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Test your language skills by separating contractions and learning new vocabulary words in this interactive quiz game.
Final Jeopardy Separating Contractions
Final Jeopardy He had OR He would The contraction “he’d” can be separated into which two words?
$200 Advocacy Support of an idea or cause
$400 Alacrity A cheerful response
$600 Beguile To trick, to mislead and to persuade with charm
$800 Castigate To punish; to criticize or make fun of in a very serious manner
$1000 Entreaty A plea or request
$200 desolate Many consider the desert to be a __________ place. Not many people live there.
$400 affinity I have an __________ for chocolate ice cream and will try to eat it as often as possible.
$600 enmesh The spiders goal was to __________ as many flies as possible within its web.
$800 agile Many consider the Olympic athlete to be very __________ and should have little difficulty winning the track and field event.
$1000 alacrity As the students walked into the classroom they were greeted with great __________ from the teacher. She was friendly and had a big smile on her face.
$200 Discern Differentiate, recognize as distinct or different
$400 Beguile Deceive, cheat, con, dupe, delude
$600 Alacrity Good-natured, friendly, sociable, cheerful, pleasant
$800 Enmesh Embroil, implicate, incriminate, snare, snarl, tangle
$1000 Bestow Grant, give, present, award, endow
$200 bestial The boy who was raised by wolves displayed __________ behavior; he was very tough and violent.
$400 candid When the actress was questioned about her co-star, she held nothing back and gave a very __________ response.
$600 discern When the twins wear the exact same outfit, it is difficult to __________ who is who.
$800 facile While the adults found the video game complicated, the teenagers thought it was __________ and easily played.
$1000 entreaty Although I felt bad he had to beg to survive, I rejected the homeless man’s __________ for money.
$200 True Many agile people become gymnasts or dancers.
$400 True It is a comfort to grieving families when medals of honor are bestowed on their loved ones.
$600 False Desolate areas are populated by many people.
$800 True In the play Othello, Iago is a beguiling character.
$1000 False A pessimist would always whole-heartedly and positively advocate for looking on the bright side of life.
$200 advocacy Animal rights __________ groups fight against the abuse of all animals.
$400 beguile The car salesman tried to __________the customer with an offer of free gas for a year.
$600 bestow The king will __________ a title and land to the knight that could rescue the princess.
$800 castigate My mother was a cruel woman who never missed an opportunity to __________ my father.
$1000 consecrate The monks will __________ consecrate the temple as a house of worship.
$400 Assure Promise
$800 Evident Very clear or understood
$1200 Conspicuous Very easy to notice
$1600 Genuine Truly or sincerely
$2000 Tone A way of speaking that shows a certain feeling
$400 Principle A basic truth or belief
$800 Recommend To suggest a certain action
$1200 Reinforce To make something stronger
$1600 Image How a person appears to other people
$2000 Fiction An invented story
$400 Rebel To act out against someone who has power
$800 Impress To make someone admire something
$1200 Pressure A force or stressful demand
$1600 Authority Someone who knows a lot about something