzegleich – Woist die Toilette? I’m going to burst – where’s the toilet?
Mhhichbefürchteesgibthier in derNähekeine Toilette. I’m afraid there isn’t one nearby.