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Access the training materials for the Fall/Winter 2019 Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) including the English Language Arts (ELA) Retake and Algebra 1 and Geometry End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments. This comprehensive manual includes instructions, scripts, and resources for test administration.
Fall/Winter 2019Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Training Materials FSA English Language Arts (ELA) Retake and Algebra 1 and Geometry End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments
Fall/Winter 2019FSA Test Administration Manual Includes FSA Instructions for administering the: • ELA Retake (Writing and Reading) and • Algebra 1 and Geometry End-of-Course (EOC) assessments Note: Test administration scripts for the FSA Fall/Winter administrations are included in the manual.
FSA Resources School personnel should read and have access to the following materials, available on the FSA Portal: • Fall/Winter 2019 CBT Accommodated Scripts (SAC and TA) • Fall/Winter 2019 PBT Accommodated Scripts (SAC and TA) • TIDE User Guide(SAC) • Test Administrator User Guide[(SAC, TA, and Technology Coordinators (TC)] • AVA User Guide (SAC, TA) • Practice Tests Guide (SAC, TA) • 2019-20 FSA Accommodations Guide (SAC, TA)
Test Administration Schedule • *The FSA ELA Writing Retake must be administered prior to the FSA ELA Reading Retake except for the purpose of accommodating make-up test administrations. A student must take both the FSA ELA Writing Retake and The FSA ELA Reading Retake to receive an FSA ELA Retake score. • ** A student who has not completed a session by the end of the allotted time may continue working; however, each session may last no longer than half the length of a typical school day. • ***Session 1 must be completed before session 2. Any deviation from this schedule requires written approval from the FDOE.
Navigating This Presentation In the slides that follow, the right portion of the header will indicate when slides are relevant to computer-based testing (CBT), paper-based testing (PBT), or both: CBT CBT PBT PBT
What’s New • All schools must download and install the most current FSA Secure Browser for 2019–20 test administrations. Please check for the most updated version on the Secure Browsers page on the FSA Portal at https://FSAssessments.org/technology-resources/secure-browsers.stml. • Supported browsers and operating systems for CBT (Computer-Based Testing) are now listed on the Supported Systems & Requirements page in the Technology Resources section of the FSA Portal: https://FSAssessments.org/supported-systems-requirements.stml. • In Fall 2019, FSA EOC and ELA Retake are combined into one administration in TIDE. Weekly Briefing # 26033 CBT PBT
Assessment Services Application • The “Assessment Services” application is found on the Apps/Services/Sites tab of the M-DCPS employee portal. • Used by principals to designate the school assessment coordinator, and other roles at the school (School Assessment Team link). • Used by school assessment coordinators to securely place additional paper-based accommodations orders for eligible students based on IEP or 504 Plan (PBT Accommodations link). • The application provides a cumulative listing of all additional PBT accommodations orders placed, for each administration. • Principals assign access to this application (WPBS-PBA SCHOOLS) to the designated school assessment coordinator via QUAD-A. Refer to Weekly Briefing #26037 CBT PBT
Students to Be Tested FSA ELA Retake • Students pursuing a high school diploma including: • Students who entered Grade 9 in the 2013–2014 school year and beyond and have not met the Grade 10 FSA ELA (Reading and Writing) assessment requirement • Retained Grade 10 or Grades 11–Adult students who have not met the Grade 10 FSA ELA assessment requirement • Grade 10 students who entered Grade 9 during the 2018–19 school year will participate in the Spring 2020 Grade 10 FSA ELA assessment. Note: Students who have a concordant score on file are not required to retake the ELA graduation test. CBT PBT
Students to Be Tested FSA Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC administrations: • Students enrolled in and completing one of the courses listed on page 2 of the Fall/Winter 2019 FSA Manual participate in the appropriate EOC assessment. • Students who still need to pass an assessment for graduation purposes (Algebra 1)* • Students who wish to earn scholar designation and still need to earn a passing score on an assessment (Geometry) • Students who have not yet taken an EOC assessment that needs to be averaged as 30% of their course grade • Students who are in “grade forgiveness” programs and wish to retake an assessment to improve their course grades • Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take an assessment to earn course credit *Note: Students who have a comparative score on file are NOT required to retake the Algebra 1 EOC. CBT PBT
Students to Be Tested Prior Year Students with Final Grade NG (no grade) • Prior Year Students with Final Grade NG Reportis available on the employee portal (click on “Reports” tab then search for “Academic Progress” title) to identify students • These students must participate in the Fall EOC administration to earn an EOC score so that 30% can be applied to the final course grade. CBT PBT What will your final grade be for the NGSSS or FSA EOCs?
