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Development of International Metropolis and Construction of Statistical System 国际大都市发展与统计体系建设. M r Cui Shuqiang Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics 北京市统计局:崔述强. Main Contents 主要内容. Ⅰ . Background of Research 研究背景 Ⅱ. Development of Metropolises and Statistical Information Demand
Development of International Metropolis and Construction of Statistical System国际大都市发展与统计体系建设 Mr Cui Shuqiang Beijing Municipal Bureau of Statistics 北京市统计局:崔述强
Main Contents主要内容 Ⅰ. Background of Research 研究背景 Ⅱ. Development of Metropolises and Statistical Information Demand 国际大都市发展与统计信息需求 1. The metropolises are facing some common challenges 国际大都市面临共同的挑战 2. The relationship between metropolises has become increasingly close 经济全球化使大都市经济联系日益紧密 Ⅲ. Construction of Metropolitan Statistical System: Beijing 中国大都市统计体系构建 1. The metropolitan statistical indicator system 构建符合大都市特点的统计指标系统 2. The metropolitan statistical survey system 建立科学规范的北京大都市统计调查系统 3. The high-efficiency statistical service system 建立高效能的统计服务系统
Ⅰ. Research Background 研究背景 • Due to the gathering of special services and finance, some of the international metropolises have gradually become the main force leading and dominating the world economic operation • 大都市已成为引领并支配世界经济运行的主体力量 • Metropolises will generally face common strategic problems in economic development, immigrant, infrastructures, environment protection and social justice, etc • 世界各大都市通常面临经济发展、外来移民、基础设施、环境保护和社会公平领域等共同的战略问题 • A series of new phenomena and problems should be timely and accurately reflected by the statistical departments • 新的经济现象、新的社会现象要求大都市统计工作及时跟进,迅速反映。
Ⅱ.Development of Metropolises and Statistical Information Demand国际大都市发展与统计信息需求 1. The metropolises are facing some common challenges 国际大都市面临着一些共同的挑战 • Population explosion 人口急剧膨胀 • Environment worsening 环境过度污染 • Traffic jam 交通严重堵塞 • Resource shortage 资源持续紧缺 • And so on… 等等
2. The relationship between metropolises has becoming increasingly close 经济全球化使大都市经济联系日益紧密 • A relatively steady hierarchical city network structure has been gradually created, with the transnational companies as the link 以跨国公司为纽带,全球城市之间相对稳定的城市层级网络结构 • With the urban economic contact being strengthened, the requirement for intercity coordination and cooperation has become even higher 城市经济联系的加强,对城市间的协调和配合提出了更高的要求
Problems and Exploration困境与探索 • There are no unified international standards for the items in urban statistics and urban statistical work lacks an effective coordinating mechanism. 目前城市统计许多内容缺少相应的方法制度,国际城市统计工作也缺乏有效的协调机制 • The difference in national statistical systems has caused many problems in the communication and cooperation among the statistical departments of metropolises and it is difficult to exchange and share statistical data in different cities. 由于各国统计体制的差异,大都市统计部门之间的交流与合作存在诸多问题,各城市相关统计数据的交流和共享也有难度。 • In recent years , the department of Beijing statistics strives hard to establish metropolitan statistical system which not only has bright characteristics but also can reflect the international trend. 近年来,北京统计部门努力探索既有鲜明特色又反映国际化趋势的大都市统计体系。
Indicator 统计指标系统 What生产什么 Core 核心系统 How怎么生产 Who为谁服务 Intellectual 人才系统 Technique 技术系统 Legal System 法律系统 Mechanism 体制系统 Propaganda 宣传系统 Ⅲ. Construction of Metropolitan Statistical System: Beijing中国大都市统计体系构建 • Metropolitan Statistical System: Beijing 大都市统计体系示意图 Data Collecting 数据采集系统 Metropolitan Statistical System 大都市计 体系 Service 统计服务系统 Support 支撑系统 Guarantee 保障系统
1.The metropolitan statistical indicator system构建符合大都市特点的统计指标系统 a. General situation of .the metropolitan statistical indicator system 指标体系概况 • The indicator system covers six major categories: economy, society, resource and environment, residents’ life, urban construction and local government, including more than 800 key indicators that can represent the features of metropolitan economic-social development. 近年来,北京统计系统在满足国家需要的前提下,结合北京城市特点,研究设计了北京大都市统计指标体系。该指标体系涉及经济、社会、资源与环境、居民生活、城市建设和地方政府等6个大类共800多项能够反映大都市经济社会发展特点的关键指标 。
