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Prayers for the week 24 – 28 June. Prayer theme: ‘Courage and Confidence’ and ‘I thirst’.
Prayers for the week24 – 28 June • Prayer theme: • ‘Courage and Confidence’ and ‘I thirst’ In later life the words Courage and Confidence were always on Marie Madeleine's lips, a motto she had learned through experience; not only in the face of death and widowhood and the challenge of bringing up her son alone, but also in the face of opposition to the development of the FCJ Society. • On the Feast of the Sacred Heart 1816, Marie Madeleine (FCJ Foundress) was praying before the crucifix when she heard the words of Jesus on the cross as though spoken directly to her. ‘I Thirst’. She understood that Jesus’ thirst and love for all people was to become her own.
Monday 24 June The courage to hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQ0Ydwmi0KE
Monday 24 June “Allons, courage et confiance. Nous ne devonsjamais dire : ‘Je ne puis pas airecela, je ne suis pas capable de cette charge.’ Dieu ne manquera pas de vous donner la grâce de faire tout cequ’ildemandé de vous.” Have courage and confidence. We must never say ‘I cannot do that, I am not capable of doing this job’. God will not fail to give you the grace to do all that he has asked of you. Generous God, You blessed this world with the life, faith and example of Marie Madeleine, and inspired her to begin the FCJ community. As we thank you for her, we pray for the FCJ family across the world. Give us the courage and confidence to be faithful companions of Jesus, too, through the way we choose to live, the words we choose to say, the actions we choose to share, and the attitude we choose to take. Amen.
Tuesday 25 June “This is me” (from ‘The Greatest Showman) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfGmj_NZ85M Loving God, Too often I compare myself to others and I don’t like what I see in the mirror. Help me to accept and love myself as I amjust as I know You love and accept me. Amen.
Tuesday 25 June A prayer for courage and confidence Lord, I’m afraid. I don’t feel bold or courageous. Help me remember that bravery isn’t the absence of fear; It’s doing the right thing no matter what. Give me a courageous heart. I know that you will be with me. I am not alone. You are greater than any obstacle I face. Help me to take a stand, to not give up, to push on, and to step forward today, Knowing that You are trustworthy and you are my strength. Amen.
Wednesday 26 June Moana: “How far you’ll go” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i66p0_wZ9F0 Loving God, Help me to overcome the obstacles on my way. Give me hope, courage and confidence to be positive and belief that God will see me through. Amen.
Wednesday 26 June Travaillons, disait-elle, commesi tout le succès de nos oeuvres dépendait de nous, mais ne comptons que sur Dieu. Let us work, Marie Madeleine would say, as if all the success of works depended on us, but let us count on God alone. Lord God Help us to find our own purpose and place in life. May we find pleasure and joy in our lives and bring the same pleasure and joy to others. Let us commit our lives to worthwhile pursuits believing that all the success of the work depends on us. May we always be mindful of those living on the margins of society - the poor, the hungry, the dispossessed and the destitute. Like Marie Madeleine, let us leave the world a better place than we found it. Amen.
Thursday 27 June Taizé: let all who are thirsty come https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfaBTOtU0KY Taizéis a place in France where a community of Christian (catholic, Anglican, protestant, orthodox) brothers live together. The whole year they welcome young people to have a break fro the business of everyday life to work and pray and refresh themselves. Let all who are thirsty come Let all who wish to recieve The water of life freely Amen come Lord Jesus Amen come Lord Jesus
Thursday 27 June In big cities, as in remote regions, women and men, the young and the old are thirsting for loving relationship in their families, in workplaces, in institutions and in society at large. May we as followers of Jesus, as Christians, who have been so blessed with the gifts of faith, hope and love, try in our different milieus to reach out tot hose in need, those who are searching, those who at times may be close to despair. May we listen, with the ears of our hearts to the pleas of those around us, as we try to listen to the voice of God within us. Amen. What are you thirsting for?
Friday 28 June Feast of the Sacred Heart Today’s feast is celebration of the love of God, the God who loves us forever. It is a sign of the open-heartedness of Jesus. On the Feast of the Sacred Heart 1816, Marie Madeleine (FCJ Foundress) was praying before the crucifix when she heard the words of Jesus on the cross as though spoken directly to her. ‘I Thirst’. She understood that Jesus’ thirst and love for all people was to become her own. Loving God, In our own time it is not difficult to recognise some of the ways in which Jesus is thirsting in our world. There are countless news items that draw our hearts and lead us to compassion. Help us to listen and to respond to what God is asking of each of us. Amen. “I was deeply moved by these words. I knelt in adoration and offered myself to God with my whole heart for all that he asked of me.” (Marie Madeleine)
Friday 28 June Examen Be silent and place yourself in God’s loving presence. Think about the good things that have happened this week and give thanks. Who have you left a good memory with this week? Look back over your week. Where have you felt joy and what has been difficult and challenged you? In the quiet of your heart, tell God about your experiences. Give thanks for who you are. As you look ahead, with what spirit will you enter next week? Ask God to help you.