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The Digestive System. by: Ms. De Bell. The Digestive System. The Digestive System breaks food into nutrient molecules. These molecules are a bsorbed into the blood stream. The Digestive System eliminates the indigestible waste. You ARE what you Eat !. T able of Cont ent s.
The Digestive System by: Ms. DeBell
The Digestive System The Digestive System breaks food into nutrient molecules. These molecules are absorbed into the blood stream. The Digestive System eliminates the indigestible waste. You ARE what you Eat!
Table of Contents Please click on each of the pictures to explore your digestive system. Digestive Processes The Digestive Process with Dr. Stocker Importance Click here to return to the start The Players
The Players The various players of the Digestive System can be divided in two : 1. The Alimentary Canal 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Alimentary Canal AKA: The Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract The alimentary canal is the muscular digestive tube that winds through the body Food Material in the alimentary canal is technically considered to be outside the body because the canal is open to the external environment at both ends. Includes: Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Anus Justremember: My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes.My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes. My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes.My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes. My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes. My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes. My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes.
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands My….. Mouth • Food enters the alimentary canal via mouth • Food is chewed, manipulated by the tongue, and moistened with saliva
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands My purple….. Pharynx • Passage way of food, fluids, and inhaled air. • The Pharynx is made of three muscles. The muscles are like three stacked clutching fists. The muscles contract in sequence from superior to inferior to squeeze food in to the esophagus.
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands My purple elephant….. Esophagus • A muscular tube that propels swallowed food to the stomach • Sphincter • (def.) A muscle surrounding an opening; acts • as a valve to close and open the orifice. Think of a • draw string back. The string around the opening • acts to open and close the bag depending on • whether its contracted or lose.
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands My purple elephant sleeps….. Stomach • A temporary storage tank in which food is churned and turned into a paste called chyme “juices”. • The stomach is the first site where food begins to break down • Some, although little, nutrients is absorbed in the stomach • Food hangs out in the stomach for about 4 hours; just about as long as you study for my class every night!
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands My purple elephant sleeps inside….. Small Intestine • Longest part of the alimentary canal • This is the site where most of the enzymatic digestion and virtually all absorption of your pizza occurs • It’s important to note that although most digestive enzymes break down food here, enzymes are actually secreted by the pancreases
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands My purple elephant sleeps inside icy….. Large Intestine • Gunk remains here for 12-24 hours! • The large intestines absorb water and electrolytes • from digested mass, resulting in semi- solid feces.
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine G. Anus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes. Anus The opening at the end of the alimentary canal where feces exits
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine G. Anus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands a. Organs b. Glands Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands Organ (def.) a part of the body formed of two or more tissues and adapted to carry out a specific function Gland (def.) a structure whose cells are specialized for secretion Digestive Organs Teeth Tongue Gallbladder Digestive Glands Salivary Gland Liver Pancreas Just remember… Ten tall giraffes smell like pancakes! Ten tall giraffes smell like pancakes! Ten tall giraffes smell like pancakes! Ten tall giraffes smell like pancakes! Ten tall giraffes smell like pancakes! Ten tall giraffes smell like pancakes! Ten tall giraffes smell like pancakes!
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine G. Anus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands a. Organs i. Teeth Ten… Teeth {Organ} Blades that tear and grind food in to smaller fragments
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine G. Anus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands a. Organs i. Teeth ii. Tongue Ten tall… Tongue {Organ} Occupies the floor of your mouth is a muscle constructed of skeletal muscle fiber Your tongue is important because it grips and constantly repositions food in between teeth. It also helps mix food with saliva to get a compact mass, bolus.
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine G. Anus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands a. Organs i. Teeth ii. Tongue iii. Gall Bladder Ten tall giraffes… Gallbladder {Organ} The gall bladder stores and concentrates bile Bile is a greenish fluid secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and released in to the small intestine; helps start the break down of fats
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine G. Anus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands a. Organs i. Teeth ii. Tongue iii. Gall Bladder b. Glands i. Salivary Glands Ten tall giraffes smell… Salivary Gland {gland} Salivary glands produce saliva Saliva moistens the mouth, dissolves food chemicals so they can be tasted, wets food, binds the food together into a bolus. Saliva~ a complex mixture of water, ions, mucus, and enzymes
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine G. Anus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands a. Organs i. Teeth ii. Tongue iii. Gall Bladder b. Glands i. Salivary Glands ii. Liver Ten tall giraffes smell like… Liver {gland} • The liver is the LARGEST gland in the body, it weighs about 3Ibs in average adult (pick up your science book) • The liver has many functions….. • The liver produces bile • The liver picks up glucosefrom the • blood supply of the alimentary canal • and stores it as glycogen Remember….Bile is a greenish fluid secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and released in to the small intestine; helps start the break down of fats
Digestive Tract 1. Alimentary Canal a. Mouth b. Pharynx c. Esophagus d. Stomach e. Small Intestine f. Large Intestine G. Anus 2. Accessory Digestive Organs and Digestive Glands a. Organs i. Teeth ii. Tongue iii. Gall Bladder b. Glands i. Salivary Glands ii. Liver iii. Pancreas Ten tall giraffes smell like pancakes. Pancreas {gland} • Secretes enzymes in to the small intestine for enzymatic digestion • Produces hormones (insulin and glucagon) which regulate the levels of sugar in the blood
Digestive Processes The digestive system performs the following essential food- processing activities…..
Digestive Processes: Ingestion Ingestion Is the taking of food in to the mouth
Digestive Processes: Ingestion Propulsion Propulsion The movement of food through the alimentary canal. Alimentary Canal = (My purple elephant sleeps inside icy airplanes)
Mechanical Digestion Digestive Processes: Ingestion Propulsion Mechanical Digestion Physically prepares food for chemical digestion Includes: Chewing Churning in the stomach Segmentation ( the rhythmic local constrictions of the intestines)
Chemical Digestion Digestive Processes: Ingestion Propulsion Mechanical Digestion Chemical digestion A series of steps on which complex food molecules are broken down in to their chemical building blocks Process is carried out by enzymes Food Molecules get broken down in to chemical building blocks your body utilizes to carry out metabolic process…. Food Molecule Chemical Building Block Carbohydrates Sugar Proteins Amino Acids Lipids Fatty Acids and Glycerol (respectfully)
Digestive Processes: Ingestion Propulsion Mechanical Digestion Chemical digestion Absorption Absorption Is the transport of digested end products from the alimentary canal in to the blood and lymph capillaries
Digestive Processes: Ingestion Propulsion Mechanical Digestion Chemical digestion Absorption Defecation Defecation The elimination of indigestible substances from the body as feces
The Digestive Process with Dr. Stocker Insert Dr. Stocker’s photo here or the principals photo for example
The Digestive Process with Dr. Stocker Food is any substance, usually composed primarily of carbohydrates, fats, water and/or proteins, that can be eaten or drunk by an animal or human for nutrition or pleasure. Nutrition (also called nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells and organisms of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Foods have different nutritional values…….
The Digestive Process with Dr. Stocker SQUISH And Turned
The Digestive Process with Dr. Stocker Absorption
The Digestive Systems is Important because ….. • The Digestive System breaks down food molecules into chemicals our body needs to carry out metabolic process. • The Digestive System wastes indigestible food molecules the body can not use.
The Digestive Systems is Important because everyone poops! “An elephant makes a big poopA mouse makes a tiny poopSome stop to poopOthers do it on the move” ~Taro Gomi