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Softwares for Civil Servants’ Training Governance: Report & GES.FOR. Massimo de Cristofaro Head, New Methods for Training National School of Government Prime Minister’s Office – Italy. Contents:. Definitions of the matter. Italian public training system.
Softwares for CivilServants’ Training Governance: Report & GES.FOR Massimo de Cristofaro Head, New Methods for Training National School of Government Prime Minister’s Office – Italy
Contents: Definitions of the matter Italian public training system Annual Report on PA training,some figures Training process: analysis, SW tools Difficulties
Contents: Definitions of the matter Italian public training system Annual Report on PA training,some figures Training process: analysis, SW tools Difficulties
Public Administration, some labels: to rule and protect the Community its activity has to be documented and transparent it works by means of laws, regulations, acts ...
Public Administration, elements: Civil Servants’hiring through competitive selections contracts are established by public bodies at national level training is both a need and a right training expenses are investments
Civil servants training: training expenses should correspond to 1% of total salary (1994 public employment agreements) France 3,8% + 3,3% = 7,1%; UK 4,%
Contents: Definitions of the matter Italian public training system Annual Report on PA training,some figures Training process: analysis, SW tools Difficulties
Contents: Definitions of the matter Italian public training system Annual Report on PA training,some figures Training process: analysis, SW tools Difficulties
Ministero Organi dello Stato Enti LOCAL Gov. Ministero Organi dello Stato Autorità LOCAL Gov. State Organs Ministero Enti LOCAL Gov. Ministero Authorities LOCAL Gov. Ministero Managers Managers Public Ministery Managers Training School Train. Office SSPA Prime Minister Office SSPAL Entry Training Observatory Report Formez Compet. Course Permanent Training
SSPA – Scuola Superiore PA: SSPA is a top-level training school for senior civil servants. It is part of Prime Minister’s Office, with its own accounting and self-organising powers. Initial training/selection for new executives and permanent training are the most important missions for the SSPA. SSPA carries out the monitoring of training, through the Osservatorio on training needs, and the Annual Report on PA training;
SSPA – Scuola Superiore PA: SSPA headquarters are located in Rome Training projects and activities are held in its 5 offices of Bologna (Emilia-Romagna), Rome, Caserta-RoyalPalace (Campania), ReggioCalabria (Calabria) and Acireale (Sicily). All the offices have a specialized library, some of them are also Centres of European Documentation SSPA's Study and Residential Centre is situated in one of the two elliptical semi-circles of the imposing Royal Palace in Caserta
Contents: Definitions of the matter Italian public training system Annual Report on PA training,some figures Training process: analysis, SW tools Difficulties
Contents: Definitions of the matter Italian public training system Annual Report on PA training,some figures Training process: analysis, SW tools Difficulties
Italy’s civil servants’ training 2008 data SSPA for Central State administrations -realizes and prints the volume; Technical Table ofRegions and Autonomous Provinces; Formez for Provinces and Municipalities; CoInFo for Universities system; Institute Guglielmo Tagliacarne for Chambers of Commerce; Monographies: Civil Service Department – PMO, ASFOR; ISFOL; AIF, etc.
