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Introduction to the ANKABUT Project it’s Network and Services Khalid Al Midfa CEO UAE Advanced Network for Research and Education (ANKABUT) UAE Forum in Information and Communication Technology Research 2010 (ICTRF2010) Abu Dhabi, UAE 9 th May 2010. Executive Summary.
Introduction to the ANKABUT Project it’s Network and Services Khalid Al MidfaCEOUAE Advanced Network for Research and Education (ANKABUT)UAE Forum in Information and Communication Technology Research 2010 (ICTRF2010)Abu Dhabi, UAE 9th May 2010
Executive Summary • Today’s students are heavily reliant on electronic resources, presenting a clear need for a robust infrastructure to support this trend • The ANKABUT project is a high-speed dedicated research and education network connecting academic institutions in the UAE with the global research and education community • Currently, there are 25 university campuses connected to ANKABUT with more campuses currently in the pipeline • Ankabut is discussing with Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia to collaborate in the GCC area. Ankabut has an international connection to the USA • Ankabut is hosting Video-Conferencing connectivity and creating a data centre to host a collection of applications tailored to the education sector.
Agenda Overview ANKABUT NRENs Around the World E-Learning Collaboration Conclusion
ANKABUT and UAE Vision 2021http://www.vision2021.ae/ “We want to be among the best countries in the world by 2021” 1: United in Responsibility An Ambitious & Confident Nation Grounded on its Heritage 2: United Destiny A Strong Union Bounded by a Common Destiny 3: United in Knowledge A Competitive Economy Driven by Knowledgeable & Innovative Emiratis 3.1 Harness Full Potential of National Human Capital 3.2 Sustainable & Diversified Economy 3.3 Knowledge-based & Highly Productive Economy 4: United in Prosperity A Nurturing & Sustainable Environment for Quality Living 4.1 Long & Healthy Lives 4.2 First-rate Education 4.3 Well-rounded Lifestyles 4.4 Well-preserved Natural Environment
World Economic Forum Findings 2010 Education and Training vs. Global Competitiveness Source: World Economic Forum, 2010, http://gcr.weforum.org/
World Economic Forum Findings 2010 Internet Access in Schools vs. Global Competitiveness Source: World Economic Forum, 2010, http://gcr.weforum.org/
World Economic Forum Findings 2010 University-Industry Collaboration vs. Global Competitiveness Source: World Economic Forum, 2010, http://gcr.weforum.org/
World Economic Forum Findings 2010 Quality of Research Institutions vs. Global Competitiveness Source: World Economic Forum, 2010, http://gcr.weforum.org/
Agenda Overview ANKABUT NRENs Around the World E-Learning Collaboration Conclusion 9
Overview of Ankabut Vision • Create an opportunity for the UAE to be a leader in Education and Research. Mission • Provide Leading Edge Network Infrastructure to centres of Learning and Research within the UAE to foster collaboration and cooperation. • Provide for connectivity with peers at the international level to effectively participate and collaborate in research activities. 10
Overview of Ankabut ANKABUT Project Objectives What do we do… • Connecting academia to advance IP networking • Establish a forum to discuss collaboration • Encourage collaborative research within the UAE • Provide a mechanism to share lectures • Encourage inter-library access • Increase collaboration with international universities • Connect international institutions to home networks • Enable applications on the IP network 11
Funding of Ankabut Current funding Future funding • ICT fund will fund the ANKABUT project for the initial five years of operation • During this time ,KUSTAR will manage ANKABUT in partnership with ETISALAT • Beyond the 5 years, ANKABUT will be spun-off as an independent organization with ownership stakes held by its users. 12
Consortium ANKABUT is managed by Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research (KUSTAR) it obtains network services from ETISALAT for the initial 5 years During these 5 years governance will shift and the ownership will move to a consortium of connected users. This governance mechanism will be an open discussion by the connected members and will be formed early on in the project. Assembly Consortium fund? Technical Advisory ANAKBUT 13
Ankabut National Network 5 Universities covering 25 Campuses Internet 2 Peering Router INTERNET2 MANLAN New York IAT IAT HCT / Women's HCT / Women's HCT / Men's Fujairah HCT / Men's Ras Al Khaima IAT HCT / Women's HCT / Men's ZAYED UNIVERSITY HCT / Women's + NTP Dubai KUSTAR 10 GE Sharjah IAT 1 GE VEDEC (Suwaihan IAT) IAT Aviation Academy HCT / Women's IAT Institute Of Nursing HCT / Men's UAE University HCT CENTRAL SERVICES Ankabut NOC HCT / Women's HCT CERT Abu Dhabi Al Ain HCT / Men's KUSTAR Data Centre Proposed Data Centre ZAYED UNIVERSITY 14
