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FMOC 01065 ES&H Specification Training

Learn the essential environment, safety, and health requirements for construction work at Sandia National Laboratories as outlined in the FMOC 01065 ES&H Specification.

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FMOC 01065 ES&H Specification Training

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  1. Facilities Management and Operations CenterStandard Specification 01065Environment, Safety, and Healthfor Construction Contracts What Supervisors Need to Know Revised: January 27, 2009

  2. 01065 ES&H Specification Training Goals Upon completion of this training, supervisors and safety officers will have an understanding of the specific environment, safety and health requirements for performing construction work at Sandia National Laboratories. 2

  3. What is the 01065 ES&H Specification? The FMOC 01065 ES&H Specification is included in all FMOC Construction Contracts. It outlines ES&H requirements that apply to Prime Contractor’s employees, Subcontractors and Suppliers performing FMOC construction work. 3

  4. What Contractor Supervisors & Safety OfficersNeed to Know The FMOC 01065 ES&H Specification provides requirements to protect the safety and health of workers, visitors, and public and environment and property. 4

  5. FMOC 01065 SpecificationRequires Compliance with: • ALL Federal, State, and Local Government Laws and Regulations • OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Safety & Health Regulations for Construction • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), National Electrical Code and Std Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Personal Protection Equipment • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Storm Water Management for Construction Activities • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) • ANSI Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, Practices for Respiratory Protection, Safe Use of Lasers 5

  6. Who’s Who at Sandia? • Sandia Contracting Representative (SCR): SNL official authorized representative for specific purpose of administering contract: only they may legally obligate SNL expenditure of funds, change scope, level of effort, terms & conditions, negotiate, and sign SNL legally binding documents • Sandia Delegated Representative (SDR) – Person authorized for review, inspection, and acceptance of work • Sandia Construction Observer (SCO) – Field Rep who monitors, documents, & reports on progress, quality, and safety • Sandia Project Manager (SPM) – Review and acceptance of Contract-Specific Safety Plan • Facilities Environment, Safety & Health Support Team – Provide support to SDR, SCO, and SPM resolving ES&H issues/concerns associated with contractor safety performance 6

  7. Definitions • Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) – Documented plan identifies & plans for hazard mitigation associated with activities. Activities are general classes of separately definable construction work (e.g. excavation, foundations, roofing), are not time or location specific. AHA is a required section of CSSP. • Task Hazard Analysis (THA) – Process may include dialog (pre-task plan, tail-gate meeting, etc.), document (checklist, permit, etc.) or knowledge (training, etc.) that identifies & plans for hazard mitigation associated with task. Task is a specific segment of a particular scope construction work that is time, condition, worker/location dependent. Documented THA is required on a graded approach (example: permits). 7

  8. Quality Assurance • Prime Contractor shall flow down 01065 Spec requirements to subcontracts (all tiers) • Contract Safety Officer • Ensures compliance and implementation of CSSP • Meets education, experience & knowledge requirements and must be documented in CSSP • Ensures that competent person is identified when required and be on site at all times that work requiring competent person is underway • Superintendent or Delegate • Must directly superintend work at all times during active construction periods • Perform safety inspections and correct noncompliance with CSSP. CSSP shall describe method for performing and documenting these inspections. 8

  9. Quality Assurance (continued) • Prime Contractor shall inform employees, Subcontractors, and Suppliers of hazards and protective measures • All workers performing construction work activities shall complete the following training prior to receiving a badge: • 10-Hour OSHA • Standard Specification Section 01065, ES&H for Construction and Service Contracts • Prime Contractor’s CSSP • Prime Contractor shall perform 1 documented self-assessment of one element of their safety program per quarter (i.e. training, ladder inspection, fall protection program, etc.) 9

  10. Contract-Specific Safety Plan • Prime Contractor must submit CSSP for FMOC review & acceptance prior to starting work. CSSP shall: • State nature of work, potential hazards, mitigation or worker protection for activity • All requirements & recommendations in Jobsite Hazard Evaluation (JSHE) are part of CSSP unless an alternate hazard control/mitigation is submitted for review & acceptance • Subcontractor’s safety requirements may be incorporated into Prime Contractor’s CSSP • Identify methods to inform workers of work, associated hazards/controls or worker protection • Copy of accepted CCSP must be onsite with training documentation • Change in scope or additional hazards/controls require submission of addendum for review & acceptance 10

  11. Chemical Products • Prime Contractor shall provide inventory of all chemicals/chemical products anticipated for use on each project. • Describe how product will be used • Describe controls • Not required for products available for purchase by general public (i.e. Windex, Simple Green, WD-40, etc.) 11

  12. Suspension of Work Ensure all workers are aware of the right and responsibility to suspend any work activity they identify as presenting imminent danger to workers, visitors, the public, or the environment and property. 12

  13. STOP Work Order • Stop work order that affects crew for period greater than 1 hour shall be followed by issuance of formal written Stop Work Order. Work may be restarted only with written work release from SCR. • Stop Work Order shall include: • Date & time work was stopped • Reason for work stoppage • Requirements for Contractor to resume work • Date & time SNL expects corrective action completion, if required • SCR shall provide written work release to include: • Reference Stop Work Order • Reason for work stoppage • Conditions for restart of activity • Specified date and time when work may resume 13

  14. Hold Work Order • Document issued through contract to prevent future tasks and to require further evaluation of a condition or plan before task is performed • Example: Prohibiting pouring of concrete until rebar mat is inspected • Contractor may not perform any work on Hold Work Order until Release Authorization is obtained • Hold Work Order must be kept on site while project is ongoing 14

  15. SNL Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) Provides the management framework to ensure the protection of personnel, the public, and the environment. 15

  16. Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) CSSP shall identify implementation methods of the five ISMS principles • Plan Work: develop work plans, identify and prioritize tasks, allocate resources • Analyze Hazards: identify hazards, decide significance of hazards • Control Hazards: determine hazard controls to protect personnel & environment, use controls as required • Perform Work: confirm work is ready and controls are in place and work is performed safely 5) Feedback and Improve: improve task by reporting problems or suggestions 16

  17. Work Site IdentificationSigns & Barricades • Required for construction & service work • Warn contractor personnel, work site visitors of specific hazards • Communicate safe bypass information to non-construction personnel in the vicinity • Prime Contractor is responsible for controlling work site • Report posting requirements violations to SNL PM or CO as appropriate 17

  18. Notification of ES&H Events & Injuries • If an event could adversely impact workers, the public, environment, property, or unplanned disruption of normal operations, it should be reported – When in doubt, report it! • Notify CO, SCR, SDR, or PM of the event – a voicemail does not meet requirements:you must speak to CO, SCR, SDR, or PM • Workers with non-threatening injuries/illnesses requiring medical attention should be transported to Contractor’s medical facility • Notify SNL PM, SDR, or SCO as soon as possible 18

  19. Medical and Health Protection • Emergency Action • For life threatening injuries/illnesses, call: • 911 from SNL telephone, or • (505) 844-0911 from outside or cell phone • Notification of Accidents, Injuries or Illnesses • Notify SDR or SCO as soon as possible • Submit Form SF2050P to SDR within 3 days 19

  20. Medical and Health ProtectionElectric Shock Workers who receive electrical shock during standard work hours must be accompanied to SNL Medical Facility for immediate medical attention. 20

  21. Medical and Health ProtectionIndustrial Hygiene Program • Contractors shall comply with lowest, more protective of: • Current ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) • OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) • Compliance will be demonstrated through monitoring results and documentation • Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists • Evaluate controls to ensure appropriate worker protection level • Welding, cutting, brazing operations require approved WCB Control Permit • Physical Hazards • Noise, non-ionizing radiation & thermal stress: Comply with ACGIH TLVs • Lasers: Comply with ANSI Z136.1 & ANSI Z88.2 21

  22. Medical and Health Protection SNL Oversight Compliance Monitoring • SNL has authority to conduct reasonable investigations for oversight • Includes, but not limited to: environmental (area) sampling and attaching personal sampling equipment/devices to monitor/measure exposures • Monitoring results shall be provided to Contractor Substance Abuse Prevention and Testing • Use of drugs (including prescription drugs misuse) or alcohol shall be grounds for removal: may include termination of the Contractor’s Contract 22

  23. Medical and Health ProtectionRadiological (RAD) Safety • JSHE • Required for all work in areas that have posted RAD signs • Will identify required area controls (e.g. training, material release) • Contractor must have Sandia authorization prior to work in RAD area • Some work activities may require participation in SNL’s external & internal monitoring program 23

  24. Waste Management and Disposal • Waste must be handled according to the accepted Prime Contractor’s CSSP. • These photos are examples of waste that requires special disposal 24

  25. Activity/Task Hazard Requirements • Significant hazards identified in Section 3.04A require documented safety briefing and/or documented activity/task hazard analysis • Examples of documentation: CSSP, AHA, Permits, JSHE, training sign-in sheets, pre-task meetings • Examples of significant hazards: • Work requiring fall protection plan • Scaffold erection greater than 125’ • Work requiring respiratory protection • Work within 10’ of overhead power lines • Sanding or grinding of silica-containing material (e.g. concrete) 25

  26. Asbestos Safety • Asbestos may be present in existing building material, finishes, & mechanical systems • Asbestos-containing material (ACM) will be identified in JSHE • Work activities shall not damage or disturb the ACM • Asbestos Work Release Permit documents asbestos hazards, provides recommended controls or elimination of the hazard 26