1.The metropolitan statistical indicator system构建符合大都市特点的统计指标系统 b. Undertake the statistics of new industries 开展新兴产业统计 • Cultural and creativity industry 文化和创意产业 • Tourism, exhibition and convention industry 旅游会展业(编制旅游卫星账户) • Physical industry 体育产业 • Production service industry 生产性服务业 • And so on 等等
1.The metropolitan statistical indicator system构建符合大都市特点的统计指标系统 c. Strengthen the international statistics of cities 加强城市国际统计 • Transnational companies 跨国公司状况 • International conferences 国际会展状况 • Dependence of trade 贸易依存度 • Dependence of foreign trade 外资依存度 • And so on 等等
1.The metropolitan statistical indicator system构建符合大都市特点的统计指标系统 d. Improve the statistics of environment 完善环境统计 • Use of resources 资源利用 • Environment protection 环境保护 • Circulation economy 循环经济 • Natural disasters 自然灾害 • And so on 等等
Beijing Energy Statistics Conference 1.The metropolitan statistical indicator system 构建符合大都市特点的统计指标系统 e. Improve the statistics of energies 完善能源统计 • Energy census 能源普查 • Energy consumption 能源消费 • Energymonitor 能源监测 • And so on 等等
Culture, Sports, Education & Health Population & Family 文体教卫 人口家庭 Science and Technology SocialJustice 科技事业 社会公 平 保障福利 文明建设 Securities and Welfare Civilization Construction 就业失业 社区建 设 Employment & Unemployment Community Construction 1.The metropolitan statistical indicator system构建符合大都市特点的统计指标系统 f. Integrate and strengthen the social statistics 整合加强社会统计 • Social evaluation system 社会评价体系 • Social monitoring System 社会统计监测 • Social situation and public opinion index 社情民意指数 • Public sentiment index for economic development and social development 经济发展和社会发展舆情指数 • And so on 等等 Social Indicators
Two-tier platform, three-tier management lack of sharing “两级平台、三级管理、缺乏共享” Contents from main general economic sectors 仅涵盖国民经济主要行业部分专业内容的报表制度 Collecting process depends on different sectors 采集全过程的分专业实施 2.The metropolitan statistical survey system建立科学规范的北京大都市统计调查系统 a. Improve the data collection mode 改进数据采集方式 Before 过去 Now 现在 “Integrated set table” policy “集成套表”制度 Collecting and then sharing “下去一把抓, 上来再分家” One-tier platform, three-tier monitoring, mutual-beneficial 一级平台、三级监管、多方共享
2.The metropolitan statistical survey system 建立科学规范的北京大都市统计调查系统 b. Regulate the data management procedure 规范数据管理流程 • Online reporting, one-level collection and centralized management, speed up the transmission and establish the efficient, fast and accurate management mode for centralized storage and pooling of data. • 以采集原生指标为重点,充分采用现代互联网技术,提高统计数据采集效率。以网上填报为手段,变分散采集为集中采集,变层层采集为一级采集,变分散管理为集中管理,减少中间环节,加快传输速度,建立高效、快捷、准确的数据集中存储、汇总管理模式。 Government 政府 Macro Data 宏 观 数 据 库 General statistic 综合统计 Data Collecting 数据采集库 Original Data 基础数据 Processed Data 汇总数据 Enterprise 企业 Division statistic 部门统计 Public 公众
3. The high-efficiency statistical service system建立高效能的统计服务系统 a. Try to change the service concept 努力转变服务观念 Before 过去 Now 现在 Statistic department 统计部门 Statistic department 统计部门 Government 政府 Enterprise 企业 Government 政府 Organization 组织 Public 公众
Beijing Municipal Economic-social Data Analysis and Monitoring and Evaluation Research Base is established 3. The high-efficiency statistical service system建立高效能的统计服务系统 b. Enhance the monitoring and evaluation functions 强化监测评价功能 • Monitoring and evaluation 监测评价 • Undertake special analyses 专题分析 • Establish research base 建立基地 • And so on 等等
Beijing Social Situation and Public Opinion Survey Center 3. The high-efficiency statistical service system建立高效能的统计服务系统 c. Undertake Social situation and public opinion survey 开展社情民意调查 Reflect public opinion 反映民意 Policy making 制定政策 Government performance assessment 政绩评估 Modify legislation 完善立法
3. The high-efficiency statistical service system建立高效能的统计服务系统 d. Innovate on statistical propaganda mode 创新统计宣传方式 • Makeup TV short play 编制电视短剧 • Hold knowledge lecture 举办统计知识讲座 • Press conference 举行新闻发布会 • And so on 等等