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This presentation outlines the structure of the Biodiversity & Conservation (B&C) department, progress reports, challenges, and international obligations. It also highlights opportunities for sustainable economic growth and the conservation of biodiversity.
Outline of the Presentation • Biodiversity & Conservation (B &C) structure • Entity Links • B&C Strategy Map • Progress Report 2011/12 • Strategic plan 2016/17 • Challenges • Sona Implications and Opportunities • International obligations and Implementation
BRANCH BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION DIRECTORATE ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CHIEF DIRECTORATE BIODIVERSITY PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT CHIEF DIRECTORATE BIODIVERSITY ECONOMY AND SUSTAINABLE USE CHIEF DIRECTORATE PROTECTED AREAS SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CHIEF DIRECTORATE BIODIVERSITY SPECIALIST ADVISORY SERVICES DIRECTORATE Protected Areas Legislation, Compliance & Monitoring DIRECTORATE International Biodiversity Management DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Conservation DIRECTORATE Protected Areas Expansion Programme DIRECTORATE World Heritage management DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Risk Management DIRECTORATE Protected Areas Governance DIRECTORATE Transfrontier Conservation Areas DIRECTORATE Sustainable Land Management DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Economy DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Legislation - CITES DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Legislation- Bioprospecting DIRECTORATE Legislation Threatened or Protected Species DIRECTORATE Biodiversity Legislation Alien & Invasive Species SPECIALISTS
Entity links • Branch delivers its mandate with the support of three public entities: • SANBI • SANPARKS • iSimangaliso • Alignment of strategic plans between DEA and PE done on annual basis • Monitoring through quarterly reporting and bilateral engagements • A number of specific agreements on areas of work eg Scientific Authority,
BIODIVERSITY & CONSERVATION Strategy Map Promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources to contribute to economic growth and poverty alleviation) Purpose: Information Disemmination, Monitoring and reporting Cooperative Governance, Collaboration, Support & Capacity Building Advocacy and Awareness creation Stakeholders Fair And Equitable Benefit Sharing Sustainable Utilisation Conservation Biodiversity conserved, protected and threats mitigated Biological resources sustainably utilised and regulated Fair access and equitable sharing of benefits from biological resources promoted Internal Process Attract, Develop & Retain Appropriate Human Capital Learning & Growth Effective Budget & Risk Management Align Budgets to Strategic Objectives Finance
Challenges • Escalating environmental crime and related prevention expenses • Ongoing scourge associated with illegal killing of Rhinos • Securing Cooperation from the Asian Countries which are the primary market or end users of Rhino horns • Unsustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems • Mining in environmentally sensitive areas which provide critical ecosystem services such as water (wetlands)
SONA implications and Opportunities • New Growth path: Seed funding required to support sector contribution through ecotourism, agriculture (wildlife economy) and the green economy. Use the rehabilitation of ecosystems (wetlands) to create job opportunities whilst improving quality and quantity of water supply • Regional Infrastructure Development: the TFCA and Boundless Southern Africa programmes have potential to be incorporated into these large infrastructure programmes. Enhance the existing partnerships on the development of the Transfrontier Conservation Areas in order to tighten the fight against poachers and promote socio-economic development through private-public and community partnership.
SONA Implications and Opportunities (Cont) • Green Paper on Land Reform: potential impacts on land claims in protected areas, and the role of biodiversity stewardship programmes in land reform sites. Financial and technical resources required to roll out biodiversity related initiativesUse co-management agreement to benefit land claimants and communities through programmes such as People and Parks and Kids and Parks. • Mining: Resources (human, financial and technical) required to develop a comprehensive off set strategy to ensure that the growth of the mining sector is not at the expense of ecosystem services
International obligations and implementation • Convention on Biological Diversity • Preparations for COP 11 and Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety COP/MOP6 • Ratification of the Nagoya Protocol on ABS • World Heritage Convention • Celebrate 40th convention anniversary. The theme of anniversary is “World Heritage and Sustainable Development: The role of Local Communities” • Host a regional expert workshop on heritage conservation and mining developmental activities. • Host an International Meeting on World Heritage and Sustainable Development
International obligations and implementation • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species • COP16 preparations • Rhino and elephant management • RAMSAR Convention -COP 11 Preparations and participation - Develop management plans for identified Ramsar Sites • SADC Protocol on Wildlife and Law Enforcement -Enhance the role Transfrontier Conservation initiatives in combating environmental crime -Advance socio-economic development through Ecotourism development and infrastructure development in TFCAs (private-public-community partnerships). -Signing of the Treaty establishing the Greater Mapungubwe TFCA. -Development of management tools for TFCAs