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Arteriotomy Closure Devices: Market Characterization

Arteriotomy closure devices are used for carrying out hemostasis after the completion of a Percutaneous Intervention (PCI).

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Arteriotomy Closure Devices: Market Characterization

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  1. Arteriotomy Closure Devices: Market Characterization

  2. Arteriotomy closure devices are used for carrying out hemostasis after the completion of a Percutaneous Intervention (PCI). It is used as an alternative to manual or mechanical compression. Manual or mechanical compression is applied for 15-30 minutes, and is typically combined with an extended bed-rest of three to six hours. However, manual compression techniques often cause patient discomfort, especially for the elderly and for patients with pre-existing back and hip pain. In addition to the associated patient discomfort, compression techniques are time and resource intensive. Arteriotomy closure devices on the other hand shorten procedure times, allow patients to ambulate earlier, minimize bleeding and reduce costs. The first arteriotomy closure device, Femostop was introduced in 1992 by RADI Medical Systems AB. The device enabled accurate application of mechanical pressure over the arteriotomy. The global arteriotomy closure device market was valued at $568.9m in 2009 having grown at a CAGR of 5% from 2002. The launch of new and safer products such as StarClose by Abbott Vascular Devices and EVS-Angiolink by Medtronic during this period has led to significantly greater adoption by interventional cardiologists. This analysis was taken from a research paper published by GlobalData, to download the full Research Paper for free, click below: http://www.researchviews.com/healthcare/medical/cardiovasculardevices/Viewpoints.aspx?sector=Cardiovascular%20Devices&DocID=10538 Access the latest Cardiovascular Devices analysis for free at http://www.researchviews.com

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