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Reasons for success of RNTCP Training Methodology and how is it organized in state/district

Explore the success of RNTCP training methodology and how it is organized at the state and district levels. Discover the importance of training and the factors that contribute to its success.

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Reasons for success of RNTCP Training Methodology and how is it organized in state/district

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reasons for success of RNTCP Training Methodology and how is it organized in state/district Dr. L.S. Chauhan Deputy Director General (TB) Central TB Division Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi

  2. Contents • Importance of training in RNTCP • Training methodology • Reasons for success

  3. Goal for HRD in RNTCP • To reach and sustain a situation where staff at different levels of the health system have the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to successfully implement and sustain TB control activities. • Training is the core component of HRD

  4. Systematic Approach to Training Needs Assessment Development of training plan Evaluation Pilot-testing Implementation

  5. Balance Capability / Motivation Factors influencing Motivation: Factors affecting capability: Recognition, aptitude, career structure, seeing results, social respect, salary, working conditions, adequate work load. Appropriate training, adequate skills and competencies, re-training, updated knowledge Can do Will do

  6. Types of Training Activities • Induction Training • Update/Refresher Training • On the job Training • small performance problem addressed during supervisory visits • Retraining • Based on the category of staff trainings are undertaken at • National level • State level • District level

  7. RNTCP National level Training • Venue: NTI (Bangalore); LRS (New Delhi); TRC (Chennai) • RNTCP Modular Training • STOs, STDC staff and DTOs • Medical College faculty • RNTCP WHO Consultants • MOs from NGOs and professional medical associations • Master Trainers • EQA and Culture & DST Training • STDC Staff (Director, Microbiologist) • IRL Lab techs • TB-HIV • Master trainers • Staff of ART Centers • DOTS Plus • STOs, DTOs, STDC Director, Microbiologist • DOTS Plus site staff • RNTCP WHO Consultants • IEC Officers • State Accountants • Procurement and drug logistic management

  8. RNTCP State level Training • Venue: STDC • RNTCP Modular Training • MO-TCs;Urban TB Coordinators • Faculty Incharge of RNTCP in Medical Colleges • STS;STLs • DEOs • Statistical Assistants • EQA • DTOs; MO-TCs • TB-HIV • STOs • DTOs • MO-TCs • DOTS Plus • MO-TCs • MO-PHIs • District Accountants • Drug logistics mangement • State and district level drug store staff

  9. RNTCP District level Training • Venue: DTC • RNTCP Modular Training • MO-PHIs • LTs • TBHVs • Pharmacists • MPHS;MPWs • Anganwadi workers • DOT Providers • NGOs/PPs/Professional associations • Medical College • Residents;Interns • Paramedical staff • EQA • STLS; LTs • TB-HIV • MO-PHIs • STS; STLs • DOTS Plus • DOT Providers

  10. Knowledge Practice skills Learning by Reading Hearing Interaction Learning by ‘doing’ Training Methodology for RNTCP training • Modular reading • Discussions • Presentations • Role plays • Field visits • Problem solving exercises • On-the job training • supervised practice

  11. Training materials used in RNTCP • RNTCP Modules • Managing the RNTCP in your area - a training course • (Modules 1-9) • Training module for medical practitioners • Module for Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisors • Module for Senior Treatment Supervisors • Module for Laboratory Technicians • Module for MPWs and other DOT Providers • RNTCP at a glance • Technical and Operational Guidelines for Tuberculosis Control

  12. Training materials used in RNTCP ..2 • TB/HIV • Training Module for Counsellors on TB/HIV Coordination • Training Module for Medical Officers on TB/HIV • Training Module for STS and STLS on TB/HIV Coordination • Training Manuals for Intensified TB/HIV package • For Program Managers at State and District Level • For Medical Officers • For Pharmacists • For ICTC Counsellors • 10 point Counselling tool on TB • National Framework for Joint TB/HIV Collaborative Activities

  13. Training materials used in RNTCP ..2 • DOTS Plus • Training module for Medical Officers • Training Module for paramedical staff • EQA • RNTCP Laboratory Network Guidelines for Quality Assurance of Smear Microscopy • Drug Logistics • Standard Operating Procedures Manual for State Drug Stores • Standard Operating Procedures Manual for District Drug Stores • Finance and Procurement • Financial Management training module • Procurement Manual • NGO/PP • Revised Schemes for NGOs and Private Providers • Improving Interpersonal Communicationskills in RNTCP training • Supervision and Monitoring • Strategy Document for Supervision and Monitoring of RNTCP

  14. Norms for initial RNTCP training

  15. Norms for initial RNTCP training…..2

  16. Norms for initial RNTCP training…3

  17. Norms for training on EQA

  18. Norms for RNTCP training on TB/HIV

  19. Norms for initial RNTCP training for Medical College Staff

  20. Guidelines for initial RNTCP training for Medical College Staff…2

  21. Reasons for Success • Uniform and standardised modular training for all categories of staff • Sound training material for all categories of staff which is updated regularly • Regular update/refresher trainings • Ongoing assessment of skills and knowledge of the RNTCP staff during routine supervision • Training methodology • Interactive • Adequate use of Audio visual media • Field Visits • Problem solving exercises • Quality selection of Trainers

  22. Thank you

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