838.192 civil servants listed in the survey; 537.904 of which in training in 2007 = 64,2% , all sectors over 12,5%; some sectors over 1% investment on salary mass, 0,75% average, PCM from 0,86 to 0,83%; Authorities from 1,6 to 1,28%, Regions at 0,89% mixed trends: expenditure: - 9 % ; participants in training + 20%; supplied hours: +8,5%; attended hours + 3,1% 1.062.383 supplied hours, 4.215 hours each w-day
Data collection through software realized by SSPA: on line, server connection off line, stand alone PCs same kind of analysis for all Government levels: Central State, Regions, Cities, Chambers of Commerce, Universities
On line data collection, Q3: Training Plans
On line data collection, Q4 Resources for E-learning: E-learning Resources
On line data collection: Courses details 2. ORGANIZZAZIONE E PERSONALE 2.1 Normativa pubblico impiego e contratti di lavoro 2.2 Metodologie gestione risorse umane 2.3 Normativa previdenziale 2.4 Progettazione organizzativa 2.5 Qualità del servizio 2.6 Formazione di formatori 2.7 Altro 3. MANAGERIALE 3.1 Project management 3.2 Valutazione progetti, analisi costi 3.3 Reingegnerizzazione processi 3.4 Stili di leadership 3.5 Processi di decisione 3.6 Tecniche normative 3.7 Altro 4. COMUNICAZIONE 4.1 Normativa sulla comunicazione 4.2 Rapporti con l’utenza 4.3 Attività e gestione degli URP 4.4 Attività degli Uffici Stampa 4.5 Attività di promozione e di immagine 4.6 Tecniche di comunicazione integrata 4.7 Altro 5. ECONOMICO-FINANZIARIA 5.1 Normativa fiscale 5.2 Contabilità di Stato 5.3 Normativa e procedure sugli appalti 5.4 Gestione dei beni patrimoniali 5.5 Metodologia delle politiche di spesa 5.6 Analisi economica 5.7 Altro 7. INFORMATICA E TELEMATICA 7.1 Progettazione e gestione dei processi informatici 7.2 Office di base 7.3 Office avanzato 7.4 Specialista IT 7.5 Specialisti su applicativi standard 7.6 Specialisti su applicativi non standard 7.7 Altro 11. TECNICO-SPECIALISTICA 11.1 Cultura 11.2 Istruzione 11.3 Sanità 11.4 Territorio 11.5 Attività produttive 11.6 Agricoltura 11.7 Ambiente 11.8 Normativa di settore 11.9 Altro 8. LINGUISTICA 8.1 Corsi di base 8.2 Corsi avanzati 8.3 Corsi specialistici 8.4 Altro 6. CONTROLLO DI GESTIONE 6.1 Normativa sui controlli 6.2 Controllo direzionale 6.3 Definizione dei processi di pianificazione 6.4 Definizione del budget direzionale 6.5 Ruolo e funzioni del controller 6.6 Altro 10. INTERNAZIONALE 10.1 Istituzioni europee e internazionali 10.2 Strumenti normativi e di indirizzo 10.4 Rendicontazione dei progetti 10.5 Utilizzo dei fondi comunitari 10.6 Tecniche di negoziazione 10.7 Benchmarking e scambio di esperienze 10.8 Altro/ 9. MULTIDISCIPLINARE 9.1 Corsi per accesso alla dirigenza 9.2 Corsi-concorso per le varie qualifiche 9.3 Corsi di riqualificazione 9.4 Altro
Incidence of travel expenses on training investments, 2002 – 2008 (Central State)
Courses Data Bases from Annual Reports
Banche dati dai Rapporti annuali Interactive inquiries: • subjects, • Keywords in course titles
Banche dati dai Rapporti annuali All data are selectable and rangeable: • title, • duration in hours, • participants, etc.
Contents: Definitions of the matter Italian public training system Annual Report on PA training,some figures Training process: analysis, SW tools Difficulties
Contents: Definitions of the matter Italian public training system Annual Report on PA training,some figures Training process: analysis, SW tools Difficulties
Training is not a self standing activity, but it is part of a process: OBJECTIVES to achieve NEEDED skills & competencies EXISTING skills & competencies ∆ = skill GAP to reach objectives TRAINING EVALUATION of results and of training
Training is not a self standing activity, but it is part of a process: OBJECTIVES to achieve NEEDED skills & competencies EXISTING skills & competencies ∆ = skill GAP to reach objectives TRAINING EVALUATION of results and of training There is a “Direttiva” by the 2003 Public Administration Minister, inviting to build up such procedure: To set a “Training Plan” each year, Starting from “Training needs analisys”
Training is not a self standing activity, but it is part of a process: OBJECTIVES to achieve NEEDED skills & competencies EXISTING skills & competencies ∆ = skill GAP to reach objectives TRAINING EVALUATION of results and of training This flow can be totally substained by a Software tool
GES.FOR Training Process Management System
GES.FOR: modular data base data 1 data 2 data 3 data 4
SSPA developed GES.FOR, a modular software to manage the whole process • one module for each step • integration of data througout the process • to avoidre-writing and the flow of paper • to relate each phase to pertinent actors.
Collection Plans Delivery Evaluation
GES.FOR: process flow Central Training Offices Office’s Manager Data 1 Training Plan Choices Strategies Feasibility Needs collection
GES.FOR: process flow Central Offices Data 4 Report Data 2 Training Delivery Training Plan Choices Strategies Feasibility Training Management
GES.FOR: process flow GES.FOR Evaluation Module