Students to Be Tested File Download Manager (FDM) (Weekly Briefing 23120) • FDM helps identify eligible students who failed the FSA ELA Retake and FSA Algebra 1 EOC assessments that are required for graduation. • For a demonstration of the application, please click on the following screencast https://eduvision.tv/l?eAegeR CBT PBT
Students to Be Tested CBT PBT Important Note: Please do not add any special program students in TIDE or Pearson under your school for testing. District staff will email the test tickets to the SAC at the student’s assigned school.
Students to Be Tested English Language Learners (ELLs) • All ELLs participate in statewide assessments. • All ELLs who complete the applicable courses are expected to participate in the statewide assessment programs no matter how long these students have been enrolled in a U.S. school. Students with Disabilities • Students with disabilities participate in the FSA statewide assessment program by taking one of the following: • FSA without accommodations • FSA with accommodations • Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA) All determinations regarding participation in the statewide assessment program must be documented in the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan. CBT PBT
Test Security Policies and Procedures • Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, was developed to meet the requirements of the Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and applies to anyone involved in the administration of a statewide assessment. • Appendix D of the manual provides the full text of the Florida Test Security Statute and State Board of Education Rule. • Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test Administration and Test Security and Test Security Screencast for Test Administrators and Proctors are available at the Test Chairperson Info website at http://oada.dadeschools.net/TestChairInfo/InfoForTestChair.asp • Adopted by School Board • School Procedural Checklist (FM-6927) must be completed and signed by the principal and SAC at the conclusion of testing.
Test Security Policies and Procedures Caveon Data Forensics • The FDOE uses Caveon Test Security to provide its Caveon Data Forensics™ for all statewide assessments. • Caveon analyzes data to identify highly unusual test results for two primary groups: • Students with extremely similar test responses • Schools with improbable levels of similarity, gains and/or erasures • Flagging only the most extreme results. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing • Please use the School Assessment Coordinator Checklist, located in Appendix E of the manual, before, during, and after testing. • Ensure that all test administrators (TA) have active usernames and passwords to log in to TIDE. TAs will need to access the TA Interface with their TIDE accounts to administer tests. • Ensure that all students are uploaded or added to TIDE for this administration. • Prior to testing, verify that student eligibility is correct in TIDE and that any accommodations or test settings are correct. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Receive Materials • Inventory the contents of boxes within 24 hours of receipt, and maintain an accurate Test Materials Chain of Custody Form at all times to track secure test materials. • Contact Student Assessment & Educational Testing (SAET) immediately at 305-995-7520 to report missing materials. • Order additional materials via the Assessment Services app or TDC Documents site, as appropriate. • See pages 105-106 of the manual for a list of materials you will receive for this administration. • Secure materials should be delivered to or picked up by TAs immediately before the beginning of each test session. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Receive Materials, as applicable • Test administration manuals • School Packing List • School Box Range Sheet • School Order Summary • School Security Checklist • Blank PreID labels • Red Labels (TO BE SCORED regular print ELA Retake materials) • Purple Labels (TO BE SCORED regular print EOC materials) • Blue Labels (TO BE SCORED large print/one-item-per-page materials) • PinkLabels (TO BE SCORED braille materials) • White Labels (NOT TO BE SCORED large materials) • Roll of plastic return bags • Work folders • CBT Worksheets • Planning sheets • Test and Answer Books (PBT accommodation) • Reading Passage Booklets (CBT accommodation) • Writing Passage Booklets (CBT accommodation) CBT PBT Secure materials should be delivered to/picked up by test administrators immediately before the beginning of each test session, as applicable:
