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Partnerships in Energy Efficiency for ICT Products

Partnerships in Energy Efficiency for ICT Products. July 5, 2007 Qingdao, China Jeanette Tom, ITI. ITI Represents the Leading Global Providers of ICT Products and Services. Accenture Agilent Technologies AMD Apple Computer Applied Materials Canon USA Cisco Systems Computer Associates

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Partnerships in Energy Efficiency for ICT Products

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Partnerships in Energy Efficiency for ICT Products July 5, 2007 Qingdao, China Jeanette Tom, ITI

  2. ITI Represents the Leading Global Providers of ICT Products and Services Accenture Agilent Technologies AMD Apple Computer Applied Materials Canon USA Cisco Systems Computer Associates Corning Dell Computer Eastman Kodak eBay EMC Epson Hewlett-Packard Honeywell IBM Intel Intuit Lenovo Lexmark Micron Microsoft Monster National Semiconductor NCR NetApp Oracle Panasonic Qualcomm RIM SAP Sony Electronics Sun Microsystems Symbol Technologies Tektronix Texas Instruments Time Warner Unisys Verisign Vonage

  3. ICT’s Contributions to the Global Economy and Energy Efficiency • Creating new opportunities for the entire economy (e.g. electronic commerce) • Changing practices (e.g., telecommuting, videoconferencing) • Reducing environmental impact (e.g., U.S. Defense Department study reducing warehouses from 286 to 19)

  4. ITI and Energy Efficiency • Example: ENERGY STAR™ • Case Studies in Collaboration • Net Benefits of Collaboration

  5. ITI and ENERGY STAR • In 1992, ITI worked with US/EPA as a partner to develop ENERGY STAR specifications for computers and printers. • ITI helped convince Europe to join ENERGY STAR. • ITI is continuing to engage on specification development for existing and new product classifications.

  6. Case Studies in Collaboration • Setting realistic, technically feasible goals for industry and government that allow manufacturers to continue to innovate and meet customer expectations. • Defining products and specifications. • Intersection of standards and voluntary activities. • Harmonization expands markets and increases competition. • Company Examples

  7. Net Benefits of Collaboration • Consultation between industry and government throughout the process. • System-wide approach to development of specifications. • Review of products and practices.

  8. Thank You Jeanette Tom jtom@itic.org +1 (202) 626-5733 www.itic.org

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