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Rosebud Sioux Tribe Green Re-entry Organic Garden 2011

Rosebud Sioux Tribe Green Re-entry Organic Garden 2011. By Claude Two Elk, Project Manager. Green Re-Entry Organic Garden 2011. Barriers that we overcame Lack of Partnership with Sinte Gleska University to get Knowledge about Organic Farming. Solution

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Rosebud Sioux Tribe Green Re-entry Organic Garden 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rosebud Sioux Tribe Green Re-entry Organic Garden 2011 By Claude Two Elk, Project Manager

  2. Green Re-Entry Organic Garden 2011 • Barriers that we overcame • Lack of Partnership with Sinte Gleska University to get Knowledge about Organic Farming. • Solution • We worked a student intern, Emily Wynne, from Humbolt State University. She provided the technical expertise.

  3. Green Re-Entry Organic Garden 2011 • Barriers that we overcame • Needed a Fence to keep out the many Deer, Cattle and Turkeys in the area. • Solution • We built a low cost fence made out of shipping pallets which kept the local animals out of the Garden.

  4. Green Re-Entry Organic Garden 2011 • Barriers that we overcame • Lack of Outdoor Water Spigots. • Solution • We connected fitting to the Fire Main to get Water to the Garden. Also, the Garden was planted in a Natural Drainage Area to assure access to Natural Water.

  5. Green Re-Entry Organic Garden 2011

  6. Organic Gardening Topics Covered • Topics included: soil ecology, fertility, and conservation; nutrient recycling and composting; water conservation natural pest control; plant biology and propagation; plant husbandry; feed and seed harvesting and preservation, and a demonstration garden.

  7. Youth Named the Green Re-entry group , “Ina Maka Nikiyapi Okolakiciye” (Help Mother Earth Live Society), and made their own rules: 1) show respect 2) pay attention 3) no foul language 4) help others 5) stay on task.

  8. Supplies Purchased for Garden From Rosebud Building Supply, we purchased gardening tools, and equipment, totaling $1,828.89. Also a tiller from Rosebud Building Supply was purchased for $789.99, to help with our hard soil of mixed black dirt and “gumbo”.

  9. What was planted and Harvested Planted was okra, tomatoes, squash, onions, water melons, jalapenos, bell peppers, keel, corn (decorative), beets (did not grow), pumpkins, cantaloupe, rosemary-dill-herbs, cucumbers, carrots, red potatoes.

  10. Questions? Comments?

  11. Closing Thought Quote about Gardening , Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration.  ~Lou Erickson

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