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Multi-wavelength Observations of Composite Supernova Remnants. Collaborators: Patrick Slane (CfA) Eli Dwek (GSFC) George Sonneborn (GSFC) Richard Arendt (GSFC) Yosi Gelfand ( NYU Abu Dhabi) Paul Plucinsky (CfA) Daniel Castro (MIT). Tea Temim (NASA GSFC/ORAU).
Multi-wavelength Observations of Composite Supernova Remnants Collaborators: Patrick Slane (CfA) Eli Dwek (GSFC) George Sonneborn (GSFC) Richard Arendt (GSFC) YosiGelfand (NYU Abu Dhabi) Paul Plucinsky (CfA) Daniel Castro (MIT) Tea Temim (NASA GSFC/ORAU)
Evolution of PWNe inside SNRs Early Evolution: • SNR is in the free expansion stage • PWN expands supersonically inside the SNR and is bounded by a strong shock • The PWN shocks the inner SN ejecta that have not been re-heated by the reverse shock Late Evolution: • The reverse shock heats the inner SN ejecta and crushes the expanding PWN • PWN expansion becomes unstable and reverberates • PWN continues to expand subsonically through SNR Gaensler & Slane 2006
Asymmetric Reverse Shock Interaction • Reverse shock encounters one side of PWN first and disrupts the nebula – moving pulsar or a density gradient in the ISM • After passage of the reverse shock relic PWN remains (typically observed in the radio) and a new PWN forms around the pulsar tSNR = 1000 yr tSNR = 1800 yr Bow Shock Nebula tSNR = 3000 yr • When pulsar’s motion becomes supersonic, new PWN deforms into a bow shock - occurs when a pulsar has traveled 0.67RSNR (van derSwaluw 2004) tSNR = 11 400 yr NASA/CXC/M.Weiss van derSwaluw et al. 2004
Early Evolution – SN Dust and Ejecta Kes 75 [Fe II] Zajczyk et al. 2012 G21.5-0.9 Herschel 70 mm,Chandra X-ray G54.1+0.3 B0540-69.3 3C 58 Slane et al. 2004 Crab Nebula VLJHK (Mignani et al. 2012) Chandra X-ray image
Dust around PWNe • Information about grain properties can provide clues on the progenitor type • Dust surrounding PWNe is ejecta dust, not mixed with the ISM material • Dust not been processed by the reverse shock, no dust destruction • Dust radiatively heated by the PWN broadband spectrum of the heating source well known Hester 2008
Dust formation in SN ejecta: Theoretical Predictions • High amount of can form in dense cooling SN ejecta within the first 600–1000 days - consists primarily of the most abundant refractory elements (e.g., C, Mg, Si, S, and Fe) • Total dust masses range between 0.1 – 1 Mwith 2-20% surviving the reverse shock • Forms in the He envelope where density is high and velocity low – grain properties depend on mass of the hydrogen envelope Type IIb Type IIP Mass dominated by grains: > 0.03 μm in Type IIP SNe < 0.006 μm in Type IIb SNe (Kozasa,Nozawa et al. 2009) Kozasa et al. 2009 (Kozasa et al. 1989, 1991; Clayton et al. 1999, 2001; Todini and Ferrara 2001; Nozawa et al. 2003; Bianchi and Schneider 2007; Kozasa et al. 2009, Cherchneff and Dwek 2010)
Crab Nebula: Dust Heating Model Hester 2008 Ln non-thermal spectrum of the PWN Power-law grain size distributions F(a) = a-a amin = 0.001 mm amax = 0.03-5.0 mm a = 0.0-4.0 Distance = 0.5-1.5 pc (location of the ejecta filaments in 3D models of Cadez et al. 2004) Qabssilicates, carbon (Zubko et al. 2004), carbon (Rouleau & Martin 1991) H Heating rate Cooling rate Temim & Dwek 2013
C2 Contours (amax vs. a) • Size distribution index of 3.5-4.0 and larger grain size cut-offs are favored • Larger grains are consistent with a Type IIP SN – Mass dominated by grains with radii larger than 0.03 μm in Type IIP, and less than 0.006 μm in Type IIb SNe (Kozasa,Nozawa et al. 2009) Best-fit parameters: Silicates: Carbon: a = 3.5 a = 4.0 amax > 0.6 mm amax > 0.1 mm Md = 0.13 +/- 0.01 M for silicates Md = 0.02 +/- 0.04 M for carbon Temim & Dwek 2013
Reverse Shock Interaction: G327.1-1.1 Outflow – bubble? • Composite SNR with a shell and an off-center pulsar wind nebula • Complex morphology likely produced by a combination of an asymmetric reverse shock and the pulsar’s motion Radio PWN Neutron Star Sedovmodel (for d = 9 kpc): R = 22 pc n0= 0.12 cm-3 t= 1.8 x 104yr Mtot= 31 Msol T = 0.3 keVvs= 500 km/s SNR Shell X-ray PWN MOST Radio, ATCA Radio, Chandra Temim et al. 2009
G327.1-1.1: X-ray Morphology Compact PWN Prongs • A compact core is embedded in a cometary PWN • Prong-like structures originate from the vicinity of the core and extend to the NW – outflow from the pulsar wind? Compact PWN is more extended than a point source Cometary PWN Trail 350 ksChandra observation Two possible scenarios may give rise to cometary structure: Asymmetric passage of the reverse shock from the NW – PWN expanding subsonically Bow shock formation due to pulsar’s motion in the NW direction pulsar velocity ~ 770 km/s Gaensler et al. 2004 Temim et al. 2009, 2014 (in prep)
RS Interaction: MSH 15-56 X-ray, Radio XMM 3-color image Pulsar velocity = 410 km/s Sedovmodel (for d = 4 kpc): R = 21 pc n0= 0.1 cm-3 t= 16.5 kyr Mtot= 100 MsolT = 0.3 keVvs= 500 km/s Chandra X-ray Temim et al. 2013
Summary • Composite SNRs serve as unique laboratories for the study of • SNR/PWN evolution • Interaction of the PWN with the SNR and surroundings • Properties of progenitor, pulsar, SN ejecta, freshly formed SN dust • Nature and evolution of energetic particles in PWNe • Evolution can be divided into three stages • Expansion of the PWN into cold SN ejecta (ejecta and dust properties, mass, dynamics, progenitor type) • Interaction with the SNR reverse shock (complex morphologies and mixing of PWN with ejecta) • Post-reverse shock, subsonic expansion (bow shock formation if pulsar is moving at a high velocity) Collaborators:Patrick Slane (CfA) Eli Dwek (GSFC) George Sonneborn (GSFC)Richard Arendt (GSFC) YosiGelfand (NYU Abu Dhabi) Paul Plucinsky (CfA) Daniel Castro (MIT)