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Research Methods in Sanitary Microbiology

Acquire knowledge and skills in sanitary and bacteriological research of water, soil, air, foodstuff, and dining rooms. Practical exercises, equipment demonstrations, and technology integration included.

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Research Methods in Sanitary Microbiology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Topic: Sanitary microbiology. Sanitary and bacteriological research of water, soil and air, 2 days. 1 day of sanitary and microbiological research of foodstuff and dining rooms. 

  2. A place of carrying out of practice, equipment. • - Dept. of Microbiology -to conduct practical exercises: a set of dyes used in staining bacteria -microscopes, pipettes, test tubes, spirit lamps, slides, tripods. culture of microbes grown on nutrient medium,-gun new information technology, equipment demonstrations, slides, videos. • -TCB: Projector, slide, television, video.

  3. Duration of employment • - 4 hours (class periods) 180 minutes

  4. The employment purpose • - acquaintance with sanitary and microbiological methods of research of the soil. • - acquaintance with soil investigation phases. • - acquaintance with coli titer and a perfringens titer. • - acquaintance with biological values of microflora of the soil. • - to give an assessment of a sanitary condition of the soil.

  5. Task of teaching • To give a conception of sanitary and microbiological methods of research of the soil, • soil investigation phases, biological values of microflora of the soil to assess a sanitary condition of the soil.

  6. Tasks • Student should know: • - methods of sanitary and microbiological research of the soil. • - soil investigation phases. • - calculation prick - a caption and a perfringens-caption. • - biological value of microflora of the soil. • - to give an assessment of a sanitary condition of the soil.

  7. Tasks • The student should make: • 1 . Has to be able to use methods of sanitary and microbiological research of the soil. • 2 . Has to be able to carry out stages on soil research. • 3 . Has to be able to calculate if - a caption and a perfringens-caption. • 4 . Has to know biological value of microflora of the soil. • 5 . Has to be able to give an assessment of a sanitary condition of the soil. • 6 . Has to be able to use Barson's table. • 7 . Has to be able to oversow from Endo's circle on Kessler's circle. • 8 . Has to be able to oversow since Wednesday on a nutrient medium in the presence of dregs and gas.

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