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Human Activities Impact over Ambiental Envinronment. M. Sc. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas. September, 2009. Disclaimer. Some material in this presentation has been obtained from various sources, each of which has intellectual property, so in this presentation will only have some rights reserved.
Human Activities Impact over Ambiental Envinronment M. Sc. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas September, 2009
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Agenda Basic Concepts of Ecology and Ambiental Envinronment Basic Concepts of Ambiental Impact. Antropogenic Activities: history and it’s consecuences.
Objectives • The students will know the basic concepts of Ecology and Ambient Environment. • The students will know the principal human activities and its impact over the Environment.
Basic Concepts • ¿What’s Development? • It’s a process composed by activities so implied the utilization, performance and conservation of good and services with the objective to mantain or improve the quality of human life. • ¿What are the diferences between Development and Growth?
Sustainable Development • Development involves an improvement in all aspect, Growth only one. • ¿What means Sustainable? • This term implies a dinamic balance between all activities in the world: human, natural, financial and cultural. • The correct translation of Sustainable is “sostenible” perhaps “sustentable”.
Sustainable Development • This term appears in 1987 at Bruntland Commision and means: "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Sustainable Development • The main components of Sustainable Development are: • Society • Economy • Environment • Technology
Sustainable Development • ¿How this style of development can serve in the next century if the world be populated by double people than today and all dependent of the same Environment? • We must to change the actual economic model for one so try to improve the Environment. • HOMEWORK: Study basic concepts about Ecology (definition, history, Ecosystem, etc.)
Ecology and Related Sciences • ¿What´s Ecology? • It’s a synthesis science, because we needs a lot of sciences such as: botany, zoology, physiology, genetics, physics, chemistry geology, among other, for understanding the complex relationship so ocurred in Envinronment. • ECOLOGY IS NOT TAKE CARE THE ENVIRONMENT!!!
Ecology • Who is considered the father of Ecology? • Ernst Haeckel in 1869 • What`s the meaning of Ecology word? • oikos, house; logos, science, survey, treated • What`s the diference between Physic and Chemistry?
Ecology • Chemistry = study the compostion of matter and its transformation • Physic = study the matter and energy • ¿What’s the diference between Biology and Ecology? • Biology studies life organism while Ecology studies the relations between life organisms and the Environment.
Ecosystem • ¿What’s an System? • It’s a set of procedures, norms or methods so are combinade to achive a determinate goal. • ¿What’s an Ecosystem? • It’s an Ecology System
Ecosystems • It’s a set of organized elements so interacte one each other and the Environment to achive comon objectives, it operate over information, energy, matter or organisms to produce information about organism, energy or maters. • An Isolated System don’t interchange matter nor energy with the Environment.
Ecosystem • This concept appears between 1920 y 1930. • It’s the set of abiotic and biotic factors of a given area, and the interaction between them. • The interactions occurs for example, when animal eats, and later breathe; when the plants realice photosynthesis.
Ecosystem • Exist seven greate ecosystems (bioms) in the world, they are: • Temperate Forest • Tropical Rained Forest • Desert • Prairer (Savanna) • Tundra • Mangrove • Ocean
Ecosystem • ¿What thing make ecosystems are very diferent between they? • Because exist many factor such as: • Sun Light and Rain Quatities are very diferents. • Temperature. • Plants and Animals. • In few words… constrains factors
Constrains Factors • Water • Plants • Fungus • Animals • Temperature • Radiation • Atmosferic Gases • Salts • Currents and Pressions
Habitat • Habitat is the place where different species live up to the community. Within each habitat, organisms occupy different niches. • A niche is the functional role played by a species in a community, i.e., their occupation or way of living.
Habitat • There are two types of communities according to the physical environment: terrestrial and aquatic communities • The functional units of an ecosystem are populations of organisms through which circulate the energy and nutrients.
Other Concepts • A population is a group of organisms of the same species that share the same space and time. Groups of populations in an ecosystem interact in various ways. • The density is the number of individuals per unit area or volume at a given time.
Other Concepts • Birth rate and death rate: The number of individuals who are born or die in the population during a unit time. • Growth rate is the difference between birth rate and death rate. • All these elements are part of what is known as biogenetic cycle.