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Maintain Test Materials Chain of Custody Form • You are required to maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody Form • Located in Appendix E of the manual and on the FSA Portal. • Retain electronic or hard copies of completed forms • Return the originals in the DAC-AR box CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Missing Materials • Within 24 hours of receiving shipment, verify that all secure materials are received and report any mispackaged or missing materials immediately to SAET at 305-995-7520. • School staff responsible for handling secure materials are accountable for the materials assigned to them. • Investigate any report of missing materials. • If, after a thorough investigation, a secure document is not found, the school assessment coordinator (SAC) must contact the SAET at 305-995-7520. • A report with supporting documentation will be required for any testing irregularities or missing materials. PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Paper-Based Test Materials • For eligible students with paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, one-item-per-page, braille) for: • ELA Writing Retake • ELA Reading Retake • Algebra 1 EOC • Geometry EOC • School assessment coordinator (SAC) will provide TAs with the test materials for the appropriate subject. • PBT accommodations will be ordered based on the PreID file • SACs can order additional materials, as needed, via the Assessment Services application, PBT Accommodations link on their employee portal. PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing FSA Writing Planning Sheets • Used by all students taking the ELA Writing Retake (CBT and PBT) • Used to take notes and plan Writing responses. • One-page, letter-sized sheet. The front of the sheet is lined. The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on the back of the sheet. • Distribute to students at the beginning of the Writing Retake test session. • Used planning sheets are considered secure materials and must be kept in locked storage. • Return USED planning sheets in the DAC-SWR box. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Worksheets (CBT Reading Retake only) • Used to take notes during each session of the ELA Reading Retake. • Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on the back. • Must provide a new CBT worksheet at the beginning of each session. • Used CBT worksheets are secure materials and must be kept in locked storage. • Return USED CBT Worksheets in the DAC-SWR box. CBT Worksheets are not provided for students testing with paper-based accommodations. CBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Headphones/Earbuds • Students must have headphones or earbuds for both sessions of ELA Reading Retake(including PBT accommodations to access the listening via AVA). • FDOE does not provide headphones or earbuds. • Students may use their own headphones or earbuds. Check and ensure these work with the computer or device the student will use for the assessment prior to the first day of testing. • Important: Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust system volume prior to launching the secure browser on each day of testing. • A sound check is built in to the CBT assessment, and students are asked to verify that headphones and earbuds are working prior to entering the test. • Students should not unplug headphones until finished with the session. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Passage Booklets (ELA Writing and Reading Retake) • For computer-based (CBT) administrations (available in regular and large print) • For eligible students with the accommodations in their IEPs or Section 504 Plans. • Important: Students must be marked “YES” in TIDE for the Passage Booklet accommodation to ensure that the passages in their CBT test forms match the those in the printed passage booklet. • Students may write in the booklets but will respond to the writing prompt or to test items on the computer or device they are using to take the CBT assessment. • Sessions 1 and 2 of the Reading Passage Booklet are sealed separately. • Passage booklets are secure materials and must be stored in a secure location before and after testing. • Return USED and UNUSED Passage Booklets in the NOT TO BE SCORED box. CBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Audio Transcripts (ELA Reading Retake) • Used for listening portions of ELA Reading assessments. • Eligible students: confined to a Department of Corrections facility, or with disabilities who cannot access the audio content, ASL accommodations, or CC accommodations. • To order, place an additional order request in the PBT Accommodations link via the Assessment Services app. • The content of the audio transcript must be read aloud to students. Students may not read directly from the transcript. • Test administrators must understand that, TAs are permitted to read ONLY the transcript of the listening passage, unless the student has a read-aloud accommodation for test items and directions on their IEP or 504 Plan. • Transcripts are secure materials and must be stored in a secure location before and after testing. • Return USED and UNUSED transcripts in the NOT TO BE SCORED box. PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Work Folders (CBT Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC) • Used by students to take notes, solve problems. • Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on page 2. • The last page of the folder (back cover) is printed with graph paper. • Must provide a new CBT work folder at the beginning of each EOC test session. • Used work folders are considered secure materials and must be kept in locked storage. • Return USED work folders in the DAC-SWR box. Work folders are not provided for students testing with paper-based accommodations. CBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Reference Sheets (Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC) • Provided in TDS for CBT. • Optional: Students may be provided a hardcopy reference sheets and must be printed or copied from the files found on the FSA portal. • May provide each student with a new copy of the reference sheet for Session 2 on Day 2, or may return the same hardcopy reference sheet from Session 1 for students to use during Session 2. • Reference sheets for students with paper-based accommodations are provided in the test and answer books. • After students complete the test, the TA should collect all reference sheets. • Used reference sheets are secure materials. • Return USED reference sheets in the DAC-SWR box. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Scientific Calculators (Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC) • Included in TDS, only for Session 2 of the EOCs. • Handheld calculators may be provided to all students taking an EOC assessment during Session 2 only. • Students who will test using paper-based accommodations must be provided approved handheld calculators for Session 2. • Providing a calculator with prohibited functionality or in the wrong test session (Session 1) is cause for test invalidation. All school personnel, especially TAs, must be made aware of this policy. • The Calculator and Reference Sheet Policies for Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Mathematics Assessments document includes a list of required and prohibited calculator functionalities as well as a list of FDOE-approved calculators. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Computer or Mobile Device with Internet Access • All CBT FSA: Needed by test administrators to create a test session in the TA Interface, approve students for testing, and monitor the session. • PBT ELA Reading Retake: Needed by test administrators to access the AVA site for the audio content. Pencils/Pens • CBT: Needed by students to sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment, write names, take notes and/or work the problems on planning sheets, worksheets, or work folders, as applicable, on each day of testing. • PBT: Ensure that students use No. 2 pencils to sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment and record their responses on the test and answer books. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Watch or Clock • Needed for TAs to allow students the correct amount of time indicated for each FSA test session. • Failure to provide the correct amount of time will likely result in test invalidation. • Starting and stopping times should be provided to the TAs by SAC and displayed for students according to the instructions in the test script. • If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes. Post Signs Prior to Testing • Do Not Disturb, No Electronic Devices, No Calculator, and Session signs • Found in Appendix E of the manual CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Test Tickets • Each student must have a test ticket to log in to computer-basedFSA assessments. • Test tickets are generated in TIDE and contain a student’s username, last name, first name, grade, date of birth, FLEID, district, and school. • Test tickets will be printed by the SAC and will be distributed to TAs on the day of testing. • Test tickets are considered secure materials and must be stored in a secure location before and after testing. CBT
School Assessment CoordinatorResponsibilities Before Testing Verify PREID Student Information CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Manage Student Information in TIDE • Ensure that all students have been added to TIDE • Ensure all demographic information listed in TIDE is correct, including any accommodations students will use for testing. • See the TIDE User Guide for instructions on how to perform the following tasks prior to testing: • Adding Students • Assigning Accommodations • Editing Student Demographic Information • Printing Test Tickets • Printing On-Demand PreID Labels CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Manage Student Information in TIDE Before testing, verify in TIDE: • District/school number • Enrolled grade • Student first and last name • FLEID* • Birth Date • Gender • Ethnicity • Race • Also verify the following information as applicable: • Test Indicator • Section 504 • ELL • Primary Exceptionality • Testing Accommodations Listed on IEP or 504 Plan CBT PBT FLEID is a required field in TIDE; therefore, you cannot test a student without a FLEID number. New students to Florida may not have a FLEID; check within a week in DSIS for the FLEID.
School Assessment CoordinatorResponsibilities Before Testing Manage Class Codes in TIDE (FSA) Fall 2019 FSA ELA Retake • FALL19WTK • FALL19RTK • Fall 2019 FSA EOC • FALL19ALG1 • FALL19GEO CBT PBT Winter 2019 FSA EOC • WIN19ALG1 • WIN19GEO See the TIDE USER Guide for instructions on working with rosters.
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Print FSA Test Tickets from TIDE (for CBT) • Required by students to log into a CBT FSA assessments. • Distributed to TAs on the day of testing. • Secure and must be stored in a secure location before and after testing. • Schools must retain test tickets for one calendar year. CBT PBT • Create/Assign Unique Test Group Codes (for PBT) • Four-digit number used for FSA PBT administrations. • A security measure used to identify students tested together. • Each testing room must use a different test group code. Assign a different and unique test group code for each make-up session.