  27. ES&H Permit Requirements Permits are required for: • Excavations • Penetrations • Hot Work (e.g. welding, cutting, burning) • WCBC Permit is required prior to obtaining Hot Work Permit • Fire Protection Impairment • Fugitive Dust Control for surface disturbance, sandblasting, other surface preparation, demolition • Entry into Permit Required Confined Spaces • Energized Electrical Work 27

  28. Excavation Permits • Obtain Excavation Permit prior to: • Digging, saw-cutting, drilling, coring, or trenching into soil to a depth greater than twelve inches • Excavation of soil beneath concrete sidewalks, slabs (including inside buildings), or asphalt to a depth greater than 2 inches • Scraping, blading, or excavation of any area previously undisturbed or that appears to be undisturbed, such as areas covered by native vegetation and blading or improvements to previously unimproved roads or paths 28

  29. Excavation Permits (continued) • Area to be excavated shall be shown on Drawing, and identified in the field using white paint. • Submit permit requests to CO no more than 14 days and no less than 6 days prior to start of excavation. • Excavation Permit process involves environmental, cultural, & ecological site review to determine if environmental site impacts will occur due to activities related to performance of work. • Confine excavation activities to those areas identified on permit 29

  30. Penetration Permits Obtain penetration permit prior to: • Penetration into concrete slabs, floors, ceilings, roofs, or walls greater than 2 inches in depth (does not include pre-cast concrete) • Underground concrete duct bank penetration: All duct bank penetrations shall be reviewed by FMOC for high voltage hazards. • If Permit identifies high voltage hazards, Supervisor authorizing duct bank penetration ensures • Task specific (each duct bank penetration is a task) procedure is written & submitted for FMOC review & acceptance • Supervisor attends & ensures attendance of Penetrator at pre-task meeting with FMOC, where task-specific procedure shall be reviewed 30

  31. Penetration Permits (continued) Obtain penetration permit prior to (cont.): • Penetrations where site investigation cannot identify possible hidden hazards • Area to be penetrated shall be shown on Drawing. • Submit permit requests to the Construction Observer no more than 14 days and no less than 6 days prior to start of penetration. • Permits are task-specific. Confine penetration to areas identified on the permit. 31

  32. Hot Work Permits • Prior to cutting, welding, open-flame burning, or use of tar kettles, roof solvents, obtain Hot Work Permit from SNL Fire Protection Engineering. Display issued permit in prominent location at work site. • For welding, brazing or thermal cutting operations, obtain a WCBC Permit prior to obtaining Hot Work Permit • Operators of WCBC equipment must complete training every 3 years to be able to obtain WCBC Permits • Worker responsible for performing hot work and the worker performing fire watch duties shall: • View training videos annually • Shall be trained and certified in the use of portable fire extinguishers annually • Additional requirements are found in 01065 Specification 3.04 E: Hot Work Permits 32

  33. Fire Protection System Impairments • For any work activity that impacts operation or function of a fire protection system, do the following: • Obtain Fire Protection Impairment Permit (FPIP) if work will generate heat, smoke, fumes, or dust or when modifying or disrupting a fire protection system • Put building fire alarm system on “NO ACTION” so that fire alarm signals are not transmitted to emergency responder workstations • Disable fire alarm devices and zones to prevent accidental activation while performing work or to allow modification to the fire alarm system 33

  34. Mobile Crane Inspections • Notify the Sandia Construction Observer (Inspector) 48 hours in advance of mobile crane’s scheduled arrival time and arrange for crane inspection. • Crane inspection shall include: • Verification of crane operator training/license • Load charts • Inspection reports • Physical verification of ropes, slings, undercarriage, outriggers, and boom • Document review of crane placement and lifting plan 34

  35. Documented Lift Plans • Documented Lift Plan is required and the documentation shall be maintained on site during the lifting operation when lifts: • Are greater than 75% of manufacturer’s load chart • Involve field designed and installed lifting points when manufacturer’s lifting points cannot be utilized. 35

  36. Critical Lift Plans • Critical Lift Plan is required if collision, upset, or dropping could result in: • Unacceptable risk of injury or significant adverse health impact • Significant release of RAD or other hazardous material or other undesirable conditions • Load item is unique, vital, and if damaged would be irreplaceable or not repairable • Cost to replace/repair the item or delay in operations would have a negative impact • If load requires exceptional care in handling because of size, weight, close-tolerance installation, high susceptibility to damage, multiple pieces of lifting equipment, or other unusual factors. • Critical Lift Plan must be accepted by the FMOC Project Manager and a copy must be on site during the lifting operation. 36

