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Effective Communication Strategy for SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting

Analyzing past performance, identifying objectives, target audience, message, channels, resources, timeline, brand, and feedback for a sales campaign. Includes a detailed case study and strategies for success.

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Effective Communication Strategy for SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting

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  1. INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES COMMUNICATION STRATEGY Lecturer: HorSoknak Group 6: Bell Socheata Doeuy Chandara Heng Sopheaktra Heng Piseth So Sokkeang Va Sotheavy Yann Vanda

  2. OUTLINE • Review • Objective • Audience • Message • Channels • Resource • Timeline • Brand • Feedback

  3. Review- Performance and Perception • To check the company’s past act. • To find out how the communication is made • To see how effective it is • To better understand how accurately the client perceive our messages.

  4. Objective • To get to know what will be achieved through the communication. • Objective must be SMART • S: Specific • M: Measurable • A: Attainable • R: Result-oriented • T: Time-limited

  5. Audience • Who is our Audience? • The better we know the audience the more chances we have to influence them. • We should learn the needs, preference, interest and their perception. • Type of Audience: • Primary audience • Secondary audience

  6. Message • What is our message? • the idea or feeling transmitted from sender to the receiver • The connection between sender and receiver. • The receiver: decodes the messages to achieve the understanding. • The sender: encodes the feeling idea or sign to message.

  7. Channels • What channel will we use to promote our products? • Why the channel is essential? • must be seen and heard by the right people • identify the right channel • must budget for it • we must have a strategy in place for moving our product to it and through it

  8. Channels (Con’t) • The choice of communication Channel depends on: • The type and the content of message to deliver, • Our available resources, • How the audiences like to receive formation.

  9. Resources • Finances: budget available now and in the future • People: staffs to perform tasks (staffs, consultants…) • Materials: material necessarily needed for implement during your work

  10. Timeline

  11. Brand • A brand is the identity of a specific product, service, or business and also tells the world, at a glance, who and what we are. • Three strategies to be on brand: • Creating a communication committee • providing media training • Hiring a professional to create a logo and a style guide

  12. Feedback • How will we know when our communication strategy is 100% successful? • Some methods to gauge how well our communication are doing include • Creating an impact log • Conducting a formal survey • Conducing key informant interviews

  13. Case Study: SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting • SCGT is a Thai private trading company operated in Cambodia serving customers with all construction materials ranging from roof to ceiling and wall to floor and to bathroom under brand “Elephant”. • Concrete CPAC Monier is divided into 3 main products of sales like 1. Main Tile 2. Fitting 3. Accessories

  14. Case Study: SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting • 1- Review: in 2010 • Sales volume: 30,000-40,000 pcs or 3-4% compared with main tile • Sub-dealer: gains less margin at only 10 cents/pc selling ours compared to competitors’ brands at 20-30 cents/pc margin • End-users have less knowledge about our brand, some not know the product value and some not recognizing the brand and its trademark.

  15. Case Study: SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting • 2- Objective: • “Increase sales volume to 70,000-80,000 pcs or 7-8% compared to main tiles for the whole country for the second quarter 2011. • deploy target 8% to each customers/dealers in each area for sales team to push • increase margin for sub-dealers to be 20-30 cents/pc • Create product and brand awareness to and cheer end-users • cheer CMCC, BU of Concrete Roofing CPAC Monier

  16. Case Study: SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting • 3- Audience: • dealers & sub-dealers nationwide, • end-users in PNP and provinces • CMCC, showing them about our potential and trustful capability • 4- Message: • 8% of fitting from main tile portion by combined target of both items for dealers’ Rebate program • Trade promotion: free charge of fitting and coupon redemption for sub-dealers • Consumer promotion: scratched coupon to end-users, and advertise brand with quality and guarantee.

  17. Case Study: SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting • 5- Basket and Channel: • Place fitting together with Rebate letter announcement brought by sales force call and/or visit dealers by area • Leaflet and poster for sub-dealers • Leaflet and banner for consumer promotion • Radio Advs. on 90.5 FM& 102.5 FM

  18. Case Study: SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting 6- Resource:

  19. Case Study: SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting 7- Timeline

  20. Case Study: SCGT CPAC Monier Fitting • 8- Brand: • “Elephant” with high quality and trustful product • A proverb : “THE ROOF EXPERT” • 9- Feedback: • Weekly follow up sales volume report from the system • Weekly follow up key dealer and potential sub-dealer • Monthly evaluate the sales performance and survey comment, complain and/or request • Corrective action for the next quarter

  21. Q & A Thank You for Your Attention!

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