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Effective Utilization of By-product Oxygen of Electrolysis Hydrogen Production

Effective Utilization of By-product Oxygen of Electrolysis Hydrogen Production. International Energy Workshop 2003 23 – 25 June. 2003 at IIASA. T. Kato, M. Kubota, N. Kobayashi, Y. Suzuoki Nagoya University, Furo-cho Chikusa-ku Nagoya, 464-8603,  Japan. Fossil Fuel. Electricity. Heat.

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Effective Utilization of By-product Oxygen of Electrolysis Hydrogen Production

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  1. Effective Utilization ofBy-product OxygenofElectrolysis Hydrogen Production International Energy Workshop 2003 23 – 25 June. 2003 at IIASA T. Kato, M. Kubota, N. Kobayashi, Y. SuzuokiNagoya University, Furo-cho Chikusa-ku Nagoya, 464-8603,  Japan

  2. Fossil Fuel Electricity Heat Wind, Solar Biomass, MSW Transportation Fuel Nuclear Industrial Material HydrogenEnergy Carrier in Future Energy System Hydrogen Storage

  3. SOLAR or WIND ELECTROLYTIC HYDROGEN Hydrogen Supply Near Term Long Term source: Joan M. Ogden, “Developing an infrastructure for hydrogen vehicles: a Southern California case Study, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.24 (1999) pp.709-730

  4. Energy System with Hydrogen Hydro power Nuclear power Wind power FCV Gas engine CGS Micro gas turbine City Area electricity electricity Photovoltaic power electricity water electrolysis household PEFC mCGS hydrogen storage City Center Chemical Industry DHC electricity PEFC CGS nuclear other power plant hospital etc. oil PEFC mCGS natural gas city gas

  5. Hydrogen Production Technologies • Investment cost and O&M cost =>from original literatures • Feedstock costNatural gas:0.3 $/GJ,Biomass:0.39 $/GJ, Electricity: 0.053 $/kWh

  6. Anode : 2 H2O ---> O2 + 4 H+ + 4 e- Cathode : 4 H+ + 4 e- ---> 2H2 Global reaction : 2 H2O ---> 2 H2 + O2 4e- Cathode Anode O2 4 H+ 2H2 2H2O electrolyzer Effective Utilization of By-product Oxygen Creating New Function of Water Electrolysis • Cost Reduction in Water Electrolysis • Enhancement of Renewables (Wind, PV)

  7. Effective Utilization of By-product Oxygen Hydro power Nuclear power Wind power FCV oxygen storage O2 Fossil Fuel pure oxygen blown boiler steam turbine CO2 capture Electric Furnace oxygen blown power plant Glass Melting Gas engine CGS Micro gas turbine City Area electricity electricity Photovoltaic power electricity household water electrolysis PEFC mCGS hydrogen storage H2 City Center Chemical Industry DHC electricity PEFC CGS nuclear other power plant hospital etc. oil PEFC mCGS natural gas city gas

  8. This Presentation • Oxygen production technologies • Oxygen demand and energy saving potential by oxygen utilization • Balance between oxygen demand and by-product oxygen supply of water electrolysis hydrogen production

  9. Oxygen Production Technologies

  10. Equivalent Efficiency Improvementby Utilization of By-product Oxygen Water Electrolysis (efficiency = 71 %) Input : electricity 5,000 kWh Output : hydrogen 1,000 Nm3, oxygen 500 Nm3 Full utilization of by-product oxygen => Reduction of 250 kWh on Cryogenic Air Separation (0.5 kWh/Nm3-O2) => Apparent performance of water electrolysis Input : electricity 4,750 kWh Efficiency : 76 %

  11. Oxygen Demand in Japan

  12. Potential of Additional Oxygen Demand • Electric Furnace • Glass Melting • Gasification • Biomass, MSW, Coal, etc. • Electric Power Generation • Oxygen-blown Combustion • Others