معهد التكنلوجيا التطبيقية كلياتالتقنيةالعليارجال كلياتالتقنيةالعليانساء جامعة خليفة للعلوم و الأبحاث كلياتالتقنيةالعليا معهد التكنلوجيا التطبيقية كلياتالتقنيةالعليارجال معهد التكنلوجيا التطبيقية كلياتالتقنيةالعليانساء جامعة زايد كلياتالتقنيةالعليارجال كلياتالتقنيةالعليانساء جامعة خليفة للعلوم و الأبحاث معهد التكنلوجيا التطبيقية معهد التكنلوجيا التطبيقيةسويحان معهد التكنلوجيا التطبيقية جامعة زايد معهد التكنلوجيا التطبيقية , الطيران كلياتالتقنيةالعليارجال كلياتالتقنيةالعليامركز الخدمات كلياتالتقنيةالعلياأبحاث كلياتالتقنيةالعليانساء كلياتالتقنيةالعليارجال جامعة الإمارات العربية المتحدة كلياتالتقنيةالعليانساء راس الخيمة الشارقة الفجيرة دبي Internet 2 أبوظبي العين
Ankabut International Network Single International Peering Point 16
Strategic partnership with global research & education networks open doors to unlimited resources Internet2 is an advanced not-for-profit network consortium lead by the American research and education community Was originally established by 34 university researchers in 1996, currently connects 60,000 institutions in the US The core network is connected at 100 Gbps on using an IPv6 optical network Hosts over 100 projects and applications that can be utilized for free by anyone connecting to the Internet2 network GÉANT is the pan-European advanced network, connecting European Research and Education Networks (managed by DANTE) Phase 1 (Project GÉANT) initiated in 2000 and was fully operational by 2005 with core network connections up to 10 Gbps Phase 2 (Project GÉANT2) initiated in 2005 and is currently operational Currently ANKABUT can peer with GÉANT through its existing Internet2 connection 17
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The Jason Project Divers in Monterey Bay talk live with students from across the country. Partnership between Mystic Aquarium, the Institute for Exploration, and the JASON project. Great example of students engaging with real scientists over the network. Bring Research Projects to Life www.jason.org 21
Lewis Online Radio Telescope Access to Expensive Equipment 22
Scanning Electron Microscopes • area covered by a postage stamp magnified 250,000 times, • tungsten electron-microscope filament, • Assistant Director Scott Payne instructs at the USDA's Take Your Child to Work Day, • interior of the Electron Microscopy Center (ca. 1987), • elemental analysis of solder Providing comprehensive microscopy services to researchers and students all the way from initial project planning to publishable photographs. Access the lab's scanning electron microscope to view and manipulate slide specimen magnified 20,000 times or more. Access to Expensive Equipment 23
Self-Learning Using Digital Tools www.falstad.com/mathphysics.html Easily Manipulating Difficult Concepts 24
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Unified Communication Instant Messaging Telephone Communication Audio Conferencing Desktop Video Video Conferencing Immersive Conferencing • Telecom Vision • Integrate IM, Calendar, Voice and Video • Utilise Ankabut for inter-university telecoms traffic • Utilise Ankabut for multi-party video conferencing • Provide performance networking while saving cost Videophone Communication
Cloud Computing Education involves students, teachers, mentors, parents and administrators and so is a very natural application of grid technologies. E-libraries and e-learning centers are already benefiting from grid-based tools for accessing distributed data and creating virtual classrooms with distributed students, resources and tutors.
Going Global “Sun Never Sets” Service
E-Learning Providing access to a range of multimedia resources such as graphics, sound, video, animation. Giving students control over when and where they study. Tailoring the learning environment to meet the student’s learning needs. Increasing staff-student and student-student communication. Supporting reuse of expensive resources. Promoting independent learning.
Other Potential Applications Common access to remote resources (e.g. Telescopes/Microscopes). File Transfer & Browsing (Multimedia Content) Virtual Tours (Museums, Zoos, Parks), VR, Tele-immersion. Telemedicine, medical imaging Collaboration & Application Sharing DVB, VOD and HDTV News and Directory Services Archeology, Astronomy, Geology, support with Satellite Imaging Network Research (IPv6, Security, QoS, .etc) Other GEANT, JANET and Internet2 Applications
Agenda Overview ANKABUT NRENs Around the World E-Learning Collaboration Conclusion 32
Conclusion ANKABUT enables: • Connecting universities to the advance communication IP network • Establishment of a forum to discuss education and research collaboration • Encourage collaborative research within the UAE • Provide a mechanism to share lectures • Encourage inter-library access • Increase collaboration with international universities • Link existing remote campuses in the UAE with main campuses abroad • Provide application on the IP network