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Introduction to Bacteria and Viruses

Introduction to Bacteria and Viruses. Tara C. Dale September 7, 2007 Kyrene Akimel A-al Middle School. Bacteria and Viruses. Microbes are things that are so small we can not see them with our naked eye. Germs are things that make us sick.

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Introduction to Bacteria and Viruses

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Bacteria and Viruses Tara C. Dale September 7, 2007 Kyrene Akimel A-al Middle School

  2. Bacteria and Viruses • Microbes are things that are so small we can not see them with our naked eye. • Germs are things that make us sick. • Bacteria can be good, bad, or indifferent to the human body. • Therefore: • All bacteria and viruses are microbes but not all microbes are bacteria and viruses. • All germs are bacteria or viruses but not all bacteria are germs. All viruses are germs. • Viruses are not considered organisms because they are not considered alive. • Bacteria are unicellular microbes that do not have a nucleus.

  3. Healthy Bacteria • human body contains many bacteria, most performing useful, and sometimes even essential, tasks • estimated at 500 – 1,000 different types of bacteria live in the human body • example of good bacteria include those living in our digestive tract that break down certain carbohydrates that our body can’t break down itself; E.coli

  4. Unhealthy Bacteria and Viruses • Some bacteria are not healthy for the human body and can cause illness and/or death. • Some viruses kill bacteria so they can be considered good but they usually kill healthy cells too so ultimately they are considered unhealthy • All viruses kill the cells they penetrate; all viruses are unhealthy

  5. Cercopithecine herpesvirus1 • also known as B Virus • an infectious agent that is commonly found among macaque monkeys • does not harm monkeys but harms humans – infection is rare but once you are infected you are likely to die • occurs mostly in lab scientists and veterinarians • infection usually occurs because of an animal bite, exposure to monkey’s bodily fluids, or a scratch • no known treatment; CDC has a team researching one

  6. Bordetella pertussis (Pertussis) • Bacterial infection that can be fatal • Transmitted from mucus of one infected person to another person; patients with Pertussis cough A LOT! • Symptoms include hypoxia, apnea, pneumonia, seizures, encephalopathy, and malnutrition • A vaccine does exist; most who get Pertussis are too young to be vaccinated

  7. Pertussis Pictures

  8. Clostridium botulinum (Botulism) • Bacterial infection transmitted through infected food, in a wound that has the bacteria, or by consuming bacterial spores that create the toxin • Symptoms include double vision, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, and muscle weakness • Treatment includes giving patients antitoxin; most need to be on breathing machines for several weeks during the treatment

  9. Botulism Picture

  10. Rabies • A virus transmitted from one infected patient to another organism, usually from an animal bite • Symptoms include a change in behavior, loss of appetite, desire to be alone, fever, seizures • Once symptoms begin in humans, there is no treatment; a vaccination exists for those who are more likely to come in contact with rabid animals such as veterinarians • Vaccinations and treatment shots take place several times over a 28-day period; done in the arm and is now quite painless (historically it was VERY painful)

  11. Rabies Picture This man had to be restrained to keep from hurting himself and others.

  12. Streptococcus (Scarlet Fever) • Bacteria that cause strep throat but also a toxin that causes a distinctive rash called Scarlet Fever • Transmission occurs from person to person • Symptoms include fever, chills, body aches, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite may occur. • Treatment involves antibiotics

  13. Scarlet Fever Pictures

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