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Electricité de Djibouti – Empowering the Nation's Growth

Discover how Electricité de Djibouti plays a vital role in the economic development of the Republic of Djibouti by meeting the increasing electricity demands through renewable energy projects. Learn about key investments, future plans, and the potential of various energy sources such as geothermal, wind, solar, and tidal power. Explore the government's strategic approach to ensure a sustainable and efficient energy supply for a thriving economy.

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Electricité de Djibouti – Empowering the Nation's Growth

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  1. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne THE REPUBLIC OF DJIBOUTI A nation with a fast developing economy London May 2013

  2. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI has a key role in the economic growth of the nation • Électricité de Djibouti (EdD) is an Owned State Industrial and Commercial Enterprise (EPIC in French) with a legal entity and financial autonomy. Created on 21 January 1960 • EdD’smission is to ensure the management of the public utility and to carry-out study programs and works for the supply and distribution of elelectriciy in Djibouti

  3. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne Introduction • The Republic of Djibouti has over the past few years attracted many foreign direct investments, especially in port, tourism and construction fields. • This economic growth has lead to an increased demand for electricity.

  4. DEMAND FORECAST ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne • 4.5 % per year increase in demand. + • Future projects with high power consumption.

  5. List of high consumption Projects in a medium term (≤ 2020) ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne • TOTAL REQUIRED CAPACITY : • 160 MW • INVESTMENT COST: • 290 M$ • seawater desalination plant ; • Extension of container terminal of doraleh; • Free-zone in Jaban’As; • INMAA Housings in Haramous; • Chebeleh Airport; • Ciment Plant in PK12 and Ali Sabieh; • Djibouti-Gallileh Railway • Tadjourah-Galafi Railway • Port of Goubet ; • Port of TadjourahShipping Repair Yard

  6. List of high consumption projects in a long term(> 2020): ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne • TOTAL REQUIRED CAPACITY : • 50 MW • INVESTMENT COST: • 90 M$ • New Multipurpose Port • Free zone of Khor Ambado • Business District • LNG Terminal • Commercial Buildings

  7. RAO-Avril 2013

  8. Planning for Electricitysupply To cover the increasing electricity demand, the strategy of the government is: to promote alternative energy sources to replace fossil fuel energy production. and to develop all available, clean and cost effective Renewable Energy Sources : ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne

  9. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne The government has already invested in Hydroelectric Power source • The first transmission Line for interconnection between Djibouti and Ethiopia is in operation since the May 2011. • In 2012, the energy imported from Ethiopia has covered 80% of the load demand. • We have a new project of a second 23O kV transmission line between Djibouti and Ethiopia to be commissioned in 2017.

  10. Djiboutis’ EnergyPotentials

  11. USE OF VARIOUS ENERGY SOURCES ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne • Basic Sources : • Hydroelectric Energy (Inter-Connection Djibouti-Ethiopia) • Geothermal Energy • Additional Sources : • Wind Farm • Solar Power • Tidal Power • Peak load and emergency Source: • Diesel

  12. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne Geothermal power source: Djibouti, has 10 areas suitable for geothermal energy development, three main areas have been identified as having a high potential for least cost energy. • First power plan expected in 2020 with a capacity of 50 MW; • The second phase an extension of additional 50 MW has to be implemented in 2023

  13. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne Wind Energy: Ghoubet near Lake Assal is the windiest area of the country with wind speeds between 9 to 12 m/s for most of the year. • Project in progress: The construction of a Wind Farm with a capacity of 60 MW

  14. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne Solar: Djibouti has a fairly large solar energy potential : ➢ The annual average of sunshine rate is 5 kWh/m2 • Project in progress:The construction of a Solar Plant with a capacity of 20 MW

  15. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne Tidal Power ➤ A feasibility study was conducted to determine the benefits for a tidal energy development. ➤The Pass of Goubetis one of the places in the world suitable for tidal energy.



  18. Target for 2027 500 MW 100MW 99%

  19. ELECTRICITE DE DJIBOUTI Votre énergie quotidienne Thank You

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