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Usability of the University of Education, Winneba Website

Usability of the University of Education, Winneba Website. August 28, 2012 . Presentation Outline. Introduction Website UEW Site How the University of Education, Winneba Site ranks Statement of the problem Purpose of the study Relevance of the study. Review of Literature

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Usability of the University of Education, Winneba Website

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Usability of the University of Education, Winneba Website August 28, 2012

  2. Presentation Outline • Introduction • Website • UEW Site • How the University of Education, Winneba Site ranks • Statement of the problem • Purpose of the study • Relevance of the study

  3. Review of Literature • Web design decisions • The web design teams • Usability of a website • Methodology • Population • Data collection • Items • Results • Discussion • Conclusion and Recommendation

  4. A website is a group of pages on the World Wide Web devoted to a topic or related topics or a connected group of pages on the World Wide Web regarding a single entity, usually maintained by one person or an organization.

  5. The University Website www.uew.edu.gh Designed in 2004 by a private company Vitalinfonet

  6. Phases of the University Site Starting 2009

  7. Current

  8. Ranking of Universities Sites in the World

  9. Out of 50 institution sites in Ghana

  10. Out of 34 sites in Ghana

  11. The Problem • Challenges with people ability to locate an information or the other suggests: there is a problem with its usability

  12. Research Questions • how easily were patrons of the University site able to find their way around? • how long did it take for the site to load? • did the site treat users as unique individuals? and • at the end of using the site, were patrons persuaded to identify with the culture of UEW?

  13. Purpose of the Study • The purpose of the study is to determine how usable the university site is to its patrons

  14. Relevance of the study • It was hoped that the study will inform work at the web development unit to improve on the usability of the University of Education, Winneba website.

  15. Review of relevant literature

  16. The truth is that, “No one wants to create bad web design. However, a number of factors, from opinionated clients to aging technology, show why it can happen.” ( Smiley Cat, 2011).

  17. Literature on decisions one need to make before designing a website and website usability were reviewed. • Good usability means: • Easy to learn • Efficient to use • Easy to remember • Error tolerant • Subjectively pleasing

  18. Methodology • Population – all users of the University Site • Data Collection – Survey used to collect data • Instrument – a five (5pt) Likert scale questionnaire which scored as follows; strongly agree (5pts) agree (4pts) neutral (3pts) disagree (2pts) and strongly disagree (1pt) was used to collect views on positive statements on the website.

  19. Items • The questionnaire items were grouped under four broad headings: • Ease-of-Navigation, • Speed, • Interactivity and Attitude

  20. Mean of individual items in Themes Theme 1: how easily were patrons of the University site able to find their way around? Mean = 2.9675

  21. Theme 2: how long did it take for the site to load? Mean = 2.8875

  22. Theme 3: did the site treat users as unique individuals? Mean = 2.445

  23. Theme 4: at the end of using the site, were patrons persuaded to identify with the culture of UEW? Mean = 2.653

  24. Mean of means for items in broad themes Mean of Group Means (3.0 + 3.0 + 2.0 + 3.0) / 4 = 2.75

  25. Conclusion

  26. Conclusion • Even though the University of Education, Winneba website seem to be doing well in recent ranking of institutional websites, a mean score of 2.75 from the survey on people perception of its usability suggests that, there is a gap between its strong showing on web-ranking results and end users ability to get what they want from it

  27. Recommendations

  28. From Cats’ account on what can lead to a very bad website it is recommended that, • Graphic artists, editors and content creators be made to assist the webmaster in his work, some of whom should be posted to the satellite campuses of the University. • Additionally, the web-development unit should be equipped with computers, scanners, digital and video cameras for effective work. • Then the general University community should be involved in creating and editing of content to the site

  29. Thank You

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