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The semantic mirror. How the words in a language are translated reveals something about the semantic properties of the words. The target language is a mirror of the meaning expressed in the source language. Vice versa: the source language is a mirror of the meaning expressed in the target.
The semantic mirror • How the words in a language are translated reveals something about the semantic properties of the words. • The target language is a mirror of the meaning expressed in the source language. • Vice versa: the source language is a mirror of the meaning expressed in the target.
The translational relation Relations of translation exist on two different levels: • on the level of linguistic usage, i.e. between items of situated language • on the level where language is seen in abstraction from usage, i.e. between units of language systems as well as between entire language systems
The translational relation is a theoretical primitive • It is a concept not defined in terms of other concepts. • In translation practice there is an empirical basis for identifying the translational relation without making use of any linguistic theory.
Semantic field A “meaning continuum” which the words in a language carve up in their own particular way. (Examples: colour terms, emotional terms) Ontology A structure of related concepts. Constant, language-independent (in contrast to semantic fields).
Concepts in a semantic field animal pet feline canine cat tiger wolf dog
Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure animal pet feline canine cat tiger wolf dog
Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis animal [anim] pet feline canine cat tiger wolf dog
Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis animal [anim] pet feline canine [anim] [anim] [anim] cat tiger wolf dog
Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis animal [anim] pet feline canine [anim] [anim] [anim] [pet] [fel] [can] cat tiger wolf dog
Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis animal [anim] pet feline canine [anim] [anim] [anim] [pet] [fel] [can] cat tiger wolf dog [anim] [anim] [anim] [anim] [fel] [fel] [can] [can] [pet] [pet]
Concepts in a semantic field Lattice structure Feature analysis animal [anim] pet feline canine [anim] [anim] [anim] [pet] [fel] [can] cat tiger wolf dog [anim] [anim] [anim] [anim] [fel] [fel] [can] [can] [pet] [t] [w] [pet] [c] [d]
Different partitionings of the ‘same’ semantic field
Different partitionings of the ‘same’ semantic field
English German hag Hexe witch
English German hag Hexe witch [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch]
English German hag [Hexe|hag] Hexe witch [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch]
English German hag [Hexe|hag] Hexe witch [Hexe|witch] [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch]
English German hag [Hexe|hag] Hexe [Hexe|hag] witch [Hexe|witch] [Hexe|witch] [Hexe|hag] [Hexe|witch]
Assumptions Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations.
Assumptions Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings.
Assumptions Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. If a word a is a hyponym of a word b (such as tasty of good, for example), then the possible translations of a will probably be a subset of the possible translations of b.
Assumptions Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. If a word a is a hyponym of a word b (such as tasty of good, for example), then the possible translations of a will probably be a subset of the possible translations of b. Contrastive ambiguity, i.e., ambiguity between two unrelated senses of a word, such as the two senses of the English noun band (‘orchestra’ and ‘piece of tape’), tends to be a historically accidental and idiosyncratic property of individual words. Hence we don't expect to find instances of the same contrastive ambiguity replicated by other words in the language or by words in other languages.
Assumptions Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. If a word a is a hyponym of a word b (such as tasty of good, for example), then the possible translations of a will probably be a subset of the possible translations of b. Contrastive ambiguity, i.e., ambiguity between two unrelated senses of a word, such as the two senses of the English noun band (‘orchestra’ and ‘piece of tape’),tends to be a historically accidental and idiosyncratic property of individual words. Hence we don't expect to find instances of the same contrastive ambiguity replicated by other words in the language or by words in other languages. (More precisely, we should talk about ambiguous phonological/graphic words here, since such ambiguity is normally analysed as homonymy and hence as involving two lemmas.)
Assumptions Semantically closely related words tend to have strongly overlapping sets of translations. Words with wide meanings tend to have a higher number of translations than words with narrow meanings. If a word a is a hyponym of a word b (such as tasty of good, for example), then the possible translations of a will probably be a subset of the possible translations of b. Contrastive ambiguity, i.e., ambiguity between two unrelated senses of a word, such as the two senses of the English noun band (‘orchestra’ and ‘piece of tape’),tends to be a historically accidental and idiosyncratic property of individual words. Hence we don't expect to find instances of the same contrastive ambiguity replicated by other words in the language or by words in other languages. (More precisely, we should talk about ambiguous phonological/graphic words here, since such ambiguity is normally analysed as homonymy and hence as involving two lemmas.) Words with unrelated meanings will not share translations into another language, except in cases where the shared word is contrastively ambiguous between the two unrelated meanings. By assumption 4 there should then be at most one such shared word.
L1 L2 s1
L1 L2 First t-image of s1 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s1
L1 L2 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1 s3 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s1
L1 L2 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s1
L1 L2 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s1 s7 s8
L1 L2 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s1 s7 s8 s4 s5 s6
L1 L2 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s1 s7 s8 s4 s5 s6 s13
L1 L2 Inverse t-image of s1 s9 s10 s11 s12 First t-image of s1 s2 s3 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 s1 s7 s8 s4 s5 s6 s13
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N)
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning lov regelverk rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning lov regelverk mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning lov regelverk juridisk jus mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish fordring påstand krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
argument begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish fordring påstand krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish fordring påstand krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish fordring påstand krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish fordring påstand krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish fordring påstand krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken
kurs undervisning domstolsbehandling fylkesmann gårdsplass hoff palass plass argument sak slott ting domstol gård begrunnelse berettigelse rettferdiggjøring course court justification claim right(N) entitlement law option order food special supper dish fordring påstand krav bestemmelse bestilling kjennelse klasse kommando medalje måte orden befaling ordre påbud pålegg regel rekkefølge signal sjikt stand system vedtak forelegg løsning adgang konsesjon lov regelverk juridisk jus rettighet adgang mulighet tilbud valgmulighet vei_å_gå rett(N) bytte føde jordbruksprodukt kost kosthold mattilskudd matvare matvei middag næring mat aftens aftensbord aftensmat kvelds lunsj kveldsmat middag rettN supe supé måltid fat gryte kar kopp oppvask servise skål tallerken