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OPTIMUS Project Operational Port Training Models Using Simulators 142543-LLP-1-2008-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP. OPTIMUS Kick-Off Meeting Livorno, 19 th November 2008 “Introducing OPTIMUS: Aims, Objectives, Deliverables and Target Users” Julio Martinez Alarcon, FEPORTS
OPTIMUS Project Operational Port Training Models Using Simulators 142543-LLP-1-2008-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP OPTIMUS Kick-Off Meeting Livorno, 19th November 2008 “Introducing OPTIMUS: Aims, Objectives, Deliverables and Target Users” Julio Martinez Alarcon, FEPORTS Francesco Papucci, Livorno Port Autority
BACKGROUND: SIMULATION IN PORTS Due to the constant growth in traffic of European ports and logistics facilities with the Far East over the last years, people working in this sector must reach the maximum level of efficiency for facing the saturation deriving from this growth. So the traditional formal and on-the-job training of operational personnelis becoming more and more inadequate, not only forproviding proper skills and competencies regarding the operations to be performed, but also for addressing safety and efficiency standards in critical situations. To face these kind of problems,many ports and logistics structureshave equipped themselves with simulation tools that allow an effective training activity without taking vehicles out of the normal operational cycle.
BACKGROUND: SIMULATION IN PORTS Simulators are able to generate considerable benefits and added value for the operational training, but as every sophisticated and expensive machine, they require specific skills and methodologies for their optimal use. A global approach to this matter, and more specifically for simulation in the port and logistic sector, has never been developed: the OPTIMUS project aims at filling this gap. Simulation techniques are essential for optimizing both the performing and the results of training actions in this sector: nevertheless, we must face a lack of standardization among EU ports, which causes: a poor and inefficient use of instrumental resources; transmission of knowledge by elder workers without pedagogical methods; lack of performance evaluation tools that measure the trainees ability to properly reacting in real situations. Furthermore, at a European level, the need to standardize expertise related to professions in the various sectors to promote mobility is also becoming evident (Decision 2241/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on a single Community framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences). And specifically in the European port sector, traditionally exposed to work internationalisation processes, the need to standardize job profiles is very strongly felt. In this context, common shared simulation methodologies and training contents may constitute a significant pillar in implementing these policies, due to the standardization of training processes and the capacity to certify the professional expertise they can create.
OPTIMUS ABSTRACT • The OPTIMUS project aims at filling the existing gaps among EU ports in simulation-based training by developing and experimenting a common European approach on how-to-apply simulation techniques and devices for the operational training of port and logistic sector staff, specifically by: • Developing and testing standardized guidelines and methodologies for designing simulation-based training actions; • Standardizing and implementing performance evaluation procedures and a common system of skills recognizing; • Developing effective web-based and computer-based learning contents for reaching an optimal use of simulators in operational port training actions. • To do so, OPTIMUS has been directed at producing concrete outcomes: • Trainers manual “Guidelines and methodologies for Vocational Training in the port sector using simulators”; • Evaluators manual “Performance evaluation of simulation-based systems and training actions”; • Web-based e-learning platform; • Web-based and Computer based learning contents, one for each professional profile involved in port related operations; • On-line distance learning activities and pilot training actions; • Web portal for exchanging information; • Dissemination material and conferences.
OPTIMUS: NEEDS TO ADDRESS • To sum up and exemplify, considering the background outlined above, the rationale of OPTIMUS project is to address needs like: • I am a Vocational Training Provider in the port / logistic sector. I would like to start training activities using simulators: How to do? What kind of equipments I need? What teaching methodologies I have to adopt? How can I evaluate the performance of the trainees? • I’m a port / logistic worker. I would like to learn or to improve my skills through simulators available in my company. How to do? What kind of training I must expect? Which are the learning contents I will encounter? May I use some web-based or CBT courses for preparing myself for the simulation experience? • I am a Global Company operating in various ports / logistic facilities across Europe. I would like to have the possibility to mobilize my operational personnel. Are their skills comparable in the various geographical contexts? How can I do for homologating skills recognition?
OPTIMUS PROJECT OBJECTIVES • Support Vocational Training providers: by developing and testing effective tools for those who want to establish training activities using simulators and need some guidelines to help them to identify the proper equipments to be used and to apply the correct methodologies. • Support Operational Workers in the port and logistic sector:by developing and testing, through pilot experiences, web-based and computer-based learning contents capable to guiding the trainees in their way to upgrade their skills through simulation techniques. • Support VT and HRs development policies of companies operating in the port and logistic sector: by establishing a system of professional profiles skills evaluation, combining the results of performance evaluation procedures with specific surveys on port professions. • Foster innovation: by establishing a system (manuals, guidelines, procedures, web and computer based learning contents, e-learning platform) aimed at favouring the adoption of simulators in the VT sector. • Favour the project results adoption: specific dissemination and exploitation initiatives are foreseen, not only sharing information about the project results, but also trying to establish exploitation policies both with the local port communities and other European ports and organizations. • Encourage the transition from traditional on-the-job training towards innovative and measurable methodologies, making up a system that will address the needs of: • Equitability: providing quality learning whatever the profile of the trainee • Measurability: making available methodologies for objectively measuring the trainees performance and reaction capabilities • Homogeneity: same level of teaching and learning quality across the time • Adaptability: according to technical requirements, the training process can evolve for addressing new needs • Transparency: allowing the monitoring of the training process and the progress of the trainees.
