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BabyNet Transition Advisory Team

Transition Timeline. . . Early Spring 2009: Initial conversationsLate Spring/Early Summer 2009: ExplorationLate Summer 2009: Governor's office informs First Steps and DHEC of formal intent to transferAugust 2009: First Steps partners with Center for Disability Resources, First Steps/DHEC beg

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BabyNet Transition Advisory Team

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Presentation Transcript

    1. BabyNet Transition Advisory Team

    2. Transition Timeline

    3. First Steps Goals

    4. BabyNet: South Carolinas Part C Early Intervention System

    5. BabyNet: South Carolinas Part C Early Intervention System


    7. Technical Work Teams

    8. Technical Work Teams

    9. Team A: Eligibility Definition, Evaluation and IFSP Service Coordination

    10. Team A: Eligibility Definition, Evaluation and IFSP Service Coordination

    11. Team B: Public Awareness, Child Find, and Central Directory

    12. Team B: Public Awareness, Child Find, and Central Directory

    13. Team C: Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

    14. Team C: Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

    15. Team D: Interagency and General Supervision

    16. Team D: Interagency and General Supervision

    17. Team D: Interagency and General Supervision

    18. Team E: Appropriate, Research-Based Early Intervention and Natural Environments

    19. Team E: Appropriate, Research-Based Early Intervention and Natural Environments

    20. Team E: Appropriate, Research-Based Early Intervention and Natural Environments

    21. Team F: Inter-Agency Coordinating Council

    22. Team F: Inter-Agency Coordinating Council

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