  13. Electric Arc Furnace Scrap Electric Arc Oxygen + Fuel (temperature rise) Oxygen (Deoxidation) Steel

  14. Electric Furnace: ECOARC (NKK, Japan) ECOARC (NKK, Japan) source: http://www.jfe-holdings.co.jp/archives/nkk_360/No.45/45n1.html (in Japanese)

  15. Electric Arc Furnace in Japan • Annual Production: 29 x 106 ton/yr in 2002 • When all existing electric arc furnaces are replaced with newly developed technology, • primary energy reduction : 62,849 TJ/yr • additional oxygen demand : 346 x 106 Nm3/yr (total oxygen demand : 1,300 x 106 Nm3/yr)

  16. Burner Port Melting glass Flame Regenerator Doghouse Flame Blower Oxy-fuel burner Melting glass Chimney Damper Glass Melting Conventional Air-blown Glass Melting Furnace Oxygen-blown Glass Melting Furnace • smaller size • higher efficiency • lower emissions • larger investment cost

  17. Comparison between Air-blown Combustion and Oxygen-blown Combustionin Glass Melting Process Energy Consumption NOx Emission CO2 Emission Oxygen requirement = 0.3 Nm3/kg-glass Energy reduction = 16 MJ/Nm3-O2

  18. Glass Melting in Japan • Oxygen-blown furnace is not introduced except electric glass production because of higher investment cost. • Annual production of sheet glass, glass fiber wool products, glass fiber textiles, glass foundations and glass containers was totally4.4 x 106 t/yr in the last 3 years. • When oxygen-blown furnace is introduced • primary energy reduction : 20,951 TJ/yr • additional oxygen demand : 1,313 x 106 Nm3/yr

  19. Cumulative Capacity of Commercial Gasification Projects in the World

  20. Example of Oxygen Requirement in Gasification Process Api Energia IGCC (Italy) • Plant size: • 59 t/h of feed • 130 t/h of syngas • 127 t/h of Nitrogen • 62 t/h of Oxygen • GT: 190 MW • ST: 100 MW • HRSG: 280 t/h • Aux Boiler: 140 t/h • Export steam to refinery: 65 t/h John L. Spence, “api ENERGIA IGCC Plant Status”, 2000 Gasification Technologies Conference (2000)

  21. Oxygen Combustion Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant CH4 : 902 MW (16.4 kg/s) Efficiency : 44 % (HHV) Input : CH4 902 MW Output : Electricity 400 MW GT 191 MW ST 213 MW Aux - 4 MW 1320oC 1.6MPa 191 MW O2 72.1kg/s GT 806oC 0.1MPa 593oC 15MPa recycled exhaust (85%) STH STL 120oC 213 MW exhaust component CO2 = 31.2 % H2O = 62.3 % O2 = 6.4 % wasted exhaust (15%) h=75%

  22. Hydrogen of 4,250 106 Nm3/yr is supplied by water electrolysis By-product oxygen 2,125 106 Nm3/yr Future Hydrogen Demand for Vehicles • Japan (governmental target value(1)) • California (estimated value(2)) 630 x 106 Nm3/yr in 2020 for 350,000 passengers cars, 150,000 light trucks and 330 buses source: (1) WE-NE Phase II task I, “Investigation and Study for System Evaluation”, annual report on FY2002 (2003) (2) Joan M. Ogden, “Developing an infrastructure for hydrogen vehicles: a Southern California case Study, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.24 (1999) pp.709-730

  23. Potential of By-product Oxygen Consumption

  24. Oxygen Price for Medical Use

  25. Conclusions • In industrial processes and power plants, potential demand of oxygen is large enough to consume by-product oxygen of water electrolysis hydrogen production. • When by-product oxygen is fully utilized in industrial processes, process energy efficiency would be improved remarkably. • Oxygen-blown power plant would be economical option for capturing CO2 emission relative to conventional NGCC with CO2 capture process.

  26. Future Works • Taking into account limitations in the real world • Available renewable energy for water electrolysis • Storage and transportation of oxygen and hydrogen • Economic assessment • Oxygen-blown power plant with CO2 capture

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