  37. Confined Space • Confined Space is defined by OSHA as space that • Is large enough for a body to enter and work • Has limited or restricted entry or exit (such as tanks, storage bins, and pits) • Is not designed for continuous occupancy • Permit-Required Confined Space is space that contains all the above and one of the following: • Hazardous atmosphere • Material that may engulf the workers entering • Interior that could trap or asphyxiate workers • Contains any other serious safety & health hazard • Notify IC (844-4189) prior to entry with location and confirm rescue personnel are available • Examples of permit required confined spaces: electrical manholes & steam pits 37

  38. Confined Space • These are a two examples of confined space signs. • Absence of a sign does not mean that area is not a confined space. • Contact SNL Construction Observer if in need of assistance to determine if a space meets the confined space definition. 38

  39. Electrical Safe Work Practices • Prime Contractor’s CSSP shall identify: • Training requirements for workers potentially exposed to electrical hazards • Electrical Lockout/Tagout Requirements • Arc Flash Protection for qualified & unqualified workers • Hazard Risk Category requirements • Shock protection • GFCI protection • Electrical outage requests • Energized Work requirements 39

  40. Energized Electrical Work Permits • Energized Electrical Work is work performed on live parts that are not placed in an electrically safe work condition (de-energized). • Prior to performing energized work, the contractor must obtain written authorization from SNL Project Manager. • If authorization is provided, the Contractor must complete Energized Work Permit that meets all requirements identified in NFPA 70E. 40

  41. Steel Erection Work • Steel erection work is any steel erection activity that occurs with the construction, alteration, or repair of single and multiple-story buildings, bridges, and other structures. • Any employee engaged in steel erection activities who is on a walking working surface with an unprotected side or edge more than 6 feet above a lower level shall be protected from fall hazards. 41

  42. Fall Protection • Control methods used to protect employees from fall hazards: may include administrative controls, personal protective equipment (PPE), and others as necessary for fall-restraint or fall-arrest. • CSSP shall identify administrative controls and/or fall protection methods to be used for all work within 15 feet (roofers – 6 feet) of an unprotected side or edge that is more than 6 feet above a lower level for all construction trades except roofers • Anchor points to be connected by drilling, welding, attaching to SNL structures/buildings utilized for fall protection purposes must be reported to the SDR/CO for SNL approval prior to installation and use. 42

  43. Our ES&H Questions • What training is required for Prime Contractor employees, Subcontractors, and Suppliers prior to obtaining SNL badge? • Who should be notified prior to entering a confined space? • Who should be notified of an event that could adversely impact workers, the public, the environment or property? • Who authorizes electrical energized work? • Is an excavation permit required to blade previously undisturbed soil? • Is a penetration permit required to chip small sections of underground concrete duct banks? • If a contract employee receives a shock, what should you do? 43

  44. Answers to Our ES&H Questions • 10-hour OSHA, 01065 Spec, and CSSP • Call the SNL Incident Commander at 844-4189 prior to entry • Notify the SNL Project Manager, SDR, or SCO • SNL Project Manager and Contractor • Yes - any scraping, blading, or excavation of undisturbed soil requires an excavation permit – obtain from your Construction Observer • Yes - Penetration Permit is required prior to performing any operation that would result in chipping away concrete from an underground concrete encased duct bank. • Accompany person receiving shock to SNL Medical for immediate medical attention (map on slide 18). 44

  45. Answers to Your ES&H Questions Please contact the SNL Project Manager, SCR, SDR, SCO (Inspector), or Facilities Environment, Safety and Health Support Team to address questions regarding ES&H requirements identified in the 01065 ES&H Specification or other contract documents. Documented questions can be submitted through the Request for Information (RFI) Process. Submit RFIs to the SNL Project Manager. 45

  46. Optional Tools • The following optional tools are available to you and your company which you may be interested in using. • These tools are also posted on the external web for download at: http://www.sandia.gov/bus-ops/scm/facilities/FacilitiesManagementIndex.html 46

  47. Construction Rigor Levels~ Screening Criteria Tool ~ Contractors will ensure that work is conducted by qualified and trained workers. When applicable, activities will be conducted by workers who are: certified, registered or otherwise documented as qualified by their trade/profession, or are licensed to perform that activity by the appropriate government organization. Job Safety Hazard Evaluations or Activity Hazard Analysis and permits such as confined space and radiological work further address Sandia-specific qualifications and training is required for high rigor activities. Work control is built into numerous FMOC processes. For example: CSSP review, pre-job and other scheduled meetings, building permits, additional permits such as hot work and cutting welding and brazing, and code and safety inspection by FMOC staff. Feed back on FMOC construction activities is provided to contractors by several means such as immediate, on scene feedback by inspectors, quarterly meetings and the monthly newsletter. 47

  48. Rigor Levels 48

  49. Rigor Levels (continued) 49

  50. Rigor Levels (continued) 50

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