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Print On-Demand PreID labels from TIDE (for PBT) • First verify student demographic information listed in pages 10-11 of the FSA manual in TIDE before printing PreID Labels. • Instructions for printing PreID Labels are in the TIDE User Guide • Instructions for affixing PreID labels are in the manual pages 17-18. • Affix PreID labels in the box on the student demographic page that states “APPLY PREID LABEL HERE.” (Note, this box contains a barcode used for scanning unused documents that will be covered by the PreID label on TO BE SCORED documents.) • PreID labels are required on all USED test and answer books • Results for TO BE SCORED test and answer books returned without labels will be included in late reporting. PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Ensure Implementation of Accommodations • Appendix A of the manual provides information concerning allowable accommodations for students with disabilities and for ELLs. • Accommodations are captured on the PreID file as well as when adding a new student in TIDE. • Prior planning and arrangements are necessary to ensure that accommodations indicated on student IEPs or Section 504 Plans are implemented. • Verify that all students who will use Passage Booklets (for ELA Reading and Writing), Text-to-Speech, Masking, ASL, Closed-Captioning have been correctly assigned that accommodation in TIDE. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Ensure Implementation of Accommodations • Train TAs regarding accommodations. • Review “Instructions for Oral Presentation Accommodations” section available in Appendix A of the manual, as necessary. • Refer to the 2019–20 FSA Accommodations Guide for information and instructions about accommodated paper-based assessments. • Students who are identified as ELLs must be provided with the allowable accommodations listed in Appendix A of the manual. • Schools must maintain records of accommodations provided and accommodations used with their required administration information. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Ensure Implementation of Accommodations • Assessment Viewing Application (AVA) for PBT FSA ELA Reading Retake to Access Listening Section • All TAs who will administer a paper-based ELA Reading Retake test must be assigned the Assessment Viewing Application (AVA) Test Administrator role in TIDE. • AVA contains audio content, Closed Captioning (CC), and American Sign Language (ASL) videos for ELA Reading Retake listening items for students with paper-based accommodations. PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing CBT and PBT accommodations may be provided to eligible students if indicated on an IEP or Section 504 Plan. • Computer-Based Accommodations • Masking • Text-to-speech • American Sign Language (ASL) videos (ELA Reading) • Closed-Captioning (ELA Reading) • Passage Booklets (ELA Writing and Reading) (regular and large print) • Paper-Based Accommodations • Regular print • Large Print • One-Item-Per-Page • Braille CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing • PBT Accommodations will be ordered based on the PreID files: • Fall: August 20 • Winter: November 1 • SAC may place orders via the Assessment Services application (for eligible students based on the IEP or Section 504 Plan) • Accessible via the employee portal, select the Apps/Services/Sites tab, then select the Assessment Services App • Click on PBT Accommodations, then complete the form for each student, as needed and click on Submit • Principals can provide access via QUAD A, select WPBS-PBA Schools. Refer to QUAD A User Guide. Refer to Weekly Briefing #22049 CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Collect Required Administration Information • Communicate to TAs the process for collecting the required administration information. • Use a blank Administration Record/Security Checklist form to capture the information, available on the portal and in the manuals. • Retain copies for one calendar school year. • Return the originals in the DAC-AR box. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Create Seating Charts • Required for each group of students in their rooms during testing. A sample is provided in the Training Packet. • Ensure TAs record all information for seating charts indicated on page 25 of the manual. • Create a new seating chart if the seating configuration changes during a test session, (i.e., make-up session) • After testing, copy all seating charts, file the copies, and package the originals in the DAC-AR Box. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Training Test Administrators (TA)s • Must read and be familiar with all appropriate sections of the manual and scripts. • Read, sign, and return a Test Administration and Security Agreement; and • Read, sign, and return a Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement. Failure to comply with the policies and procedures as indicated in the agreements may result in the invalidation of student tests and/or loss of teaching certification Return originals in the DAC-AR box. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Training Test Administrators (TA)s • Use the Test Administrator Checklist found in Appendix E of the manual • Must use the correct administration script based on the method of delivery and the accommodations provided (if applicable), see below. • Should review the scripts before testing begins to determine the necessary modifications CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Training Test Administrators (TA)s • MUST read the appropriate script at the end of each Reading Retake or EOC test(NOT for Writing Retake), select Options A, B or C: • Schools may allow students to read after they have finished the test session and their test materials (e.g., test tickets, reference sheets, work folders, worksheets, planning sheets) have been collected. • While still in the testing room, students are not permitted to write or to use computers or devices after they have finished a session, even after their test materials have been collected. • Test materials may not be returned to students once the materials have been collected. • Must be familiar with the calculator policy for EOC assessments. CBT PBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Training Test Administrators (TA)s • Should have access to the Test Administrator User Guide, located on the portal, to help troubleshoot issues during testing. • Must know how to create, start, monitor, and close CBT test sessions in the Test Administrator (TA) Interface within TDS. • Must know how to get assistance during testing, if necessary. • TAs may be able to assist students with errors when logging in but should not try to resolve technical issues during testing. • Ensure TAs know they must contact SAC immediately when a test irregularity occurs. • Must know how to access and administer practice tests to become familiar with the tools before testing. CBT
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing Preparation and Training – Proctors • Each proctor who monitors a testing room for any length of time must sign a 2019-2020 Test Administration and Security Agreement and the Security Log for that room. These forms are located in the manual. • Refer to the table below for the required number of proctors. CBT PBT * FDOE strongly recommends that a proctor be assigned to rooms with 25 or fewer students whenever possible.