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Mock-up tests at CERN

Mock-up tests at CERN. One row of MWPC in one quadrant of Station M#X (size of ‘wall’ 1.5x5.5m). M4M5R1 M2M3R2 M3M4M5R3) M3R4 M4R4 (M5R4). Goals To check functionality and stability of different type of chambers at various conditions:

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Mock-up tests at CERN

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  1. Mock-up tests at CERN One row of MWPC in one quadrant of Station M#X (size of ‘wall’ 1.5x5.5m) M4M5R1 M2M3R2 M3M4M5R3) M3R4 M4R4 (M5R4) • Goals • To check functionalityand stability of different type of chambers at various conditions: • grounding, shielding, variation of LV, external EMI, effects of parasitic currents • and voltage in ground, in LV and HV-lines, etc. • To get experience in assembling MWPC on the Wall and • To prevent possible problems during ‘dressing’, further tests and installation of chambers in pit • To develop software for tests of ‘dressed’ chambers on cosmics and for commissioning,etc. A.P.Kashchuk

  2. Mock-up tests at CERN with participation of LHCb muon CERN group, PNPI group, INFN groups with help and full support of management: Giovanni, Burkhard, Alexei, Pierluigi with high interest of T.Nakada, W.Witzeling, J.Christiansen Thank to Pavel E., Stas and Pavel K. for help in mock-up assembling A.P.Kashchuk

  3. Mock-up tests at CERN M5R1 has been installed first A.P.Kashchuk

  4. Good events: operational chambers were moved to mock-up tests from various groups (CERN, INFN, PNPI) A.P.Kashchuk

  5. Passport of chamber Cosmics collected during night Two chambers of M3R4(PNPI) operating in parallel during night at HV=2600V detect cosmics at high count uniformity (count non-uniformity ~1%) Excellent M3R4#112 M3R4#107 A.P.Kashchuk

  6. 2 fundamental characteristics: Passport of chamber HV plateau and X-talks are measured on cosmics in self-triggering mode using 2AND-logic built-in inside FEE chip 1. Measured at equal HV 1. One bigap at HV=2450V, another - scan HV plateau 400V slope Cross-talks obtained from the slope of HV plateau: 5-10% in range of HV=2650-2750V It increases above 2800V, as expected Slope and cross-talks are less because one bigap at lower HV=2450V Note: X-talks are doubled at equal HV A.P.Kashchuk

  7. Reference Cosmic rays flux Passport of chamber in Hz/m2 is reference to detect problems in both hardware and software (during debagging) Chambers horizontal HV operational 300V Correct cosmic rays fluxes at given acceptance, as expected Operational HV-plateau 300V, as expected Cross-talk in CPC (M5R1) is higher (see slope) w.r.t. WPC (M3R4), as expected A.P.Kashchuk

  8. Mock-up tests at CERN PNPI INFN CERN WorkStation 5.5m A.P.Kashchuk

  9. Mock-up tests at CERN All 20 various types of MWPC (CPC-SCRO, CPC-DCRO and WPC) fully and finally equipped are planed to be tested on mock-up A.P.Kashchuk

  10. WorkStation schematics Control Data Very simple MWPC with CARDIAC Scalers VME crate 6U PC USB2 Canbus interface Hardware: CAEN USB-VME bridge -1 Service Board (Roma1) -1 Gate Board (Roma1) -1 Kvaser PCIcan 4HS board ACQ modules as 64-input scalers (Roma2, LNF) – # depends on MWPC and readout logic, e.g. 1 module for 8 WPC(M3R4) 1.5 for 1 M3R2 Software: (written by Rafael, still not finished) A.P.Kashchuk

  11. Bad events and effects observed during preparation and tests on mock-up A.P.Kashchuk

  12. Noise spectra A=00 M3R2#26 (Cathodes) Good 43 minutes per 192 channels at 100ms gate (case M4M5R1) ~ 1 hour per 224 ch. (M3R2) Multiply to number of chambers… ~ 2 months of work A=01 Good Very high parallelism is needed in pit to scan spectra and load parameters to FEE in a reasonable time A=02 Do we have so many operators with experience? From where they come? Good A=03 Good A.P.Kashchuk

  13. A=04 Good M3R2#26 (Wires) A=05 Good A=06 Bad Good A=07 Good A=08 Bad A=09 A.P.Kashchuk

  14. A=10 Good M3R2#26 (Cathodes) A=11 Good A=12 Good A=13 Bad A.P.Kashchuk

  15. CARDIAC quality still low A.P.Kashchuk

  16. 1 • Cut data Bad Cable effects Such bouquet was not expected Bad 2 • Does not see FEE-addresses • Bad contact modifies 1sec time gate 3 4 • Pedestal appears 5 • Add noise Bad Bad A.P.Kashchuk

  17. Serious problem with connector for I2C used in Service Board ? All SB produced Many cables already installed in pit A.P.Kashchuk

  18. There is another problem Service Board sometime losses control (and SB even does not see FEE-ddresses); VME crate OFF/ON helps ? A.P.Kashchuk

  19. Scope shows presence of parasitic voltage in ground The source: CAEN SY2527 ~2V p-p ~2V p-p A.P.Kashchuk

  20. Voltage on CAEN ground w.r.t. Common ground (rack) 2V peak-peak A.P.Kashchuk

  21. FFT gives a few peaks in range of 8-16MHz (well within FEE bandwidth) repeating rate ~38kHz ~2V p-p A radio-frequency cavity in the PS. f=8-16MHz A.P.Kashchuk