Biodiversity • Biodiversity is the variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or for the entire Earth. Biodiversity is often used as a measure of the health of biological systems. • The biodiversity occurs inside species, between species and ecosystems • Biodiversity is the key for assurance life in the Earth.
Biodiversity • All life beings are located in Hierarcly Structures, the disapper or lost of one of them, implied the variation of all ecosystem. • When there is a mismatch causes a great chaos, similar to when the Boss is out of office. • Extintion is a natural process today, causes for the intensive transformation realized by humans over the envinronment.
Biodiversity • Actually, some animals only can meet them by photos or by museums. • Extinción and Especiation are two complementary process which occurs simultanely since life appears at the Earth. • The result of relationship between especiation rate and extition rate is species evolution.
Biodiversity • Acording with some authors exist 10 millions of species. We have more knowledge about oudoor (planets, galaxies, etc.) than our Environment. • For example, 40% de los sweet-water fishes of SouthAmerica aren’t clasified.
Natural Resources • Los recursos naturales se dividen en recursos renovables y no renovables. • Los recursos renovables son más sostenibles pero desgraciadamente más caros.
Recursos Naturales • Los recursos naturales son todos los factores abióticos o bióticos de la naturaleza que el hombre puede utilizar con el fin de satisfacer sus necesidades. • El aire, el petróleo, los minerales, los vegetales, los animales, etc. son ejemplos de los recursos naturales que el hombre puede utilizar.
Recursos Inagotables • Son aquellos que el hombre utiliza en baja proporción respecto a la cantidad existente en la naturaleza. • Los recursos inagotables se recuperan o regeneran por sí mismos, por lo que no existe riesgo de extinción o agotamiento. Algunos ejemplos son: el agua, el Sol, el aire y sus constituyentes gaseosos.
Actividad • Redactar de manera personal una idea que utilizando Recursos energéticos limpios que se pueda aprovechar como fuente de energía para encender computadoras. • Energías Limpias • Energía Eólica • Energía Solar • Energía Hidráulica • Energía dinámica
Conceptos básicos de impacto ambiental • El concepto de evaluación de impacto ambiental podemos definirla como un conjunto de técnicas que buscan como propósito fundamental un manejo de los asuntos humanos de forma que sea posible un sistema de vida en armonía con la naturaleza.
Impacto Ambiental • La gestión de impacto ambiental pretende reducir al mínimo nuestras intrusiones en los diversos ecosistemas, elevando al máximo las posibilidades de supervivencia de todas las formas de vida. • La gestión del medio ambiente tiene dos áreas de aplicación básicas: un área preventiva y un área correctiva
Definición y clasificación • Es la alteración que se produce en el ambiente cuando se lleva a cabo un proyecto o una actividad. • Las obras públicas como la construcción de una carretera, un pantano o un puerto deportivo; las ciudades; las industrias; una zona de recreo para pasear por el campo o hacer escalada; una granja o un campo de cultivo; cualquier actividad de estas tiene un impacto sobre el medio.
Definición y Clasificación • La alteración no siempre es negativa. Puede ser favorable o desfavorable para el medio. • En los impactos ambientales hay que tener en cuenta: • Signo: si es positivo, sirve para mejorar el medio ambiente o si es negativo y degrada la zona.
Definición y Clasificación • Intensidad: según la destrucción del ambiente sea total, alta, media o baja. • Extensión: según afecte a un lugar muy concreto y se llama puntual, o a una zona algo. También se puede medir en extensión de tiempo. En algunos casos el daño puede ser irreversible.
Definición y Clasificación • Recuperación. Según sea más o menos fácil de reparar distinguimos irrecuperables, reversibles, mitigables, recuperables, etc. • Suma de efectos: a veces la alteración final causada por un conjunto de impactos es mayor que la suma de todos los individuales y se habla de efecto sinérgico.
Actividad PBL • El aprendizaje basado en problemas (PBL) es una técnica de aprendizaje significativo en el que el estudiante aprende investigando para solucionar un problema específico, consta de las siguientes fases: • Leer y analizar el problema • Enumerar hipótesis, ideas y presentimientos • Anotar los factores conocidos