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D(3)=4/4. D=2/4. 寶貴十架 A=4/4 A A D A 主耶穌, 我感謝祢, 祢的身體, 為我而捨. D E/ A/ D E 帶我出黑暗, 進入光明國度, 使我再次能看見. A A D A

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Presentation Transcript

  1. D(3)=4/4

  2. D=2/4

  3. 寶貴十架 A=4/4 A A D A 主耶穌, 我感謝祢, 祢的身體, 為我而捨. D E/ A/ D E 帶我出黑暗, 進入光明國度, 使我再次能看見. A A D A 主耶穌, 我感謝祢, 祢的寶血, 為我而流. D E/ A/ F#m E 寶貴十架上, 醫治恩典湧流, 使我完全得自由. F#m D E E 寶貴十架的大能賜我生命, 主耶穌我俯伏敬拜祢. F#m C#m/ D/ 寶貴十架的救恩, 是祢所立的約, C#m A 祢的愛永遠不會改變.

  4. 單純的信託 F=4/4 F C Dm Am Bb F Gm C 一、為這一天,我獻感謝,全人再此交托與主聯結; F C Dm Am   祂是生命活水,使我滿足歡暢, Bb F Gm C7 F   從我靈裏向外流淌,將我溢漫且從我顯彰。 F C Dm Am Bb F Gm C 二、無須憂慮,無須懷疑,為尋求祂的國和祂的義, F C Dm Am   每天都有需要,凡事向祂訴說, Bb F Gm C7 F   祂賜平安深且廣闊,時時保守使我永穩妥。 F C Dm Am Bb F Gm C 三、常常喜樂,不住禱告,凡事謝恩無何比這更美好; F C Dm Am   主是永活源頭,作我一切供應, Bb F Gm C7 F   凡我交托在祂手中,祂能保全一直到路終。

  5. Hi-Ne-Ni Gm=4/4=G(3) Em C D G 耶和華我的主啊 ! 求你使我放下心中 放下心中所愛 Em C D Em耶和華我的主啊 ! 求你使我打碎心中 心中偶像 G Am C D直到我在敬拜中獻上自己為祭, 無怨無悔 永不回頭 G Am C G直到我在祭壇那裡得著命定, 無怨無悔 我在這裡 Em C D Em Hi-Ne-Ni , Hi-Ne-Ni , 燒我 差我 我在這裡 Em C G Em Hi-Ne-Ni , Hi-Ne-Ni , 燒我 差我 Hi-Ne-Ni G Am C G 為這世界黑暗的角落 我在這裡, 為那不曾被安慰的靈魂 Em C G7 Em我在這裡 Hi-Ne-Ni , 我在這裡 Hi-Ne-Ni

  6. Morning has broken C=3/4 C C G Em Dm G C G F C G Dm Morning has broken, like the first morning, Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird C F Am C F G Am C Am Dm C Praise for the singing, praise for the morning, Praise for the springing fresh from the word C C G Em Dm G C G F C G Dm Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven, Like the first dewfall, on the first grass C F Am C F G Am C Am Dm C Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden, Sprung in completeness where his feet pass C C G Em Dm G C G F C G Dm Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning, Born of the one light, Eden saw play C F Am C F G Am C Am Dm C Praise with elation, praise every morning, God's recreation of the new day

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