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Homeric Epics and The Trojan War. Lecturer: Dr. Wu Shiyu Email: shiyuw@sjtu.edu.cn Website : http://sla.sjtu.edu.cn/bbs. Timeline of Ancient Greece. Homeric Age Age of Myths. Minoan civilization(2000-1200BC).
Homeric Epics and The Trojan War Lecturer: Dr. Wu Shiyu Email: shiyuw@sjtu.edu.cn Website:http://sla.sjtu.edu.cn/bbs
Timeline of Ancient Greece Homeric Age Age of Myths Minoan civilization(2000-1200BC) Mycenacan civilization(1500-1200BC) The Dark Age (1150-700BC) Greek Archaic Age(700-600BC) (Renaissance) Greek Golden Age(600-400BC (Golden Age)
古希腊的神话和艺术是人类童年时代的美丽的诗,具有永久性的魅力。 ---------马克思 这是一个毫无掩饰的时代。人类的文明尚未筑起羞耻之墙。几乎所的神祗都是要哭就哭,要笑就笑,一切都是那么率真,七情六欲袒露无遗。
大学四年,慌什么?毛什么?急什么?慢下来,静下来,开开心心读点书!大学四年,慌什么?毛什么?急什么?慢下来,静下来,开开心心读点书! • -------甘阳
一部杰作已经成立,便会永存不朽。第一位诗人成功了,也就达到了成功的顶峰。你跟随着他攀登而上,即便达到了同样的高度,也绝不会比他更高。哦,你的名字就叫但丁好了,而他的名字却叫荷马。一部杰作已经成立,便会永存不朽。第一位诗人成功了,也就达到了成功的顶峰。你跟随着他攀登而上,即便达到了同样的高度,也绝不会比他更高。哦,你的名字就叫但丁好了,而他的名字却叫荷马。 • ------【法国】维克多 雨果
Homeric Epics • The Iliadand the Odyssey • The beginning of the Western literary tradition • Primary texts for educational purposes • The Bible of the Greeks • Information (values, moral framework, belief system of ancient Greek culture)
Why still important? • (1) Continue to speak to readers throughout the ages and throughout the changing cultures. • (2)Their extraordinary influence on later Western literature.
有关荷马的评价 古代社会的百科全书。 希腊民族的老师 希腊用以代指诗人 歌德承认这书让他每天都受教益。 雪莱认为荷马的功力胜过莎士比亚
Who is Homer? • Homer (The poet) • Bard,wandering • Preliterate culture • Storytelling, oral performance of poetry • Oral transmission, memorization • Stories of their heroes 8 th Century B.C.
古希腊时间表 Homeric Age Creation of Myths Minoan civilization(2000-1200BC) Mycenacan civilization(1500-1200BC) The Dark Age (1150-700BC) Greek Archaic Age(700-600BC) (Renaissance) Greek Golden Age(600-400BC (Golden Age)
荷马史诗 Homer的含义:hostage和blind Sing poetry, playing lire
What is an epic? • Long poem written in one poeticmeter • Dactylic hexameter • Long narrative poem • Theme: Gods, heroes, warfare, adventures
史诗的标准 • 何谓史诗:长篇叙事诗,以某个英雄角色为中心,讲述他的历险经历。
史诗的特征 • 开始于medias in res (into the middle of things) • 背景广阔,涉及众多国家、民族 • 来自缪斯的启迪 • 起于某个主题 • 反复使用Epithet(绰号) • 长的篇幅 • 有大段的演讲 • 神会干预人的行动 • 钟爱的角色承载了价值观
各个民族的《史诗》 《荷马史诗》 《吉尔伽美什》 《尼伯龙根之歌》 《贝奥武尔夫》 《罗兰之歌》 《熙得之歌》 《格萨尔王》 ……
Translations • 罗念生 • 陈中梅 • Robert Fagles
Basic information • Set in The Age of Heroes • Narrated legendary Trojan War • Focus on short period of time • Why? • The Iliad (nearly16,000 lines) • Book1 and 24 • The Odyssey (about 12,000 lines, adventure)
Trojan War: The Story Gaia, Zeus, Momos Zeus, Thetis (sea-nymph ) Prometheus’ warning human king, Peleus All gods pleased, Hera All gods invited Eris (discord) was stopped by Hermes
Golden Apple Eris (Discord) Peleus and Thetis All gods/goddess excluded Achille’s parents Throw down “To the Fairest” A golden apple Hera Athena Aphrodites
The Judgment of Paris Hera Athena Aphrodite Zeus Hera:Sovereignty, RW Paris a shepherd (prince of Troy) Athena: greatest warrior Aphrodite:Helen
The problem is that Helen is already the wife of another man, Menelaus.
