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Differentiation. Please sit at a table labeled with your chapter number. Five participants at a table. Each person in the table group will have read the SAME chapter: This is your “chapter group.”. Differentiation ~How to Manage~. Math/Science Leadership Academy June 16, 2009
Differentiation • Please sit at a table labeled with your chapter number. • Five participants at a table. • Each person in the table group will have read the SAME chapter: This is your “chapter group.”
Differentiation~How to Manage~ Math/Science Leadership Academy June 16, 2009 Denver Public Schools
Connecting with Prior Learning • Kaplan’s model (1986) on process, product, and content • Tomlinson (2001, 2008) on how to differentiate instruction • Murray & Jorgensen (2007) on differentiated math classroom • Gregory & Chapman (2007) on …one size doesn’t fit all in differentiation
What Is Differentiation? “Differentiated instruction is more than a series of strategies. It is a way of thinking about learning and teaching that is both complex and necessary for all students to be successful.”
Focus for Session • How do we successfully manage the challenges of differentiated instruction? • What does research tell us about effective instructional strategies? • Where are we now in implementing differentiated instruction?
Self-Reflection Survey • Using the Implementation Profile, circle where you are on the continuum of differentiated instruction. • Select one from each of the six elements.
All Means ALL http://www.teachertube.com/members/viewVideo.php?video_id=59533&title=If_the_world_were_a_village_of_100_people
Reflection • Take a moment individually to note Who is the all in the familiar refrain “all means ALL”? What does it mean for my work?
Bridging Our Work • Last summer, we viewed the promise of differentiation… • This year, we target the performance of differentiation.
Chapman & King (2008) • Differentiated Learning Environment • Differentiated Models • Grouping Strategies • Instructional Strategies • Differentiated Assessment • Plans for Differentiated Instruction
Creating a Concept Map • Please take 5 minutes to review your assigned chapter. • Share key ideas/concepts from the chapter. • Create a concept map of your chapter based on responses to the essential question.
Essential Question From your reading of the chapter: What are the key concepts that you think other cadre members need to know?
Learning from Leaders • Move to the poster you created. • Create a “book group” so each chapter is represented. • Use the question prompt as you tour the concept map posters. • Please spend 5 minutes at each poster.
Discussion Prompt As you view the chapter concept maps, consider: How is your understanding of the management of differentiation impacted by each concept map?
Morning Break • When you return from your morning break, please sit at tables with others from your grade band: • PreK–5 • 6–8 • 9–12
Instructional Strategies • What instructional strategies were modeled in the video? For what purpose? • How might you use one or more of the strategies in your practice?
Connect to the Core • Considering The Denver Plan’s commitment to our core programs, how will you manage or facilitate instructional strategies to differentiate the process and product of the content? • Remember the goal for ALL students to be successful.
Chapman & King (2008) • With your book, dig deeper into the other five chapters. • Using your graphic organizer, for each chapter, note a significant learning for you and your work.
Leadership Role • What will you commit to doing next year to ensure that all students receive differentiated instruction in mathematics and/or science? • On the reverse of your paper, outline your action plan as a math/science leader.
Commitment • Stand up and make eye contact with someone from another table. • Share your commitment: As a math/science leader, I commit to _____________ next year to ensure that all students receive differentiated instruction in mathematics and/or science.
Summary • Look back to the self-reflection survey you completed this morning. • What new learning or thinking did you receive today that supports your leadership role in managing differentiated instruction in science and/or mathematics? • Write a few reflection sentences in your notebook.
Transparent Facilitation Strategy Purpose
Lunch Break • When you return from lunch, you will select from five different breakouts. • Four of these topics are based on research that supports struggling learners. • A fifth session focuses on working with other adults. • Descriptions of these five breakouts are found on the back of your agenda.
Differentiated Breakouts • First rotation from 12:30–1:30 p.m. • Second rotation from 1:45–2:45 p.m. • Check the back of your agenda for a description of these breakouts. • Please go directly to your first breakout following your lunch break.