OPTIMUS TARGET GROUPS Target Groups Type 1 (Vocational Training Providers): Training Departments of companies operating in the sector; Public Authorities involved in (Vocational) Training issues; Training Agencies and Professionals; Trainers; Human Resources Departments of global port and logistic sector companies. Needs: Simulators are complex and expensive machine, they require specific skills, methodologies and contents for their optimal use. When requested to design, develop, organize, carry out, evaluate simulation-based training actions, people belonging to this group needs precise references for properly proceeding in a quite new sector like this one. Target Groups Type 2 (Learners): People already working in port or logistic sector companies, more specifically in driving and maneuvering goods handling machines (as mobile cranes, forklift trucks, etc.). Unemployed people, first job seekers, students of technical, transport-related schools and more in general people who is willing to work in the goods transport / handling sectors, more specifically where the driving and maneuvering of goods-handling machines is an integral part of the work process. Needs: People already working in this sector, before benefiting of simulation-based training, needs to acquire information about how to interact with a simulator, about procedures to be followed, about the learning contents that will be supplied, in order to properly approaching the simulation-based experience. Moreover, they needs to increase their cognitive skills and knowledge regarding maintenance procedures, safety regulations, and heightened security measures. On the other hand, people who is willing to work in this sector (unemployed, first job seekers, students) needs detailed information about jobs description, required skills, competencies and abilities, work processes description and more in general all the information needed for a proper vocational guidance activity.
OPTIMUS FLOWCART In order to guarantee as much as possible outcomes relevance with respect to their users needs, project’s activities will be carried out according to the following progressive approach: A. Methodologies; B. Learning contents; C. Testing; D. Dissemination & Exploitation; E. while, in parallel, quality monitoring, technical meetings, coordination and management activities will allow the various workgroups to proceed smoothly. A. Methodologies: Developing material for Vocational Training Providers. A university research centre will provide the necessary skills for developing technical guidelines and didactical methodologies, while port and logistic sector related partners will provide experts in Vocational Training in order to integrate and calibrate the proposed methodologies to their specific contexts. B. Learning contents: Developing material for Learners. Trainers coming from the addressed sectors will integrate their skills with experts coming from the IT sector, in order to produce web based and computer based learning contents. Furthermore, the university research centre will cooperate for adapting the developed methodologies to the contents delivery. C. Testing: Carrying out pilot experiences. Specific target groups will be recognized and addressed by web-based and computer based learning experiences, coordinated by experts coming from the same sectors. D. Dissemination & Exploitation: Through organizing specific dissemination and exploitation events, both at a local level in each single port involved and globally at a project and European level. E. Quality assurance or proper project functioning respect to objectives and expected results will be achieved by a specific WP, number 4, which will develop a Quality Plan, and through the technical coordination and project management specific workpackages.
OPTIMUS FUNCTIONING ENTITIES • Steering Committee (SC): • The S.C. will be chaired by the Project Leader, FEPORTS. It will consist of one representative of each partner. It will meet on a pre-planned basis and will be responsible for: • Strategic planning and direction of the project; • Solution of problems that have a potential impact on project strategies, resources and achievement of planned activities. Definition of the necessary contingency plans; • Establishment and management of the Steering Committee meetings; • Approval of the overall project work plan and budget; • Approval of periodic reports and financial reports; • Approval of the implementation plans and their associated financial plans; • Monitoring of project progress and revision of the achievements through the milestones; • Approval of quality of key critical deliverables, as defined in the workplan, before sending to the Commission; • Approval and monitoring of the information analysis and dissemination process; • Approval and monitoring of the exploitation and dissemination plan;
OPTIMUS FUNCTIONING ENTITIES • WorkPackages (WPs): • Each WP is made up by the following components: • A Leader, responsible for the overall WP progress; • Major Partners, those who are mainly involved in the technical development of WP aims • Minor Partners, those who are requested to integrate the main activities with minor or secondary tasks • Milestones and expected deliverable plan • Staff working days plan • WPs are formally depending on the Steering Committee • WP Leaders activities will be coordinated by the Coordinating Partner (P2) and overseen by the Project Leader (P1) • Meetings: • Meetings will take place on a pre-planned basis and will have two scopes: • Plenary Meetings: they offer the opportunity for SC meetings and for managing official duties (as reports, quality reviews, etc.); • Technical Meetings: for transferring results from a completed WP to the others and for in-progress reviews of WPs advances • Communications: • The main tool for communication between partners will be a web-based Forumand Communication System (Intranet), for exchanging informationas meeting organization, minutes distribution and validation, frequently asked questions, organizational issues related to each WP). • As well as other more traditional ways for communicating (emails, faxes) could be used. • Official language will be English.