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Nevada State Board of Education Alternative Performance Framework (APF) July 17, 2019

The Nevada Alternative Performance Framework (APF) is a state accountability system designed to support and assess schools serving high-needs populations. This presentation outlines the APF indicators and measures, eligibility requirements, and the process for schools to be included. It also includes a recommendation for the approval of Mission High School in Clark County School District for the 2019-2020 school year.

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Nevada State Board of Education Alternative Performance Framework (APF) July 17, 2019

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  1. Nevada State Board of EducationAlternative Performance Framework (APF)July 17, 2019 APF Presentation and NDE Recommendation for State Board Approval for Additional School SY2019-2020

  2. What is the APF? • The Nevada Alternative Performance Framework (APF) represents a State accountability system designed: • To highlight qualifying schoolsthat serve high-needs populations; • To collect and report data for schoolsthat currently have an incomplete reflection of performance under the Nevada State Accountability System; and • To provide actionable information about the progress of qualifying schools in improving student achievement (Nevada Alternative Performance Framework Workgroup, 2014). • The APF is Guided by: • Senate Bill 460 (2015) NRS 385A.730 NRS 385A.740 • APF Guidance • Stakeholder Engagement • Regulation No. R126-15 (2016) • Schools apply to be included in the APF and must be approved by the State Board of Education.

  3. APF School Categories

  4. Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF) and the Alternative Performance Framework (APF) • All schools are included in the statewide system of accountability • School data will be pooled over multiple years to reach sufficient n-size

  5. Alternative Performance FrameworkIndicators and Measures • Status Narrative • ELA Pooled Proficiency • Math Pooled Proficiency • Science Pooled Proficiency • Attendance Narrative • School-wide Attendance • Chronic Absenteeism • Academic Progress Narrative • Credit-Earning Rate, or • Math/ELA IEP Academic Goals • Graduation Narrative • 4-year Cohort Graduation Rate • 5-year Cohort Graduation Rate • Graduation Attainment Rate • Planning for Success Highlights • NV State Literacy Plan Essential #2 • Academic Learning Plans, or • Life Readiness/Life Skills IEP Goals • Student Persistence • Student Engagement

  6. Alternative Performance FrameworkGeneral Business Rules Majority of Data Submitted by District Fall: Narratives Spring: Student and School Reports

  7. Comparison of APF and NSPF Indicators

  8. Continuum of Performance Each indicator consists of specific measures which are evaluated and scored individually using a continuum of performance. Scoring each measure separately provides an opportunity to reveal areas of strengths and weaknesses. Adopted Regulation R126-15 Sec. 5(1)(b) (b) As soon as practicable, measure the pupil achievement and school performance for the school by comparing the results in the categories selected pursuant to subparagraphs (1) to (7), inclusive, of paragraph (a) for the current school year with those of the immediately preceding school year.

  9. APF Progress Reporting

  10. State Board of Education Approval Required NRS 385A.740 requires a school district or a sponsor of a charter school to apply to the State Board on behalf of a school seeking approval to be rated using the alternative performance framework.

  11. APF Eligibility Requirements For a school to be eligible to be included in the Alternative Performance Framework, the school must have a mission statement specifying that it serves a certain student population and that 75% of that student population meets one or more of the following criteria: • Have been expelled or suspended from a public school, including, without limitation, a charter school; • Have been deemed to be a habitual disciplinary problem pursuant to NRS 392.4655; • Are academically disadvantaged (defined in NAC language as a student who has repeated two or more grades from kindergarten through Grade 8 pursuant to NRS 392.033 or 392.125 or a student who is one or more years behind on the needed credits as defined in NAC 389.659 to promote to the next grade level or graduate from high school on time); • Have been adjudicated delinquent; • Have been adjudicated to be in need of supervision for a reason set forth in NRS 62B.320; or • Have an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

  12. APF Approved Schools 2018-2019

  13. Approval for School to be Included in the SY2019-2020 APF • Number of Unique Students = 88Number/Percent of Students Who Meet One or More Criteria = 83 (94.32%) • Mission and school structure specific to student population: • Mission High School is a comprehensive secondary school designed for students in recovery from substance abuse, use and/or dependency. The school strives to create a challenging and supportive learning environment that offers healthy opportunities and positive expectations while encouraging students as they redefine their lives. Coupling a quality education along with life skills and multi-faceted support services empower students to achieve their goals.

  14. SBE Motion • NDE recommends that the State Board approve the following school to be rated using the Alternative Performance Framework for the 2019-2020 School Year on the basis that the school mission and student population meets the requirements set forth in NRS 385A.730 and NRS 385A.740: • Mission High School, Clark County School District

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