  22. Statistics or missing counts? Cosmics counts collected during night in self-triggering mode (2AND logic) M5R1 HV=2450V ACQ? Statistics? Bad contacts in OPB – the worst case!!! A.P.Kashchuk

  23. Note: ACQ can be used either as multi-scaler or register. In tests below it is 64-channel scaler; Missing counts due to ACQ are possible 50MHz In tests below ACQ satisfactory operates at ~ 100MHz A.P.Kashchuk

  24. Good pulse width for ACQ 10ns Bad pulse width for ACQ 5ns Missing counts due to ACQ are possible A.P.Kashchuk

  25. First cosmics on mock-up M5R1 HV=2650V ? Nothing A.P.Kashchuk

  26. Replaced I2C-cable First panoramic view on mock-up M5R1 HV=2650V M5R1, HV=2750V TH=7fC 14 August 2006 30 minutes during lunch time Then during the day was impossible to reproduce Reasons…many Good A.P.Kashchuk

  27. More on tests Tests were performed in presence of parasitic voltage in ground ~ 2V peak-to-peak of wide frequency spectrum A.P.Kashchuk

  28. Criterion (noise count at operational threshold): cycle of 1sec – count uniformity and rate (Hz) M5R1#08 TH=6fC HV=2750V/2450V TH=7fC No uniformity TH=8fC TH=9fC A.P.Kashchuk

  29. Criterion: statistics during long time– count uniformity No uniformity TH=10fC does not help M5R1#08 TH=6fC HV=2750V/2450V A.P.Kashchuk

  30. Criterion (noise count at operational threshold): cycle of 1sec – count uniformity and rate (Hz) M5R1#08 TH=6fC HV=2750V/2450V No uniformity Before increasing thresholds one must try better ground FC to wall - as low impedance, as better A.P.Kashchuk

  31. Cycle of 1sec – count uniformity and rate (Hz) M5R1:TH=6fC at HV2750/2450 Good Mean ~1-2Hz A.P.Kashchuk

  32. Try to collect statistics during night … here ~ 2 hours TH=6fC at HV2750/2450 Cosmics M5R1#08 Count non-uniformity <10% (statistics) A.P.Kashchuk

  33. Result Statistics during ~12 hours of real time M5R1 2750/2450V Pulse width 25ns Count non-uniformity 5.6% Statistics ~3%, what other ~3% Other 3% - X-talks non-uniformity (profile, modulation) Grouping of bins reduce visible %, see case of M4R4 (2AND/4OR logic) in slide 23 A.P.Kashchuk

  34. Statistics during ~12 hours of real time (another day) M5R1 2750/2450V Pulse width 20ns Count non-uniformity 5.6% A.P.Kashchuk

  35. Statistics during ~6 hours M5R1 2750/2450V Pulse width 17ns Count non-uniformity 9% A.P.Kashchuk

  36. Statistics during ~1 hour M5R1 2750/2450V Pulse width 10ns Count non-uniformity 22% Missing counts dominate here, ACQ can not count A.P.Kashchuk

  37. Readout logic in DIALOG No software yet A.P.Kashchuk

  38. CERN chambers M4M5R1 A.P.Kashchuk

  39. HV-plateau and slope - correct Cosmic rays flux - correct Passport of chamber ~300V plateau (operational) ~5% cross-talks at 2650V Higher gain in left side Rather slow work:6 minutes of real time per pointin lab. ~1 hour/point in pit A.P.Kashchuk

  40. Thank to Boris and Yury for help and participation in measurements PNPI chambers M3M4R4 A.P.Kashchuk

  41. HV-plateau and slopes - correct Cosmic rays flux - correct Passport of chambers 2AND/4OR-readout 2AND-readout A.P.Kashchuk

  42. Thank to Rafael for participation in measurements INFN chambers M3M4M5R3 Where resistor in HV-return? A.P.Kashchuk

  43. Operation: CARDIAC replaced (DIALOG bad, CARIOCA good) A.P.Kashchuk

  44. There is HV-plateau X-talks- too much Cosmic rays flux - correct Passport of chamber TH=6fC ~300V plateau (operational) Slope more than in WPC, as expected, higher cross-talks due to higher capacitive coupling and due to not enough Cblock Higher gain in left side A.P.Kashchuk

  45. HV=2550/2650V, TH=7fC@13mV/fC Logic 2AND Count non-uniformity ~3% modulated by X-talks A.P.Kashchuk

  46. Cosmics counts collected during night HV=2450/2750V, TH=7fC@13mV/fC Logic 2AND/2OR Count non-uniformity ~5% modulated by X-talks A.P.Kashchuk

  47. Thank to Giacomo for his interest and participation in measurements INFN chambers M5R4 (M5R2 missing) Where resistor in HV-return? A.P.Kashchuk

  48. M5R4 - Firenze M3R3 - Frascati A.P.Kashchuk

  49. M5R4#127 – FEE noise spectra A=00 Acceptable A=01 Very good A=02 Replaced CARDIAC (DIALOG chip was problematic) A.P.Kashchuk

  50. No plateau High cross-talks Signature of bad CARDIAC Measured before replacement A.P.Kashchuk

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