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Transitioning to Common Core Math. Roz Auerbach June 2013.
Transitioning to Common Core Math Roz Auerbach June 2013
"If people just swap out the old standards and put the new CCSS in the old boxes –into old systems and procedures –into the old relationships –Into old instructional materials formats –Into old assessment tools, Then nothing will change and perhaps nothing will." Phil Daro– chairman of the mathematics work group for Common Core Standards and lead writer for the Mathematics K-12 Common Core Standards Committee
"If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn." (Ignacio Estrada) You can forget facts, but you cannot forget understanding. (Harvard Professor Eric Mazur)
Today’s Presentation • Will give you a guided tour of my website which will be available to you throughout the next school year • Specific resources will be highlighted
Will highlight what you as teachers need to know about the common core content for your grade level • Alignments for grades 3-8 to compare common core and NJ standards • Flex books which explain each and every standard with sample questions • Link to common core website with “the standards”
Will provide links to exceptional resources directly aligned to each standard for your level to be used with students • Resources for Common Core …Site which has teaching materials for every standard at every level
Will give you and your students a beginning understanding of new CC assessments • Try the sample assessments provided by PAARC and Smarter Balance
Common Core Standards for Mathematics Two Types of Standards Mathematical Practice (recurring throughout the grades) Mathematical Content (different at each grade level)
Standards for Mathematical Practices Standards for Mathematical Practices
Required Changes • These standards require students to develop skills for mathematical thinking that apply to all strands and grade levels • Need to effect a change in delivery of content to provide for more independent and group problem solving activities • These can and should be done the “old fashioned” way without technology. MAP Math Assessment Project to be discussed later.
Mathematics of Content: 3 shifts Focus: Focus strongly where the standards focus. Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application
Shift One • Significantly narrows the scope of content in each grade level and changes how time and energy is spent within the math classroom to provide a wider variety of experiences • Focus deeply only on what is emphasized in the standards, so that students gain strong foundations
Shift Two Coherence • Carefully connect the learning within and across grades so that students can build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years. • Begin to count on solid conceptual understanding of core content and build on it. Each standard is not a new event, but an extension of previous learning.
Shift Three Rigor • The CCSM require a balance of: • Solid conceptual understanding • Procedural skill and fluency • Application of skills in problem solving situations • This requires equal intensity in time, activities, and resources in pursuit of all three
Challenges for Middle and High School • The students coming into these grades have not come up through the grades exposed to the common core curriculum and therefore may not have mastered the skills from previous grade levels. • It will probably be necessary to review and “reteach” these concepts.
Highlighted Resource • Learnzillion.com free videos • Totally aligned to each skill at each grade level (3-HS) • *major project this summer to add more resources • Short – concise - effective • Has interactive practice problems • Great for special-ed or for reviewing skills introduced at previous levels
Can be used for whole class instruction or independent study • Can be assigned for homework if students have home computers • Can be given to parents who want to help students at home • Works on all computers and tablets
Highlighted Resource Math Assessment ProjectIllustrations • Classroom challenge lessons complete with all necessary teaching materials including handouts, rubrics and PowerPoints • Require students to demonstrate understandings and abilities in employing mathematical practices and involves structured discussion designed to secure more long-term learning
Teachers’ role is to prompt students to reflect and reason through their own ideas not to merely provide answers • Teachers should begin to use problem solving activities that fit where their students are at any given time and may need to use some labeled for a lower levels • *Special Ed may want to check out Mars Tasks and/or Illustrative Math
What has to be done • As new standards are implemented examine/modify your curriculum to make sure it correlates directly to the standards.
Remember • Your textbooks, even those aligned to common core, are not the curriculum! • Make sure to correlate instruction to the specific skills designated by the published common core standards • Dana Center is an excellent resource for this
Revise pacing guides to build in the time for the major strands of each grade level and to maintain the concepts from previous grades*. • *more time for review and reteaching may have to be included for the first year • Use a wide variety of questions throughout the year.
Focus for Today Show you where to find the resources you will need to enrich your current math program to meet the goals and challenges of common core
Please follow along with me as I take you on the guided “tour”. You will have time to explore on your own! Common Core
Workshop Website coolmathsites.pbworks.com