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Comenius 2013-2015. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This presentation reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Comenius 2013-2015 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This presentation reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
THE 5 MOST IMPORTANT RULERS: KINGS, LEADERS, PRESIDENTS IN THE HISTORY OF POLAND Based on detailedPPPs by Comenius team of ZSO nr 10 Kielce, Poland: Weronika Matachowska, Katarzyna Sokołowska, Karol Galera,AdrianUniat, Piotr Niestój, Jakub Maniara,Dawid Kwiatek, Izydor Bielecki Supervised by Beata Ciaś-Smutek
According to thesurveyconductedin January 2014 inourschoolthe 5 most significantPolishrulersare • Lech Wałęsa – thepresident • Józef Piłsudski – thearmy leader, marshal • Jan III Sobieski – the king • Bolesław I theBrave (Chrobry) – the king • Mieszko I – theduke
Thestatistics of thevotesamong 13-15 year-old gimnazjum students
LECH WAŁĘSA (born 1943) President of Poland – the first independent fromSoviet Russia
LECH WAŁĘSA • An electricianwhobecamethepresident of Poland between 1990-1995 • A charismaticpoliticianwithdirectsimplelanguage • A co-founder of „Solidarity” first independent trade union intheSovietblockcountries • An effective union leader whowasn’tafraid to speakaloudwhattheworkersfelt • A human-rights activistwhospokeinthe White House • Nobel PeacePrizewinnerin 1983 • A father of 8 children • As a retiredpolitician - a commentator of thepolitical and economic reality
WAŁĘSA’S ACHIEVEMENTS • He was an organizer of theillegal 1970 strikesatthe Gdańsk Shipyardwhenworkersprotestedaboutthegovernmentraisingfoodprices; he was consideredthechairman of thestrikecommittee. • He and his familywere under constantsurveillance by thePolishsecretpolice; his home and workplacewerealwaysbugged. Overthenextfewyears, he was arrestedseveraltimes for participatingindissidentactivities.
WAŁĘSA’S ACHIEVEMENTS • He startedthechangesin Poland whichlaterinspiredpeopleabroadwhichresultedinchangesin Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and Hungary.
WAŁĘSA’S ACHIEVEMENTS • Wałęsa was an informal leader of the "non-governmental" sideinthenegotiationsinRoundTableNegotiationsfromFebruary to April 1989. Duringthetalks, hetravelledallover Poland, givingspeechesinsupport of thenegotiations. Attheend of thetalks, thegovernmentsigned an agreement to re-establishtheSolidarity Trade Union and to organize "semi-free" elections to thePolishparliament . • On 9 December 1990, Wałęsa won thepresidentialelection, defeatingPrime Minister Mazowiecki and othercandidates to becomethe first democraticallyelectedpresident of Poland.
WAŁĘSA’S ACHIEVEMENTS • In 1993 hefounded his political party BBWR theNonpartisanBloc for Support of Reforms • Wałęsa saw Poland throughprivatization and transition to a free-marketeconomy (Balcerowicz Plan), Poland's 1991 first totallyfreeparliamentaryelections, and a period of redefinition of Poland's foreign relations. • He successfullynegotiatedthewithdrawal of SoviettroopsfromPolishsoil. • He got a substantialreductioninPoland's foreign debts.
JÓZEF PIŁSUDSKI • A great soldier, strategist, focused on army • Thehead of Polisharmysince 1918 • An independenceactivist • The first Marshal of Poland since 1920 • Thecreator of governmentaftertherevolt of May 1926 • PolishPrime Minister 1926–1928 and 1930 • A man of famoussayings
JÓZEF PIŁSUDSKI’S ACHIEVEMENTS • To cut a long story short : • He helped Poland gainindependenceafter 123 years of partitions, occupation and NON-EXISTENCE on Europeanmaps. • 11 November 1918 was a new start … again. • The enemy armiesstaying for 123 yearsinourmotherlandstarted to go back to Russia, Germany and Austria wheretheybelonged. • Poland did not allow foreign invadors to changeusintoRussiansorGermans, we didn’tforgetournativelanguage, culture and traditions. But, if not for Piłsudski.. ?
JÓZEF PIŁSUDSKI’S ACHIEVEMENTS • The war againstRussiansin 1920 was veryimportant for theworld and Europe. SmallPolisharmy ‘demolished’ theenormousBolshevic -Russianarmy . • He stoppedtheSovietplans to changethe Southern & Western Europe intoSovietrepublics. • Thefamousbattle of Warsaw is 18th on the list of the most importantbattlesintheworldhistory.
JÓZEF PIŁSUDSKI’S ACHIEVEMENTS • Piłsudski was mostlyconcernedwiththePolisharmy and foreign affairs. FromamongallEuropeancountries Poland hadthe most difficultsituationbeingsqueezedbetween 2 aggressive and expansivepowers: Germany and Soviet Union (Russia). • His actionsled to recognition of Poland on theworld map and the map of Europe by them! • He reachedagreements :„pactsaboutnon-aggression” signedwith USSR in 1932 and Nazi III Reich in 1934.
KING SOBIESKI • A successfulsoldier and army leader • The Lion ofLechistan-Poland (called by the Turks) • Christians Defender of the Faith (the title awardedby Pope Innocent XI in 1684) • An educatedmanwhospokeseveral foreign languages • A king of Poland 1674 -1696 • A lovinghusbandfamous for his loveletters to his wife Marysieńka
SOBIESKI’S ACHIEVEMENTS • Jan Sobieski gotthethronethanks to successfulvictoriouswarswith Turks and Tatars • In 1683 he won thefamousbattle of ViennastoppingtheTurkishinvasion of Europe, protectingEuropean Christian traditionsfromdomination of Islam • During his reignfinalpeacetreatywith Russia was signedin 1686 • Sobieski’sreign was thebest time of the development of Sarmatianculture – which was characterized by love of freedom and traditions.
SOBIESKI’S VICTORIES • Battle of Podhajce(1667) • Battle of Bracław(1671) • Battle of Mohylów(1671) • Battle of Kalnik(1671) • Battle of Krasnobród (1672) • Battle of Niemirów(1672) • Battle of Komarno(1672) • Battle of Kałusz (1672) • Battle of Chocim(1673) • Battle of Bar (1674) • Battle of Lwów(1675) • Battle of Trembowla (1675) • Battle of Wojniłów(1675) • Battle of Żurawno(1676) • Battle of Vienna (1683) • Battle of Parkany(1683) • Battle of Jazłowiec (1684) • Battle of Żwaniec(1684) • Battle of Iaşi(1686) • Battle of Suceava (1691)
BOLESŁAW THE BRAVE’S ACHIEVEMENTS • He continued and strengthenedtheexistence of thenewlyformed Poland. • He met the Roman-German emperorin 1000 whorecognisedhim as an independent king. • He establishedthe first archbishopricin Gniezno • In 1003 heexpanded his kingdomover Czech and Moravia . • In 1018 heconqueredKiev & Czerwieńskie Grody. • In 1025 hebecamethe first crownedPolish king
MIESZKO I ’ S ACHIEVEMENTS • He conquered many Slavictribes and united them as one country. • He was the first officialruler of newlyformed Poland . • He acceptedchristianity as Polishreligion and joined western civilizationcleverlyavoiding German christianization by force. • He defeated German armyat Cedynia in 972 signallingthestrength of Poland.