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Understanding Marketing & the Marketing Process. AGI GINANJAR. What does the term marketing mean?. Old Sense : “Marketing only as selling and advertising.” New Sense: “Satisfying customer needs”. Definisi Pemasaran:.
Understanding Marketing & the Marketing Process AGI GINANJAR
What does the term marketing mean? • Old Sense: “Marketing only as selling and advertising.” • New Sense: “Satisfying customer needs”
Definisi Pemasaran: “A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.” (Kotler, 1996)
Konsep Inti Pemasaran: CompaniesCustomers Exchange Transactions Value Needs Products: SatisfactionMarket Demand & Quality Wants Relationship G A P S
Marketing Gaps: Spatial Time Informational Ownership Value P R O D U C E R S C U S T O M E R S
Inti Pemasaran adalah Pertukaran • Marketing is the exchange, which take places between consuming groups and supplying groups (Alderson, 1957) • Marketing …is the discipline of exchange behavior, and it deals with problems related to this behavior (Bagozzi, 1975) • Marketing is a social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with other (Kotler, 1984) • Marketing is the process planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and service to create exchange that satisfy individual and organizational objectives (Marketing News, 1985)
Syarat Pertukaran (Exchange): • Paling sedikit terdapat 2 kelompok (parties) • Setiap partymenawarkan sesuatu yang bernilai kepada kelompok lainnya • Setiap partymampu berkomunikasi dan mendeliverikan • Setiap partybebas untuk menerima dan menolak tawaran • Kondisi setiap partymenjadi lebih baik dibanding kondisi sebelum terjadinya pertukaran
Marketing Management • Definition: • The analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives. • Customer and Demand Management: • Increasing demand • Reducing demand (demarketing) • Building Profitable Customer Relationship • Retain current customers • Build lasting customer relationships
Marketing Management Orientations 5 konsep alternatif dalam aktivitas pemasaran
Customer Relationship Management/CRM • Marketing management’s crucial task is to create profitable relationships with customers • CRM is the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction
Attracting, Retaining, & Growing Customer • Relationship building blocks: customer value and satisfaction • Customer value, • A customer buys from the firm that offers the highest customer perceived value—the customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of marketing offer relative to those of competing offers. • Example: Toyota versus Honda • Customer satisfaction • The extent to which a product’s perceived performance matches a buyer’s expectations • Customer loyalty and retention • Growing “share of customer”
Building customer relationship & customer equity • Customer equity • The more loyal the firm’s customer, the higher the firm’s customer equity • Customer relationship levels and tools • Example: Procter & Gamble (not phone all) versus P&G • Example: frequency marketing program, Garuda versus SIA
Factors influencing marketing strategy Marketing Channels Demographic-economic environment Technological-natural environment Marketing analysis Marketing planning Product Target customer Suppliers Place Publics Price Promotion Marketing implementation Marketing control Political-legal environment Social-cultural environment Competitors Source: Principles of Marketing, 7th ed, by Philip Kotler & Gary Amstrong
Marketing Process • Analyzing marketing opportunities • Macro environment; Micro environment; Consumer buyer behavior • Selecting target markets • Demand measurement and forecasting; Market segmentation; Market targeting; Market Positioning • Developing marketing mix • Product; Price; Promotion; Place