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Classroom Procedures. Mrs. Morgan Social Studies Team Bobcats. Entering the Classroom. Always walk and enter quietly Check the homework board and write assignment in your planner – if there is none, write , “NONE” Check the agenda board and start your first assignment
Classroom Procedures Mrs. Morgan Social Studies Team Bobcats
Entering the Classroom • Always walk and enter quietly • Check the homework board and write assignment in your planner – if there is none, write , “NONE” • Check the agenda board and start your first assignment • You are to be in your seat, ready to work when the tardy bell rings
Tardy Procedures If you are late to class…. • Complete tardy form and file under correct class period • Attach pass from teacher if you have one • Quietly proceed to your seat
Tardy to Class If you are late to class : 1st offense- verbal warning 2nd offense- misconduct form 3rd-4thoffense- detention 5th offense- office referral To be excused, you need a pass from a teacher, telling me you were with a teacher is not an excused tardy !!
Activity Copy “Today in History” Respond to journal prompt Share your journal response Brainstorm things you can learn by using maps Noise level 0 (individual work) 0 (individual work) 1 (pairs work) 2 (table work) Example Agenda
When I want your attention I will clap 3 times & you are to: 1. Freeze 2. Turn and face me 3. Pay attention and keep eyes on me 4. Be ready for instructions
How to Listen- “Give me 5” 1. Eyes on speaker 2. Quiet 3. Be still 4. Hands free -(put things down) 5. Listen
Automatic quiet when • Tardy bell rings • 3 Clap signal is given • Announcements come on • Emergency alert Fire alarm Tornado alarm Lock down announced Fail to follow quiet during above times will result in disciplinary action
Crossing the Line You will be sent to the office if one of the following behaviors occur: • You have done something illegal • You curse or threaten someone • Your behavior is a threat to the safety and welfare of others • Your behavior is a major disruption to the teaching/learning process • You constantly break rules during the same period Other classroom violations will be handled on a case by case basis
Heading your papersIn the top right corner of your paper, place your:NameDateClass PeriodPage Number or Name of Assignment Example: Mrs.Morgan August 24, 2004 Period 5 Page 35
If you were absent… *Go to the homework center *Copy missed assignments into planner *Get needed papers *You get as many days as you missed to turn your work in (for example, if you missed one day, you get one day to turn in missed work, if you missed two days, you get two days to turn in missed work, and so on) Try to request to have a friend or parent bring your work home when you have been sick
Homework • Team BOBCATS Policy states that late homework will not be accepted. • Assignments may be turned in the next day WITH a homework pass • Some larger assignments may be accepted late with penalty • If you forget your assignment in your locker:you may use an emergency pass to get it you may turn it in IMMEDIATELY after class is over (Anything turned in after the tardy bell for the next period class is considered LATE.)
Emergency Passes Your planner contains your passes You will not be permitted to leave the classroom without a pass. You must have the passes with you to be used- no “credit” on passes ! “It’s in my locker,” is not acceptable. Once your passes are used, no new passes will be issued. Use them judiciously !!
Signatures Please sign to the right of this slide to indicate that you have read and understand Mrs. Morgan’s classroom policies and procedures. *Both a parent/guardian and a student signature is required.
Signatures __________________________ Student signature __________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature