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AY 3 :Introduction to Astronomy: The Solar System

AY 3 :Introduction to Astronomy: The Solar System. general info: www.ucolick.org/~lin/AY3. Instructor: Doug Lin lin@ucolick.org ISB 337, Tel: 459 2732, lin@ucolick.org Lectures: T/Th 8-9:45am Thiemann 3 Office hours: Tue 11-12am, Wed 2-3:00 pm, ISB 337

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AY 3 :Introduction to Astronomy: The Solar System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AY 3:Introduction to Astronomy:The Solar System general info: www.ucolick.org/~lin/AY3

  2. Instructor: Doug Lin lin@ucolick.org ISB 337, Tel: 459 2732, lin@ucolick.org Lectures: T/Th 8-9:45am Thiemann 3 Office hours: Tue 11-12am, Wed 2-3:00 pm, ISB 337 TA: Rodolfo Navarrette Perez rnavarr1@ucsc.edu ISB 355, Tel: 831-459-4485 Office hours: Mon 7:40-8:40pm, Wed 1:40-2:40pm, ISB 355 Sections:Mon6:30-7:40pmNatSciAnn 101, Wed12:30-1:40pmPhySci110 Yi Feng yfen12@ucsc.edu ISB 255, Tel 831-459-5722 Office Hours: Mon 4-5pm & Fri 2:30-3:30pm, ISB 225 Section: Mon 5-6:10pm Fri 3:30-4:40 NatSciAnn 101 Text books:Cosmic Perspective, Solar System 7th ed. Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, Voit Midterm Exam: Thur Feb 6, 8-9:45am, in class, Thiemann 3 Final Exam: Fri Mar 21st, 8:00-11:00am, in class, Thiemann 3 Homeworks: Hand out on Thursdays & return a week later Homework 15%, Iclicker 15%, Midterm 30%, Final 40%

  3. Philosophy • Understanding the process of scientific methodology. • To learn some astronomy with regard to the roots of planets, • stars, & life. • To satisfy the general education and math requirements. Main topics • Space-time structure in the Universe • Forces of Nature • Properties and utilization of light • Formation of planets • Structure and atmosphere of terrestrial planets • Gas giant planets and their satellites • Interplanetary matter • Geological & biological evolution on Earth • 9. Extrasolar planets

  4. Lecture 1: an overview Our place in the Universe Are we alone?

  5. Once habitable environments Condition which harbors life Liquid water! Ocean below the ice surface on Europa Salt deposit on Marsian rocks: dried up lake. The Planetary habitat: our Solar System

  6. Worlds beyond imagination 100 billion stars

  7. powers of ten

  8. Vast range of length scales 1 Astronomical unit = distance from the Earth to the Sun =150,000,000km 1 light year = speed of light x 1 yr = 9,460,000,000,000 km

  9. Life cycle of starsFrom gas to stars to gas Red giants Planetary nebula Young stars Main sequence Interstellar medium supernoave

  10. Nucleo synthesispowers the Sun The pp chain Genesis of complex elements

  11. Chemical abundance Triple a reaction CNO cycle Solar abundance Amount of complex elements in Typical stars today

  12. Heavy elements in massive stars supernovae Stellar winds Radioactive isotope production

  13. Star and planet formation Condensation of dust and formation of planets Formation of the solar system: 4.6 Gyr ago

  14. Link between space & time Light travel time: 10 hours 10 billion years

  15. Chemical abundance in starsheavy element contamination Gamma ray bursts

  16. Large structure of the universecosmic expansion Big bang & age of the universe:12 Gyr

  17. Cycle of time

  18. Probability of life:Necessary conditions • Chemical elements • Sources of energy from stellar luminosity • Organic molecules in the interstellar medium • Life emerged on earth within 1 Gyr • Life survived major disasters • Life can be transported elsewhere

  19. Quest: to search for the origin and proliferation of life in the Universe

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