The Mirror Choose Your Own Adventure Story:
Beginning Once upon a time there was a mirror maker. He is famous for the wood carvings of mirrors he made. Once he was called by a queen to make her the most magnificent long mirror he could ever make and so he said yes. The mirror maker went out alone to seek the perfect wood for his mirror. He went out to the forbidden forest that’s unguarded but people say that the trees and animals in the forest are very different from what it is. The man brought his axe and found an oak tree that could be thousand years old, sitting alone in the middle of the forest with nothing surrounding it, not even a bit of grass underneath. The tree smelled of lovely wood and was tall and magnificent that it caught his eyes. He went to the tree and chopped it down. Before he did anything, he looked around at the roots and everything was suspicious, why isn't there any grass or flowers underneath the tree? But he ignored these suspicions and chopped down the tree anyways.
He realized when he got home that his hands were covered with red blisters and white spots but he ignored it and continued to carve the wood. The man got so into his work that he forgot about eating. His wife and family got worried but the man wouldn't let them in so they just left food outside of his door. Eventually the food stank because he never touched it. The man soon got too fond of himself by the mirror and also got sick. When he was done carving his mirror border he got too addicted to it and doesn't want to go outside so he just closed all of his windows and covered it with thick curtains. The man now only cares about his looks and just took care of his hair on the mirror. He started getting illusions and imagining things, crying and laughing crazily. The wife was so worried about him but he wouldn't let her in so one day she didn't hear anything else at all, she busted in his room and sees that he's dead with blood running in his nose. She was so sad that she stayed inside his room and also got fascinated by the mirror. The same thing happens to the wife because she also stayed in his room. Then to their kids who then owns the mirror. Then to the people who bought the mirror when it was sold with the house. Then to the people that owned it after that. The deaths came quick and the mirror got on the news hundred years later.
First decision Now in the 21st century, you're a scientist and you are reading the newspaper. You see the news about a "cursed mirror" that kills everyone who sees it. You want to research about it because it sounded so unreal and interesting but you needed the mirror first to research about it. Should you risk your life with that mirror that could possibly kill you or research with the victims that got killed?
Buy mirror You risk it and you buy the mirror for research in your own bed room. First you look into the mirror and nothing's suspicious about it, just a perfectly normal mirror. Now you're touching the corners of the mirror and its borders when you realized that your hands are getting red and white spots are showing. You suddenly want to smell the mirror border, it smelled of oak wood, but not the normal type, it smelled like rose perfume but with a bit of wet grass smell. Should you leave your work there and go to the hospital to check on your hand or continue working?
Continue working You continued working on the mirror. You are now attractive to yourself, looking in the mirror. But you remembered reading in the newspaper that the first thing that happens to the victims was that they get attracted to themselves, so you tried to stay focus now. After days of researching, you realized you haven’t had any food and you are becoming sick. Should you give up now, get food and go to the hospital or continue because you are so close to revealing the secret of this “cursed” mirror?
Got to hospital You leave your work there and went to the hospital to check on your hand. The doctor says it might have come from a poison ivy or a poisonous tree. You realize it wasn’t the mirror that caused the death; it might have been the wood. You remembered yourself smelling it before and your nose suddenly gets runny, with blood. Your hands suddenly feel numb and cold. You run to a nurselnearby and now you’re in the emergency room. The doctor said something but you couldn’t hear well. Everything starts fading away and you can see a bright light. You die.
Continue working You are checking on the wood separately now. Taking tests on the wood. Turns out the wood is from a poisonous oak from a long time ago, it can cause you pain in your hands if you touch it and make your nose stop working if you smell it. You are about to write this information down but your hands hurts so much from the blisters and the white spots. You are getting weird illusions and you are just staring at yourself in the mirror. Your nose is now bleeding non-stop and you can’t breathe. You are still holding the pencil in your hand but couldn’t write anything. You die
Research with victims You are now at the police department. The policemen are asking for your scientist papers and why you want to see a bunch of dead bodies. So you explained to them that you're researching about a cursed mirror so they let you to the cemetery where a victim was buried. They dug up the dead body and let you research right there, next to the grave in the cemetery. You inspect the body and one thing caught your eyes, the person's nose had spots inside and there were still blood stains inside from the runny blood nose. You touch their hands and it was covered with red blisters and white spots. You are terrified of what you discovered but you haven't got a conclusion to why this happened yet. Should you give up or get the mirror yourself and research with it?
You die You pass out slowly and die. So now the mirror is passed on to other people who try to research it or buy it for decoration.
Give up You give up and go back to your house. The policemen are suspicious because you dug up dead bodies from centuries ago for nothing so they locked you up and think that you’re crazy or insane. You explained to them that you are researching about a cursed mirror but they don’t believe you. You are in a hospital for crazy people and you eventually become crazy. You spend the rest of your life in the hospital