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Explore the scientific projects, publications, international collaboration, and educational initiatives at I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics. Discover the latest developments in mathematical research and the impact on various scientific fields.
VIAM 2011 George Jaiani Director of the Institute Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics 2011 page 1 from 4
I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics At the I. Vekua Institute of Applied mathematics 6 scientific projects (grants) supported by ShotaRustaveli National Scientific Foundation have been carried out. Besides that, on the basis of contracts 36 researchers have been working over individual scientific projectsin the four scientific directions: Mathematical problems of the mechanics of continua and related problems of the analysis; Mathematical modelling and numerical mathematics; Discrete mathematics and theory of algorithms; Probability Theory and Statistics. The results of scientific research are presented in 64 works, among them 44 have been published in journals with impact factor, and 20 in reviewed scientific journals. Besides, two following monographs have been published: G. Jaiani, Cusped Shell-like Structures, Springer-Heidelberg-Dordrecht-London-New York, 2011 D. Natroshvili, Mathematical Problems of Thermo-Electro-Magneto-Elasticity, Lect. Notes of TICMI, v.12, 2011 7 scientific meetings have been organized by VIAM where 21 scientists from abroad took part. At the same time, the members of VIAM were participating in 28 scientific forums in Georgia and abroad. 6 PhD students of TSU and 2 students of GTU (Georgian Technical University) have been working over their PhD theses and 5 students of TSU – over their master’s degree under the guidance of scientists, working in VIAM. Two of them (one from TSU and the other from GTU) received their PhD degree in 2011. 2011 page 2 from 4
I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics Poland Great Britain Germany Portugal Spain Serbia Hungary Russia Turkey Japan France Slovakia New Zealand USA Czech Rep. Ukraine Austria Romania Azerbaijan Italy VIAM Pakistan Armenia Six international scientific journals are published by VIAM TSU. By means of exchange of the above six journals VIAM TSU annually receives more than 50 international scientific journals from abroad. International scientific cooperation of VIAM TSU Canada Israel 2011 page 3 from 4
I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics Since1998 according to the agreement regulating direct cultural and scientific cooperation between Rome University "La Sapienza" and Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University joint scientific research is carried out by Department of Mathematics “G. Castelnuovo” and I. Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics. In 2010-2011 468 under graduate students of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of TSU realized their laboratory tasks in three scientific laboratories of VIAM TSU. The Tbilisi international Centre of Mathematics and Informatics (TICMI) is functioning at VIAM. The scientific-organizational report of TICMI can be found in Bull TICMI, v. 15, 2011 (http://www.viam.science.tsu.ge/others/ticmi/blt/bulletin.htm). At the competition, announced by SRNSF 3 projects were financed in 2011:one projected in applied sciences (Leader: N. Khomasuridze), a project in “State Grants for Joint research activities with foreign scientists originated from Georgia” (Leaders T. Kutsia (Austria),T.Jangveladze (Georgia)), the joint grant within the framework of the bilateral agreement between CNR (Italy) and SRNSF (Georgia) (Georgian Team LeaderG. Jaiani). In addition a project submitted by the Institute for training abroad of young scientists was financed by SRNSF. 2011 page 4 from 4