Elopement of Paris and Helen Helen: Most beautiful Woman; Daughter of Zeus with Leda scores of suitors; Odysseus’ plan (Penelope); Suitors took an oath Tyndareus chose Menelaus (P&W) (Agamemnon) Paris went to Sparta Helen eloped with Paris
Paris’ Hubris violated sacred hospitality. sworn by Zeus, not abuse this hospitality committed Hubris
Gathering of Greek Forces Menelaus uphold their oath. Aged Nestor came (wisest) Ajax, Ajax the second Odysseus (madness, salt) Palamedes outwitted (son) plough's path Achilles did not come
Achilles’ Heel Die young battlefield, gain immortality poetry, Thetis make Achilles immortal (an infant), bathed in the River Styx, Calchas prophesied that Troy could not fall without his help
The Discovery of Achilles among the Daughters of Lycomedes (Skyros)
The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia The wind not blow up A rabbit killed by hunting dogs Calchas: The only way to appease Artemis was to sacrifice Iphigenia Iphigenia (lured) was put to death
Nine-years’ Besiege Nine long years, waging war Trojans, Greeks bound by honor Fortunes of battle went back and forth. And that is where the Iliad opens, the war already having gone on for nine years.
Iliad的故事(1) 向女神致敬后,故事从特洛伊战争快结束时开始。
The Rage of Achilles (subject of Iliad) starts off with death, as it will end with death. A terrible plague Quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon Achilles withdraws from the battle Greeks suffered
Book 1 • The first three words of Iliad: • Menin aeide, thea--- “wrath, sing, goddess” • “of Peleus’ son, Achilles.”
第一卷 歌唱吧,女神!歌唱裴琉斯之子阿基琉斯的愤怒—— 他的暴怒招致了这场凶险的灾祸,给阿开亚人带来了 受之不尽的苦难,将许多豪杰强健的魂魄 打入了哀地斯,而把他们的躯体,作为美食,扔给了 狗和兀鸟,从而实践了宙斯的意志, 从初时的一场争执开始,当事的双方是 阿特柔斯之子、民众的王者阿伽门农和卓越的阿基琉斯。
Book 1 • “Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus’ son Achilles • That anger sent the Greeks by the thousands to death, • Sending their souls down into the underworld, and left their bodies to be food for the dogs and vultures. For thus was the will of Zeus accomplished.”
他如此一番祈祷,福伊波斯·阿波罗听到了他的声音。 身背弯弓和带盖的箭壶,他从俄林波斯山巅 直奔而下,怒满胸膛,气冲冲地 一路疾行,箭枝在背上铿锵作响—— 他来了,像黑夜降临一般, 遥对着战船蹲下,放出一枝飞箭, 银弓发出的声响使人心惊胆战。 他先射骡子和迅跑的狗,然后, 放出一枝撕心裂肺的利箭,对着人群,射倒了他们; 焚尸的烈火熊熊燃烧,经久不灭。 一连九天,神的箭雨横扫着联军。
Book 1 阿波罗降下瘟疫 九天后召集会议 阿伽门农归还了Chryseis,但抢走了Briseis,阿克琉斯的女俘。 阿克琉斯拒绝再为希腊联军作战。
Why Achilles angry? • Greek fight for two things: honor and glory (fame) • Honor: tangible, physical, zero-sum game • Glory: people say about you • The more honors, the more glory (say about you) • Only kind of immortality available • Agamemnon dishonored Achilles, own eye, of Greek army • Greatest warrior; commander in chief • Shame culture: what others, say, perceive, think
Read book 1 of The Iliad, from the very beginning to its end.