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Iowa Dijet group meeting 1 August 2008. Ferhat, Nasuf, Kerem Summary of HcaljetAnalyzer and Ntuple Production of MC Data sets. Short summary. HcalJetAnalyzer can be used both raw and reconstructed global run data; and also on MC data.
Iowa Dijet group meeting 1 August 2008 Ferhat, Nasuf, Kerem Summary of HcaljetAnalyzer and Ntuple Production of MC Data sets
Short summary HcalJetAnalyzer can be used both raw and reconstructed global run data; and also on MC data. The updated source code are in our twiki page https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/IowaWikiAnalysisHcalAnalyzer it produces Ntuples for variables like : DT tracks Gen jets (for M.C samples) HCAL Rechits for each partition (in Phi, eta, iphi, iEta, depth) Calohits, calotowers in jet RecoJet + JetID variables.....
Full List of Ntuples: RecHit Ntuples: RecH..dep[ihbhit] --> depth of HCAL rechits ihbhit ; ihehit ; ihohit ;ihfhit --> number of HCAL Rechits for each sub detectors RecHBPhi[ihbhit] ; RecHEPhi[ihehit] ; RecHOPhi[ihohit] ;RecHFPhi[ihfhit] -> iPhi of Hcal rechits RecHBEta[ihbhit] ; RecHEEta[ihehit]; RecHOEta[ihohit] ; RecHFEta[ihfhit] - --> iEta of HCAL rechits RecHBen[ihbhit] ; RecHOen[ihohit] ; RecHEen[ihehit] ; RecHFen[ihfhit] --> Energy of HCAL rechits teb,tee-->number of ECAL Rechits RecEBiphi[teb],RecEEiphi[tee] --> iPhi of Ecal rechits RecEBieta[teb],RecEEieta[tee] --> iEta of ECAL rechits RecEBenergy[teb],RecEEenergy[tee] --> Energy of ECAL rechits Cosmic Muon track Ntuples: Track_Size --> nbr of muon tracks in DT dt0x - ..y -..z --> track impact point positions (x,y.z) dthox - ..y -..z --> track position in inner HO (x,y.z) dthoOx - ..y -..z --> track position in outer HO (x,y.z) dthbx - ..y -..z --> track position in inner HB (x,y.z) dthbOx - ..y -..z --> track position in outer HB (x,y.z) Track_Size --> nbr of Track
Calo tower Ntuples: calohit --> number of Calohits caloET[calohit] --> calotower ET caloE[calohit] --> calotower Energy caloPhi[calohit] --> calotower phi caloEta[calohit] --> calotower Eta caloiphi[calohit] --> calotower iphi caloieta[calohit] --> calotower ieta Jet Constituents: nrh -->nbr of rechits in jet calotower JetRecHBenergy[nrh] -->HBrechit energy in jet JetRecHBieta[nrh] -->HBrechit ieta in jet JetRecHBiphi[nrh] -->HBrechit iphi in jet JetRecHEieta[nrh] -->HErechit ieta in jet JetRecHEenergy[nrh] -->HErechit energy in jet JetRecHEiphi[nrh] -->HErechit ieta in jet JetRecHOenergy[nrh] -->HOrechit energy in jet JetRecHOieta[nrh] -->HOrechit ieta in jet JetRecHOiphi[nrh] -->HOrechit iphi in jet JetRecHFenergy[nrh] -->HFrechit energy in jet JetRecHFieta[nrh] -->HFrechit ieta in jet JetRecHFiphi[nrh] -->HFrechit iphi in jet JetRecHBdep[nrh] -->HBrechit depth in jet JetRecHEdep[nrh] -->HErechit depth in jet JetRecHOdep[nrh] -->HOrechit depth in jet JetRecHFdep[nrh] -->HF rechit depth in jet Gen Level Ntuples: Ngp → Nbr of Genparticle GenPartMOM[nGp] -> Mother index GenPartST[nGp]->particle id (it will change to particle status) GenPartId[nGp]->particle id nGJt --> nbr of Gen jet (for M.C samples) GENJetET[nGJt] ; GENJetPT[nGJt] ; GENJetE[nGJt] ; GENJetPhi[nGJt] ;GENJetEta[nGJt] --> Gen Jet variables calotower information in jet will be avaible soon
Jet variables Ntuples: nJt --> nbr of jet RecoJetET[nJt] --> Jet Et RecoJetE[nJt] --> Jet Energy RecoJetPhi[nJt] --> Jet phi RecoJetEta[nJt] --> Jet eta EtMaxTower[nJt] -->max ET tower in jet DRJetTwr -->deltaR (tower in jet vs jet) sumEXdr[nJt] -->sum(tower energy*deltaR (tower in jet vs jet)) sumEtower[nJt] -->sum(tower Energyin jet) recoJetCaltower[nJt ] --> nbr of calotowers in jet EtaEtaMoment[nJt] -->eta-eta second moment, ET weighted EtaPhiMoment[nJt] -->eta-phi second moment, ET weighted PhiPhiMoment[nJt] -->phi-phi second moment, ET weighted EtaEtaMoment[nJt] -->eta-eta second moment, ET weighted from DataFormats/JetReco/interface/Jet.h EnergyFractionAtMeanPhi[njt]--> Find the phi of the jet. Loop over the jet consituents (towers) and sum all tower (which has same phi) energy divided by the total jet energy. RecoJetmaxEemT[nJt] --> maximum energy deposited in ECAL towers RecoJetmaxEHadT[nJt]--> the maximum energy deposited in HCAL towers RecoJetEnemfrac[nJt]--> RecoJetEnemfrac[nJt] > jet electromagnetic energy RecoJetEnhadfrac[ijt]--> jet hadronic energy fraction RecoJetEnHB[nJt] --> jet hadronic energy in HB RecoJetEnHE[nJt] --> jet hadronic energy in HE RecoJetEnHO[nJt] --> jet hadronic energy in HO RecoJetEnHF[nJt] --> jet hadronic energy in HF RecoJetEnEB[nJt] --> jet electromagnetic energy in EB RecoJetEnEE[nJt] --> jet electromagnetic energy in EE RecoJetTowerA[nJt] --> area of contributing towers RecoJetn90[nJt] --> number of constituents carrying a 90% of the total Jet energy
