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Celtic Paganism in Great Briton: The Dark Ages

Celtic Paganism in Great Briton: The Dark Ages. The Celts . The Celts were a group of people that occupied …. (the) British Isles.

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Celtic Paganism in Great Briton: The Dark Ages

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Celtic Paganism in Great Briton: The Dark Ages

  2. The Celts • The Celts were a group of people that occupied …. (the) British Isles. • The Romans followed the Celts in conquering Britain. Caesar wrote, “All the Britons (Celts) dye their bodies with woad, which produces a blue color, and this gives them a more terrifying appearance in battle. They wear their hair long, and shave the whole of their bodies except the head and the upper lip”(Leeming 7).

  3. Paganism Before the birth of Christ, Celts had their own religion. Paganism: Not Christian.

  4. Samhain • Samhain marks one of the two great doorways of the Celtic year, for the Celts divided the year into two seasons: the light and the dark, at Beltane on May 1st. Samhainon November 1st.

  5. Works Cited • Leeming, David. “The Anglo-Saxons 449- 1066.” Elements of Literature—Sixth Course. Ed. Kristine Marshall. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2005. 7. Print.

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