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Lighting the Candle

Lighting the Candle. God’s Light is with us. NOTICES. Notices: Welcome to everyone. God bless us as we worship together. Please pray for those who are sick and for those who are helping them . Thank you to Glenn for preaching today.

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Lighting the Candle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lighting the Candle God’s Light is with us


  3. Notices: • Welcome to everyone. God bless us as we worship together. • Please pray for those who are sick and for those who are helping them. • Thank you to Glenn for preaching today. • Social on Saturday 9th November will be at St Heliers Beach, 2pm. A time for us all to get together again and enjoy oursleves. We can enjoy the lovely weather, have some afternoon tea and maybe enjoy an ice cream! And if the weather is bad, we will go to Mavis and Des’ home, 51 Strid Road, TeAtatu South. • Sunday 17th November: Johanna Brens will be preaching. • Sunday 1st December: Mavis will be preaching.

  4. Our last service this year will be on Sunday 15th December, and will be our special Christmas service. • Our Communion Cloth has been returned!It has been missing for about 2 months. • From Tuesday 19th November until Sunday 15th December there is a special free exhibition of Dolls of Japan at the Pah Homestead, 72 Hillsborough Road, Hillsborough. Open from 10am – 3pm Tuesdays – Fridays and 10 am – 5 pm Saturdays and Sundays.



  7. Leader: God of love, you call us to come and worship you in this place. • All: Loving God, help us to live our lives in your truth and peace, remembering you are always with us. • Leader: We come today, Deaf, hearing impaired, deaf/blind and hearing to worship God. • All: Help us to remember your gift of your own Son to our world, to bring us peace, joy and eternal life. • AMEN.

  8. Congregational Prayer

  9. Prayer for Forgiveness

  10. All: Loving God, We want to be honest with you. Sometimes we judge people because they are different. Sometimes we do things that hurt people. Sometimes we think we are not good enough for you. Because of these things, we ask God to forgive us and help us to be more like Jesus. Amen.

  11. Minister: God’s mercy never ends. God forgives us. So let us: Forgive others and Forgive yourself. Jesus’ love is always with us

  12. Come, now is the time to worship, Come, now is the time to give your heart, Come, just as you are to worship, Come, just as you are before your God, Come. One day everyone will sign you are Lord, One day every knee will bow, But still the greatest treasure Belongs with those Who gladly take you now Repeat

  13. The Lord’s Prayer

  14. WE SIGN/SAY TOGETHER: Our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done On Earth as in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread Forgive us our sins, As we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the test But deliver us from evil, For the Kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. AMEN

  15. Sharing the peace Of God With each other

  16. Jesus put this sign into our hearts Jesus put this sign into our hearts It’s the sign of joy no one can take away Jesus put this sign into our hearts. Jesus taught us how to live in community Jesus taught us how to live in community, Different faces, different ways, He made us one Jesus taught us how to live in community.

  17. Jesus turned our sorrow into dancing Jesus turned our sorrow into dancing. Changed our tears of sadness to rivers of joy, Jesus turned our sorrow into dance.

  18. Bible Reading

  19. BIBLE READING Colossians 2: 1 - 4 St Paul said: ‘I want you to know how much I am struggling for you . . . And for all who have not met me personally. My purpose is that their hearts may be encouraged in heart, being knit together (united) in love, so that they may have all the full riches of complete understanding, so that they may know the mystery of God, both

  20. of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no-one can deceive you by fine-sounding arguments (to mislead you, tell you things that are wrong or false.)

  21. Knit Together In God’s love

  22. When my mother gave me a hand-knit sweater, I knew hours were required to make the stitches just right to create a beautiful design (think careful).

  23. The same thing is true when Tricia made the embroidery of ‘Fill Our Sails, Wind of God’.

  24. Our Bible reading tells us that we are to be joined together in love • (Colossians 2:2).

  25. So this makes me think of my sweater. Each of us has different qualities. We bring different personalities and talents. A person’s natural abilities and power is what we each bring to God’ place, of being able to be who we are. But in Christ we can be formed into something beautiful. How does this happen? Hebrews 10:24 tells us to ‘think and let us consider one another in order to stir

  26. up love and good works’ and also do good things. Verse 25: ‘Let us not give up meeting together and strengthening each other.’

  27. We should think of each other as ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ and see how we can help each other to show love and do good things.

  28. So God kicks your bum, (to make sure no holding back).

  29. We need others We need the counsel and advice of wise friends We need people who will listen We need friends, who will work with us for Jesus

  30. Ask God to help them find the right friends to bring glory to him

  31. Jesus didn’t force himself on to us but was always for us.

  32. Live together in peace with each other. Don’t be proud. Be willing to be friends with people who are not important to other people.

  33. Live in harmony with each other. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be snobby. (Romans 12:16)

  34. Let us live as Children of Light Ephesians 4:32 tell us to be kind and forgiving to each other. Ephesians 5: 6 – 20 8v for you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord, walk as children of light.

  35. Not easy, but don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry (Ephesians 4:26) live by faith. Give your problems, your decisions and your frustations to God today.

  36. Praise God for the way he leads you and takes care of you.

  37. Now go back again with Children of Light. When you see beautiful moon, enjoy the quiet time to think about what had happened that weekend and what will

  38. happen tomorrow, or Christmas time. All of you realise that we are like the ‘M00000000ON’. The moon’s light comes from the sun (our Father God, our Lord) God’s Sonlight!

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