List of Produced NTuple Data Set: Ntuples for Cruzet-I data /castor/cern.ch/user/o/ozok/CruzetNtuple Ntuples for Cruzet-II && Cruzet-I (official reconstructed CruzetII && CruzetI data sets were used ) /castor/cern.ch/user/o/ozok/CruzetIIrereco Ntuples for Cruzet-III data ( raw CruzetIII data sets were used ) /castor/cern.ch/user/o/ozok/CruzetIIIdata ZPrime samples: Zprime samples can be found at /castor/cern.ch/user/o/ozok/Zprime (produced with CMSSW_1_8_4) Ntuples for ZPrime samples (produced with CMSSW_1_8_4) : /castor/cern.ch/user/o/ozok/Zprime/Zprime_Ntuple
List of Produced NTuple Data Set: Ntuples for JET Samples: used data sets /JetET50/CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v2 /GEN-SIM-RECO /JetET50/CSA08_1PB_V2_RECO_v1/GEN-SIM-RECO /JetET50/CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v1 /JetET30/CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v1 /JetET20/CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v1 Ntuple root files: Ntuple_1_X.root ----> for /JetET50/CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v1 data sets Ntuple_2_X.root ----> for /JetET30/CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v1 data sets NTuple_3_X.root ----> for /JetET20/CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v1 data sets Ntuple_CSA08_1PB_V2_RECO_v1_X.root ---->for /JetET50/CSA08_1PB_V2_RECO_v1/GEN-SIM-RECO NTuple_CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v2_X.root ----> for /JetET50/CSA08_STARTUP_V2_v2 /GEN-SIM-RECO Ntuples are at: /castor/cern.ch/user/o/ozok/JET_CSA08/
From DPG Monte Carlo Production Requests for 2008 twiki page ( https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/DetectorPerformanceMCProduction2008#CSA08JetET20_S43_S156_contact_An) Jet Samples for CSA08 CSA08JetET20 (S43+S156) * Dijets, PTmin = 30 GeV CSA08JetET30 (S43+S156) * Dijets, PTmin = 45 GeV CSA08JetET50 (S43+S156) * Dijets, PTmin = 75 GeV
Global Tags for JetETX Data Samples Tags: description: STARTUP_V2Expected calibration and alignment conditions at startup Hot channels removed from Hcal pedestals and widths. Beamspot conditions recalculated using reconstructed tracks from CMSSW_202 ttbar relvals. 1PB_V2_RECO Expected calibration and alignment conditions after 1pb-1 of data taking Special tag for CSA08 step production step 2/3: As 1PB_V2 but with ideal conditions for SiStrip CSA08_S156 Conditions determined from S156 (10pb-1) calibration and alignment in CSA08 CSA08_S43 Conditions determined from S43 (1pb-1) calibration and alignment in CSA08 more information about data set and JETMET analysis can be found at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/CSA08AnaJets#Samples
Tags used : CRUZET3_V2P::All (there is more recent tag) Cruzet 3 Aim: cleaning up fake jets identifying the hot-noisy channels checking the simulation of noise validating the calibration CSA08
Cruzet 3 CSA08
HF Calibration coefficients from Data Base frontier://Frontier/CMS_COND_20X_HCAL Cruzet 3 run 51403 Reflections of the gains in the cosmic muon data Electromagnetic channels (long fibers) (Shift in binning !)
Cruzet 3 run 51403 HF Calibration coefficients from Data Base frontier://Frontier/CMS_COND_20X_HCAL Reflections of the gains in the cosmic muon data hadronic channels (short fibers) (Shift in binning !)
Cruzet 3 Rechit RMS distribution for each HB channel from Cruzet 3 RecHit Occupancies over a fixed threshold (GeV) csa08 Digis RMS distribution from Cruzet3 CSA08 is simulating pretty well the HB
Cruzet 3 RecHit Occupancies over a fixed threshold (GeV) csa08 CSA08 is failing to simulate the HF
RMS distributions for digis and Rechits RecHit Occupancies over a fixed threshold (GeV)
TO DO List: • 0) check the new tag: CRUZET3_V5 • hcal_pedestals_fC_v6.04_offline; hcal_widths_fC_v6.04_offline" • hcal_gains_v2.03_offline; qie_normalmode_v6.00 • 1) Up date HcalJetAnalyzer: • Adding new suitable ntuples for our analysis: • -JetTrack association • - Muon collection information • -Electron collection info • - tracker information • Implementation of jet correction part • Adding more Jet Constituents information ( calotower andHcal Rechit in jet) • 2) produce Ntuples for MC data set with new Ntuples and jet correction • SUSY LM1 samples: • QCD samples • 3) Jet <--> Calotower association • More information about our Ntuple Maker will put our twiki page • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/IowaWikiAnalysisHcalAnalyzer