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Efficient JROTC Logistics Management Guidelines

This document outlines procedures for JROTC logistics regarding procurement, transportation, lodging, meals, and property purchases. Guidelines for payment submission, GPC limits, check payment rules, and transportation contracts are detailed.

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Efficient JROTC Logistics Management Guidelines

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  2. JROTC LOGISTICS AGENDA • USACC FORM 112 (Dated 2015) Transportation, Lodging, Meals, Property Book Purchases (Mr. Ross.) • TRANSPORTATION (Commercial (GPC) Check, Contract • SERVICE RENDERD STATEMENT • PUBLICATIONS

  3. JROTC LOGISTICS PURCHASE REQUEST SUSPENSES • Submit request 30 days prior to the event for all check and credit card payments. • Check payments: Submit a final invoice/bill signed by the Bookkeeper or other school official, with a service rendered statement signed (by you) within 5 days of completion of the event. • GPC payments: Submit your signed service rendered statement immediately upon return.

  4. JROTC LOGISTICS REQUESTSDOCUMENTS • Payment via Brigade Government Purchase Card - Coordinate/verify with vendor - USAAC Form 112 (dated 2015 sign it.) • Payment via 4th Brigade Check - Invoice from vendor/school - USAAC Form 112

  5. JROTC LOGISTICS GPC LIMITS • Single Purchase Limit for supply items is $3,000. • Single Purchase Limit for services, i.e., rentals and repairs, is $2,500. • Any amount over the above stated limits require a contract.

  6. JROTC LOGISTICS • CHECK PAYMENT RULES • Form 112 must state if vendor will only accept payment by check. • For check payment, the vendor’s federal tax ID number MUST be included, the vendors address and phone number. • A completed W-9. “This does not apply to schools.”


  8. Dry Cleaning

  9. Transportation School Bus

  10. Transportation Commercial Bus

  11. Lodging

  12. Meals

  13. JROTC LOGISTICS FM 112 FOR HEATER MEALS Place your order online and submit with your 112



  16. JROTC LOGISTICS CONTRACTS General Rules • Service requires a contract if cost is greater than $2500 • Ensure vendors are registered on the “Approved Government Carriers List” located on the brigade website. • You cannot have any affiliation with any the vendor selected for services!!!

  17. JROTC LOGISTICS TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT REQUIRED DOCUMENTS • You must acquire three quotes, send request for proposal to at least three different vendors; make sure written response is received and included in your packet. You Must use the approved carriers list for all commercial transportation “located on the brigade website!” • Complete Form 112 for selected vendor “dated 2-15.” • Complete a Group Movement Form. • Complete an agenda.

  18. FORM 112 FOR CONTRACTED BUS Contracted Bus


  20. Publication Instructions for DA Form 12 1. Email me and I will forward you complete instructions for updating your account. You will complete and forward the form to the BDE Publications Coordinator, Sylvia Greene, sylvia.t.greene.civ@mail.mil, for signature in Blocks 13a, 13b, and 13c. 2. BDE Publications Coordinator will forward the form to CC PCO for authentication and signature in block 14, and then to DOL for processing. 3. Processing time is five (5-10) working days. DOL-W, MDD or the approving authority will notify you the account has been updated or established. If you are able to use the Point and Click System on the DOL site (it requires CAC access), allow 24 to 48 hours for your account to be reconciled in the DOL ordering system once you are notified of update.


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