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Explore different perspectives and interpretations of nationalism through historical events, iconic images, and the impacts of industrialization and social ideologies. Delve into the complexities and controversies surrounding nationalism and its effects on societies.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nationalism?

  2. What inspires nationalism? • Tragedy -Triumph

  3. How do you interpret this one? • Does this image inspire nationalism?

  4. Nationalism • Are there different perspectives on nationalism? • Is it a feeling? • Can individuals interpret the same images in different ways? • Let’s explore a little further….

  5. Remember this picture?

  6. How does it relate to these pictures?

  7. When "The Star-Spangled Banner" played, Tommie Smith and John Carlos delivered the salute with heads bowed, a gesture which became front page news around the world. As they left the podium they were booed by the crowd. Smith later said "If I win, I am American, not a black American. But if I did something bad, then they would say I am a Negro. We are black and we are proud of being black. Black America will understand what we did tonight.” 1968 Add some perspective…

  8. this? How so?

  9. Taking NATIONALISM too far. • Xenophobia (n) is defined as the "hatred or fear of foreigners” (or strangers or of their politics or culture“).

  10. Nationalism: • the interests of a specific country are of primary importance. • shared common language, history, and culture should constitute an independent nation, free of foreign domination…

  11. Nationalistic Movements: • Bismarck (PRIME MINISTER) • Believed in “Realpolitik” or power over principle • Lead a confederation of states (small German countries-unified Germany)

  12. Italy • unification leaders: Giuseppe Garibaldi &Camillo di Cavour. • * Before unification: Italy ruled by Austria, Spain & Papal states (or simply the church). Giuseppe Garibaldi Camillo di Cavour

  13. The unification of Italy and of Germany resulted in upsetting the balance of power in Europe Why are balances of power important again?

  14. Industrialization(click on me) • Industrial Revolution- (1750-1850) machine production increased output. • Machine goods=more=cheaper=more workers

  15. Industrial Revolution • Began in Great Britain • G.B. had LAND, LABOR & CAPITAL (necessary resources) to start mass industry • Created large cities, full of workers

  16. Outcomes of the I.R. • Mass industry needs workers • Workers into cities from outskirts (rural to urban)=URBANIZATION • ***Harsh working conditions of I.R. led to…. • LABOR UNIONS • http://money.howstuffworks.com/labor-union5.htm

  17. Industrialization spreads & Changes KARL MARX • Communism- • Socialism- • Mercantilism- • Capitalism- • Q#1 What are the differences between the above terms…. • Q#2 Which do you prefer and why? • Q#3 Read The Marxian Socialist quote on the right under the picture. Do you agree or not? Explain!!!! "The average worker can never obtain more than a minimum level of living. The worker is deprived of the wealth he himself has created. The state is simply a committee of the bourgeoisie for the exploitation of the people.“ MARXIAN SOCIALIST

  18. Industrialization spreads & Changes (RSG 243) KARL MARX • Communism- all means of production are owned in common, rather than by individuals • Socialism- major industries are owned by society rather than individuals • Mercantilism- exporting more than importing • Capitalism- people invest $$$ to make a profit! "The average worker can never obtain more than a minimum level of living. The worker is deprived of the wealth he himself has created. The state is simply a committee of the bourgeoisie for the exploitation of the people.“ MARXIAN SOCIALIST

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